Starcraft 2 Released (July 27, 2010)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
The long-awaited Starcraft 2 was released last night to legions of eager PC gamers. With nearly 12 years since the original game and its expansion, SC fans have quite a bit of patience in common with their WC counterparts. We've heard a lot of comments that the new game feels like a Wing Commandergame, and that's no coincidence! The lead Blizzard designer has been quoted as saying "it's very Wing Commander" and that WC was among the dev team's favorite games. Previews have also been citing the similarities for years. The core RTS gameplay is different, but particularly the between-mission gameflow segments and generous video sequences are very familiar. There's even a map table to stand around! When's the first WC mod?

Original update published on July 27, 2010
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Now I'm starting a long and uneasy quest of finding a way to purchase an original (english) version of the game in this god forgotten country... ehhh why o why they even bothered to translate it to Polish... ehhh :(
I got the collector's edition on Amazon, preorder, and it arrived on the day of release. Now I just need a faster computer to run it. Maybe I missed a step somewhere.:D

If you've still got the option I suggest going with the collector's edition. It's got a nice hardcover book of concept art, the game's soundtrack, a behind the scenes\cutscene collection DVD, Issue #0 of the Starcraft comic, a reproduction of Raynor's dog tag (which doubles as a USB drive with Starcraft 1 and the Brood War expansion on it), and guest passes for WOW and Starcraft 2.

I really want to get playing the game, but that's probably at least a month away, if I'm lucky. Damn you technology!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SC2 and WC have indeed some things in common. When my friends and I started the game and we first set foot onto the Hyperion we looked at each other and said "That is exactly like Wing Commander!"
Anyway its a great game and I love it so far.
I got the collector's edition on Amazon, preorder, and it arrived on the day of release. Now I just need a faster computer to run it. Maybe I missed a step somewhere.:D

If you've still got the option I suggest going with the collector's edition. It's got a nice hardcover book of concept art, the game's soundtrack, a behind the scenes\cutscene collection DVD, Issue #0 of the Starcraft comic, a reproduction of Raynor's dog tag (which doubles as a USB drive with Starcraft 1 and the Brood War expansion on it), and guest passes for WOW and Starcraft 2.

I really want to get playing the game, but that's probably at least a month away, if I'm lucky. Damn you technology!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

... Well the system requierments aren't really bad. I meen my system, wich is more then two years old keeps with recommended settings on everything but CPU witch is still better than minimal
I have an old dual core Athlon 64bit, 6gb ram, and a nVidia 9 series card. Runs swell. A friend with a similar single-core processor, 3gb, and a nVidia 7 series card can run it, but it doesn't like any other programs running in the background like TeamSpeak.

But hey, if you need to upgrade it's a good excuse.
My iMac can barely handle this game. 2.8GHz Core 2 Duo, 4GB RAM, and a fairly inadequate Radeon HD2600 256MB. It's probably not a good idea to upgrade to a new computer solely for the one game I don't play on my 360, but it's tempting. Even with the settings low, it still looks pretty good at 1920x1200.

I am actually enjoying this game a lot, though - much more than the first one.
Well I am a greatly disgruntled fan. The only reason I was even considering picking up this game is because I know all my friends at our weekly GameNight sessions are going to be playing it - but I recently found out it has no LAN support (How the hell did I miss that news?) and now I'm questioning the investment.

My DSL line is slow on a fairly good day, and apparently FIOS is not available in my area (I live in the county - it's available in the city, just across the street though [literally - across the street, in fact, it's on the telephone pole we draw our telephone line sfrom]).

I can't imagine the eight of us having to play across the internet on nights when the event rotates to my house here - it's just not sustainable. It's just like everyone said in the other thread with my Windows 7 issues - it's the legitimate users that always end up getting punished. (No other problems with that, by the way!)

I am not sure I will ever pick the game up now.

EDIT: I have a question. Does episodic release mean that the current MP is Terran vs Terran only? Or do the other factions have fully developed MP trees that are playable right now?
That's true.
I was in the beta and we could play all the races in MP.

The episodic release is basically for the SP, the Terran campaign we can play now has 30 missions, that means it is as big as the whole StarCraft 1, the other two campaigns will be comparable in size.

The mission editor is finished, too, so you can of course build your Zerg or Protoss missions already. You just have to wait for (and buy) the other two campaigns when they are released.

I preordered the game at my local video games store but couldn't fetch my copy yet. I guess I will get to play it at the weekend.
School's starting in a month and I'm going to be busy working until then. Sadly, no time for SCII for me.

I'll probably get it once all of the expansions come out in a bundle.
I can't imagine the eight of us having to play across the internet on nights when the event rotates to my house here - it's just not sustainable.

You could have your friends that bought it do a demo LAN and see if it's actually routing it through the Internet or if no LAN support just means no offline support.
IIRC Blizzard planned that the traffic for the LAN party should take the fastest way, I don't know whether it was coded, though.
But I read that the net code is rather slim, so maybe it could work.

If you followed the tournaments during the beta, there was the "HDH invitational" where pro gamers from all over the world competed against each other. For example Idra, who lives in Korea, WhiteRA (who is from Ukraine) and some other european/american gamers. All of them could play against each other with very few problems, even though there were 2-3 spectators in the matches (who also use some bandwidth).
My very first impression of the game after a couple missions was, this in between mission area feels like wing commander. Glad I'm not the only one.
Re: Starcraft 2

As previous posters have mentioned, you have to make a Battle-Net account to play single player. The tutorials are pretty simple, so you may want to skip them. Away from missions, it's pretty much a return to FMV with a LOT of interaction. During installation, they took a page from StarLancer with an overview of the story being played by audio. Another copycat element from StarLancer is the UNN news segment. I would very highly recommend a completion or replay of the original Starcraft and its expansion before playing Starcraft 2 since you're unlikely to go back to the original once you play Starcraft 2.

P.S. - I heard that somebody from the newer Battlestar Galactica series is doing the voice of Sarah Kerrigan.
As previous posters have mentioned, you have to make a Battle-Net account to play single player. The tutorials are pretty simple, so you may want to skip them. Away from missions, it's pretty much a return to FMV with a LOT of interaction. During installation, they took a page from StarLancer with an overview of the story being played by audio. Another copycat element from StarLancer is the UNN news segment. I would very highly recommend a completion or replay of the original Starcraft and its expansion before playing Starcraft 2 since you're unlikely to go back to the original once you play Starcraft 2.

P.S. - I heard that somebody from the newer Battlestar Galactica series is doing the voice of Sarah Kerrigan.

Wait wait, you mean that I can't even play the Single Player Campaign without a battle net account?
Holy Crap it works!
I figured I'd give it a try, even though my processor is below minimum specs and everything else is minimum. But it runs and it runs smooth at 1900x600. Sure the other quality settings are all set to low, but it's damn good looking for low.
I've only run into one stutter, so far, and I'm inclined to think that has more to do with the Havok physics than the game itself, because I get similar stutters in Source engine games, and those are the only games I have that use Havok and the stutter behavior is pretty much identical.
Anyway, YYYAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!!!!
By the way Tricia "Number 6" Helfer is credited as the new voice of Sarah Kerrigan.