Ships left out of games

What about the Caernaven corvette? Was that cut from WCIII or did they just not have time to do it?
I think people are under the impression you possess an image of the confederation class that is not a burnt out cinder with flames licking the paint
I understand that you're under that impression, but I'm not really sure *why*. I don't think I ever claimed to have such a picture...
I probably do have a clearer picture of the WC3 scene somewhere... but it's not especially exciting (G)

My name is Fatso. What am I???

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Nah, I'm not sure what Fatso is - possibly a second WC2 Kilrathi transport (His mesh was later used for the SWC Lumbari model).
Bob McDob said:
Ah yes, stupid crack.

The Hha'ifra is the ship in the Wing2 intro ... it looks like a Ralatha with an extra limb.

I'd guess it also has a flight deck and those holes in the front kinda look like missile/torpedo tubes...

Besides that it's kinda hard to tell how big it is and the such. LOAF did you ever find out any possible specs about it when they thought they were going to put it into wc2?
Since it has a flight deck, it can be safe to assume that had some sort of heavy carrier role, kinda like in the way how the Concordia was a dreadnought but some people also referred to it as a carrier.

Also, I really like to know if anyone who worked at Origin (Captain Johnny?) has a concept art of the Kilrathi scout frigate. If so, I can arrange for someone to model it, kinda like the lost WC3 light Kat carrier.