Star Trek Simulation

Fact: the Enterprise LOOKS like the Akira.
Fact: Only British or American crew (humans)...aside of a new race unknown to all ST series but magically appears in Enterprise !!!! (Bermann maybe will say that the race was destroyed between the series and TOS and that is the reason of the disaparition in the TOS and beyond)
Fact: they will travell across the WARP 2 or something....JA, this will be a short trip !!!
Fact: Rick Berman is a f*cking idiot and media whore.

This, of course, is based on pure scientific fact. :p
Fact: yes it does look like the Akira
Fact: Just cause their white doesnt mean they are British or American (they could be Canadian:)) But seriously there is a black man and a Chinese woman as main characters. They could be from *gasp* Africa or China. Also, was Scotty American or British? No. Picard? No. Cheif O'Brian? No. You dont know so wait and see. If im wrong I'll eat my words. Speaking of which, I still dont have your Kilrathi Saga box pal!
Fact: There are over fifty races in the Federation. Have we seen them all? No. Just cause we dont see em, dont mean they arent there.
Fact: the commercial had from Earth to Jupiter in six minutes. Thats harldy across the galaxy now is it?
My personal opinion which is as good as fact: Yes Rick Berman is the devil. How else do you explain his writing Simon and Simon? (actually i enjoyed that show.)
No, Scotty was Scotish :).....but i´m not complaining about TNG,DS9 or VOY (Well..VOY wasn´t so good, but i watch all the episode every sunday)
And see they put an Afro-american (because in the present all the series have an afro-american) and an oriental, why not a malasian or centroamerican or indian, Dr Phlox,two letters JA...maybe he will be the next Neelix.
And Yes Berman is a f*cking st*pid producer.
Its you. They look like jumpsuits. They have zippers and pockets for cryin out loud! A first in Star Trek.
OOPSSSS a Nit... The great bird of the galaxy says that Zippers doesn´t exist in the future (will the bridge have a bathroom ?)....BTW i forgot..they put a really nice chick (Jolen Blalock) to raise the ratings, maybe ???
Well this is before that future so that extremely handy feature in apparell hasnt been fazed out yet.

Edit - raise the ratings from what? The show hasnt even gotten any ratings yet. And its not exactly the first time one of the main cast members was a babe. Depending on your tastes you got Counselor Troi or Doctor Crusher, then Jadzia Dax, and well Seven didnt show up for a while so that could have been about ratings.

[Edited by Supdon3 on 08-03-2001 at 01:21]
Your worried about zippers when there are bigger things like there isnt supposed to be an Enterprise before the Constitution class and that Spock is supposed to be the first Vulcan in Starfleet?
See, that is my point there are a lot of things, like the first Warp 5 ship...,Transporters who barely functions, and some dirty replicator. who IMHO doesn´t fit very well.
I dont think there are any transporters and i dont know what you mean by a dirty replicator? Whats wrong with having the first ship that can achieve warp five?

[Edited by Supdon3 on 08-03-2001 at 01:29]
Yes there is a transporter and the replicator can replicate only drinks and some other think not too much complicated
James Doohan (Scotty) was Canadian, in fact, and also served in the Royal Canadian Artillery. They Trek people just asked him to do different accents and liked his Scottish one. And as for Spock being the first Vulcan in Starfleet, I'm not exactly sure Enterprise is even in Starfleet, I don't even think there was a Federation yet. Either that or the Vulcan chick was assigned there as an exchange from the Vulcan space service or something.
Originally posted by Lunatic
James Doohan (Scotty) was Canadian, in fact, and also served in the Royal Canadian Artillery. They Trek people just asked him to do different accents and liked his Scottish one. And as for Spock being the first Vulcan in Starfleet, I'm not exactly sure Enterprise is even in Starfleet, I don't even think there was a Federation yet. Either that or the Vulcan chick was assigned there as an exchange from the Vulcan space service or something.

Enterprise IS in Starfleet, just not the Federation Starfleet. Earth's Starfleet was a completely different organization.

And T'Pol ISN'T in Starfleet. She's a Vulcan...on a Starfleet ship. She doesn't hold a Starfleet rank, she's a Sub-Commander. So Spock is still the first Vulcan actually IN Starfleet.

Transporters ARE there, they have been cleared for human use, but nobody actually uses them for that.

basic Replicators ARE there, which can do pastas and drinks and stuff.

The ship can go to Warp 5. From what I understand that gives them a range of 80,000 star systems within a years travel.

They use a hand weapon that is (apparently) plasma based, which is probably the grand grandad of the "modern" phaser, the Phase Pistol.

Shipboard weapon's include laser cannons, torpedo tubes, and plasma cannons. The ship also has no shields, and use some type of armor stuff.

Klingons have ridged heads, it doesn't hurt continuity because Pre-TOS Klingons had ridges. We know "something" happened to the Klingons during TOS to explain why they didn't have ridges.

About Nationalities: Most of the crew is American, from what I see. There is an black man, an asian woman, and a british guy. Also, supposedly there is a recurring charecter of a french woman. We will probably see plenty of others.

Not really a big deal, but the Admiral's Uniform is a weird mix of the Starfleet jumpsuit and a contemporary military uniform. The Admiral in the promo wears a tie!

Uh..I think that's about it. MOST of that has been officially said, some is rumored. But most of the rumors are apparently pretty reliable as when a new one surfaces Berman has an interview confirming it.

[Edited by Ladiesman^ on 08-03-2001 at 13:02]
According to the article in TV Guide the new series happens after the visit in First Contact and long before the original series. There isn't a Federation Starfleet yet, but the Earth's people unite and with help from the Vulcans build a starship and call it the "Enterprise". This is before there is a Confederation Class, Galaxy Class or hell any class. Also much of the technology from the original series is brand new and some of the fun of this new series will be the crew testing it, breaking it and stuff.

Unfortunatly for me I live in a region of the us that doesn't get UPN unless I have a satallite dish. So I will have to get my wife's annoying cousin to tape it for me. Therefore I have to be nice to the guy...ain't life a bitch.