TCS Vanguard CV-21

Yes but in the end Cams will look better, because I can't texture....beside that he seams to be quite more professional then I am.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
Confed already has a TCS Vanguard -- the Concordia-class SuperCruiser that leaves Pegasus just before it's destroyed at the beginning of the WC movie.
If it's destroyed, I don't see why the name can't be re-used. Oh, wait, you meant Pegasus was destroyed, not the Vanguard, right?

Originally posted by gevatter Lars
...the most obvious are the upper and lower structures (bridge and crewquarters)...
Before reading this, I noticed the bridge looks like it's from the Midway-class carrier. Is that deliberate?
Before reading this, I noticed the bridge looks like it's from the Midway-class carrier. Is that deliberate?

Yes it is...well the original structure was to complicated and reminds me to much on and WW2 warship.
I have tried different other structurs from things like the TCS Victory has to something like the BlackLance carrier. They all looked somehow strange...then my cat found the WC:P handbock...well she throwed from my desk.
I thought that I would give it a chance and tried the Midway bridge design...and I liked it. Beside that it fits quite good with the rest of the new design..don't you think?

Oh something I haven't mentioned...I call it bridgestructur, but it isn't the place where I have thought to place the bridge. Its quite to vulnerable so the bridge is more inside the main structure. Something logical if you think about it..we have Kilrathi that are making suicide attacks against the Hangars and maybe also against the bridge of a ship. Also a good placed Torpedo could hit it and destroy the entire command center of a ship...and since carriers are mostly used to command a small fleet such a hit would destroy the entire command structure of such a fleet.
That is something not acceptable for me...special when I tried so much to make more resistance to other ships.
Originally posted by gevatter Lars
Oh something I haven't mentioned...I call it bridgestructur, but it isn't the place where I have thought to place the bridge. Its quite to vulnerable so the bridge is more inside the main structure.

I always thought that battles were organized from a carrier's CIC which are well protected from attack, and the bridges you see on carriers are mainly for navigation purposes. At least, that's what I get from reading Tom Clancy novels. :D
Well in WC I don't know where they have there command center, but even the navigation ist to importend to place it so vunreable.
Tolwyn clearly fights the Tiger's Claw from the bridge in WCA. The best example comes to mind in Chain of Command...
Well, I believe the common belief is that the bridge is where the action is but to my knowledge, the CIC is specifically for coordinating battle operations. So it would be logical to see them fight from the bridge in WCA, or in the games even, but realistically the CIC is where it's at. Hey it was in WC4! :D

I went into a US destroyer's CIC one time when it was docked here in my city and that was damn cool. Wonder what it would be like in action.
BTW can someone help answer this question?

What is the placement of the turrets on a Ranger-Class carrier? There are 11 turrets, 4 in the front top/bottom, 2 on the middle top, but where are the rest?
I think there are two turrets on the rear engine housing?

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That is such a pretty picture. Makes me wanna go fly off the Victory. Too bad my cd drive crashed and burned.:( Kids.:rolleyes:
At that particular angle, the opening to the hangar deck is a texture map, not an opening. At some point, as you get closer to directly in front of it, it becomes an opening. Probably had something to do with saving computer power to generate the image.
What the hell! I put the Tallahassee-Class cruiser up beside the Ranger-Class carrier to take a look at its scale and found that the hangar on the cruiser is so fricken puny it's a joke. It cant even fit a 32-metre long Excalibur fighter sideways!!

Man, working with scale sure sucks!
Originally posted by Cam
What the hell! I put the Tallahassee-Class cruiser up beside the Ranger-Class carrier to take a look at its scale and found that the hangar on the cruiser is so fricken puny it's a joke. It cant even fit a 32-metre long Excalibur fighter sideways!!

Man, working with scale sure sucks!
Where is the hanger on the Tallahasee's? I see some candidate structures near the bridge end of the cruiser, but I have no idea what each one is.

It's at the back, between the engines. Strange place to put it too since engine wash is going to blast the fighters/shuttles as they come close.
TCS Cerberus has the hangar underslung between both engine exhausts,
perhaps the fighters and shuttles hulls can resist engine wash, or perhaps it is harmless?
The Cerberus hangar bay is fricken puny too... I guess it's about the same size as a Tallahassee-Class one... maybe slightly bigger.
Well the engine wash is no problem when you are realy between the engines so you can't aproch from the side.
About the size...well its not quite big, but you can do it. I have done ist and its possible to land there...even with a strong engine wash