"Secret" Mission in WC 3


Rear Admiral

Just wanted to know if you've ever played the "Secret" Mission within WC3, and how you liked it. I'm talking about the mission where you have to take out a kilrathi asteroid base. I always thought this mission really kicked ass, and I never could understand why they kind of "hided" it.

In case you don't know how to get to this mission: Just eject during the mission where you have to protect the Victory from those pain-in-the-ass-skipper missiles. ;)

Heart of the Tiger
That's the Delius series -- there can be up to three missions in it. You get to it (instead of Caliban) if you fail the Ariel missions.
Originally posted by Ghost

Are you on crack?
Not that I know ;)

Fact is: If you play WC 3 and you win all the missions, you'll never have to take out this asteroid base.

Well, at least not in the WC3-game I played ;)
Originally posted by HeartoftheTiger

Fact is: If you play WC 3 and you win all the missions, you'll never have to take out this asteroid base.

Fact is:if you play WC3 and you win all the missions....you don´t take the looser branch

Originally posted by Ghost

Fact is:if you play WC3 and you win all the missions....you don´t take the looser branch


Exactly! Well, sorry, probably it was wrong to call it a "secret" mission. But would you agree that it wasn't a regular mission?

However you like to call it: I guess that many WC-Fans missed it the first time they played WC3, and it wasn't part of the 'regular' missions, which I think is a shame since it really was a unique mission.

Back to my question: How did you like it?
I think there are not regular missions in any wing commander.

They just change,as the plot goes with your dicisions(wc3-wc4) or your performance in the previous mission(s) :cool:
Originally posted by Cpl Hades
By your logic, the Proxima/Sol series missions are "secret" too. Just look through https://www.wcnews.com/guides and see just how many missions are "secret".

*sigh* Please, guys... That's exactly why I putted the word secret under those little quotations "... ". I know that's it's not a good expression for this kind of mission, but I couldn't think of a better term, that's why I've chosen "secret".


Could we now PLEASE all move on to the question how you liked it? :rolleyes:
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It was a neat series of missions, albeit it a bit unpolished. If you fail to destroy the base in the first one, there are two more you have to fly.
Yeah, I found it kinda' crappy that such a "fun," mission was included in the losing branch. Although LOAF is right (a bit unpolished), I still loved that series. If it wasn't for pride, I'd fail the Ariel missions just to bomb that asteroid base.

When I first got the briefing I said "Oh yeah! Maniac and I. Longbow bombers. Let's rock!"

Wow, why can't fun missions be in losing paths? Bad players deserve to play fun missions too :(

Erm... I'd fail saving the Ralari at Kurosawa in WC1 a million times, only because I get to fly with Iceman at Rostov...
Originally posted by Supdon3
Wow, maybe because your not supposed to want to play the losing missions.;)

But in making a branching storyline the whole point is that you're supposed to be able to play any of the missions. The losing path isn't supposed to be boring, maybe harder because of the consequences of your previous loss, but none of the game should be boring.

Originally posted by mpanty
Erm... I'd fail saving the Ralari at Kurosawa in WC1 a million times, only because I get to fly with Iceman at Rostov...

Sure, *that's* why you fail to save the Ralari. :)
Strange, I first automatically assumed it was due to the obvious lack of flying skills on your part. But now I see... :)