TCS Vanguard CV-21

Originally posted by Cam
ljuin: But what would explain why the Tiger's Claw weighs 80,000 tons while the Ranger-class ships weigh only 28,000? :)

because the ranger's have a big hole right down the middle of the ship, where as the tiger's claw doesn't. that hole serously cuts down mass, even though the vic is longer

but my personal theory (don't want to get into a debate, just throwing out my idea) is that they messed up the manual again.
The volume contained by the structure of the Ranger class is actually significantly smaller than that of the Bengal class... So it having 1/3 the mass is more than possible.
Originally posted by TC
The volume contained by the structure of the Ranger class is actually significantly smaller than that of the Bengal class... So it having 1/3 the mass is more than possible.

That may be true, but it's not really that relevant. Since they are fictional carriers, no one could really say that if it had 1/4 or 1/2 of the mass it would be "impossible". What-freaking-ever.

The "point" is that all those debates weather the mass/size/damage of ship X compared with ship Y would be "possible" are rather "pointless".

EDIT: That's IMHO.
Originally posted by Cam
gevatter Lars: Huh?

I have just mixed up your name with someone else and posted something to you that wasn't for you....
I wanted to delet my massage, but it didn't I just wrote deleted.

Beside that now something for you...would you release your models, so that other people, like me, can take a closer look at it?
I am just working an a redesigned Bengal Strike Carrier, but I am not so good in modeling then you I hope to learn from you.

If you are want to take a look at the ship here is what I have done so far.
(Everyone else close your eyes these aren't original models, just modified stuff)




And the Blackmane base...

Lars: Those rock! The Bengal-Class carrier doesn't look quite right but the Blackmane Base model you made looks like the one from the game! Good job! Are you going to texture that baby? :)
Originally posted by Maniac II
actually i think it looks pretty cool... but how is it modified from the original Bengal class carriers?

Well there are quite some changes...the most obvius is the upper and lower strucktures (Bridge and Crewquarters)
specail the bridge is quite different from the original Bengal class.
Also new is the Hangar section...its now longer, so more that more room is available inside the ship...the runway is shorter, because of the change above.
The back section and hangar section have additional armorplatings for better protection.
The turrets are completly new....the sidearmes are now AWACS equipment, where the sensible antennas can be pult inside so that in close combat they are better protected.
Something not visible on the pics is that I have add a second hangar at the back...under the engines. Yes I have learned from the Kilrathi ^___^
This Hangar is semi independent from the front Hangar...
Oh just forgot...the things on the nose no longer have a turret...I have placed the Capmissile luncher in these triangelthingks.

Originally posted by Cam
Lars: Those rock! The Bengal-Class carrier doesn't look quite right but the Blackmane Base model you made looks like the one from the game! Good job! Are you going to texture that baby?
Well what do you think dosn't look right? Maybe I can change some things...but remeber this should NOT be the original...its suppost do be different.
About the Base....well I can't texture so I am always in search for a texturer. If you like to do so I could send the model to you, but I must warn you its quite bad modeld....many unused polys and so...also I have tried to change the inside of the base, so its no longer a flythrough base, but it has Hangars inside and dockingpoints for smaller freighters and containers.
Well I was going to tell you that your Bengal didn't look like the usual Bengal but I guess you're not trying to do that. :)

The panels on your Begal's hull look oddly cut because they're in triangular sections in many places. They're not what we're used to seeing and look odd. Did you try a more square set of panels before?
Well no matter what anyone else says I like your design, it looks more stealthy I guess I dont know how to describe it, all I know is it looks cool!
Well I was going to tell you that your Bengal didn't look like the usual Bengal but I guess you're not trying to do that. :)
You are I said befor its a refit and so there are quite some changes

The panels on your Begal's hull look oddly cut because they're in triangular sections in many places. They're not what we're used to seeing and look odd. Did you try a more square set of panels before?
Yes I did and it looked I have tried triangular ones and it looked more intresting to me...and for the fiction...the triangle armor plating is because of the Kilrathi influence in the the second Fighterbay is and the stronger armament of the ship. Beside that its not the first time Confed tries to integrate/copy Kilrathi technoligie...the first technologie captured and used from the Kilrathi is the Torpedo...and we all know how importend it was to have this technologie.

At last someone with a good taste ^__^
Originally posted by gevatter Lars
...the first technologie captured and used from the Kilrathi is the Torpedo...and we all know how importend it was to have this technologie.
Actually, Confed developed Torpedoes before the Kilrathi. The following is from the WC2 Manual (pg 22):

Both Terran and Kilrathi capital ships now have phase shield technology that renders missles and fighter-scale guns useless. Terran scientists developed powerful torpedoes capable of penetrating the new shields; soon thereafter, spies leaked the new technology to the Kilrathi.
Originally posted by Aries
because the ranger's have a big hole right down the middle of the ship, where as the tiger's claw doesn't. that hole serously cuts down mass, even though the vic is longer

but my personal theory (don't want to get into a debate, just throwing out my idea) is that they messed up the manual again.

My point exactly. The Ranger class carrier has that big open hole through the center--lots of empty space inside. That is why it can be nearly as large as the Bengal yet be so much lighter.
Originally posted by gevatter Lars
Well in the Novels its nearly the oposite...the Terrans have developed the Phase shield, but the Kilrathi build the Torpedo.

Ok, this has been discussed before, but I'll mention it again. Shields and weapons get stronger in cycles. First the shields get stronger, then both sides develop stronger weapons in order to penetrate the shields, which provides the incentive to make an even more powerful new generation of shields.

In Action Stations, the war is just beginning. No fighter-mounted weapons were at the time able to penetrate the existing generation of phase shields, but the Kilrathi developed a new torpedo that could do so, which made possible their attack on MacAuliffe.

By WC1 times, fighter weapons had advanced to the point where regular missiles could penetrate the existing capship shields, which is why you could shoot down a Ralari with a Hornet or Scimitar.

In the years between WC1 and WC2, however, a new generation of phase shields had come into use. This time it was the Confederation that developed the new generation of torpedoes to defeat them first.

By WC3, fighter weapons had again advanced so that normal missiles and guns could damage capships, but by the time of WCP, Confed had once again created a new generation of phase shields impenetrable to normal fighter-mounted weapons.
Redesigned Bengal rox! Looks better than the original, and I really liked Tiger's Claw...
Great job, congratulations!:cool:
Thanks Ijuin for the Informations..I didn't know that. well at last we both where right...just at a different timeline.

For the new Bengal..I am still working on it. I hope to become much better and so there will be small developments over time...but that what I have for now.
Hope to get as good as Cam or the other person making this great WC shortmovie.