"Secret" Mission in WC 3

hmmmmm, I notice something.... mpanty = Tolwyn...

So what if a few million (or thousand on the Ralari) die on the way :)
Originally posted by redwolf

So what if a few million (or thousand on the Ralari) die on the way :)
Mmmhh yeah... I have to admit my conscience felt really bad when those hundreds of pixels blew up right in front of me... :rolleyes:
Speaking of losing missions, has anyone purposely lost all the missions in WC3 from the start? It's pretty cool becasue you get to try and kill Thrakhath's ship ( I guess you would classify it as the super dreadnaught?) before it reaches earth. I don't know if you can destroy it, but I plugged away at it for about 30 min. By this time I'd taken out all the turrets and every inch of the ship was red (critically damaged) and I still couldn't kill it. So I finally gave up.
I am pretty sure everybody did that because only this way you get the coolest cutscene in the whole game. ;)
IIRC you can kill the dreadnought it just takes a very very long time. Problem is: It doesn't make the mission successful.
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
I am pretty sure everybody did that because only this way you get the coolest cutscene in the whole game. ;)
IIRC you can kill the dreadnought it just takes a very very long time. Problem is: It doesn't make the mission successful.
So there is a special cutscene showed if you kill the dreadnought even if earth will fall anyway? Or do you just refer to the *normal* cutscene that is shown whenever the kilrathi conquer earth?
um, guys, the coolest cutscene in the losing missions is the one where blair get's thrakhath to lean closer then says "SCREW YOU!"
actually i think youll find that the bit in wc4 where the intrepid is a gettin a beating by the vesuvius then the st helens jumps in is better :D
Darkmage and Jochen: That's the cutscene I mean (or a part of it at least). The Kilrathi bombarding Earth and the Emperor giggling like a little school girl, now that was a sight!
For me, the single coolest cutscene was of Tolwyn's trial in WC4. The scene was perfectly done, both for the haunting music and the way the screen quickly cuts between Tolwyn, his accusers and the various atrocities commited by the Black Lance. At the end, we hear Tolwyn being convicted and sentenced to death, and the scenes before that provide the perfect explantion why. No one is above the law, and the scene provides the perfect recap for just why the law handed down the sentence that it did.

Best, Raptor
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
Darkmage and Jochen: That's the cutscene I mean (or a part of it at least). The Kilrathi bombarding Earth and the Emperor giggling like a little school girl, now that was a sight!
I'm sure many Kilrathi dreamed (or still dream) of that day to come... one more reason no Kilrathi has a right to complain about what happened to Kilrah... if they got (or will ever get) there chance to do with Earth whatever they want, it will happen as said by the Emperor or Thrakhath (at the end of SO2 IIRC): "And you/we will show them no mercy!"
I am pretty sure that the millions of dead Kilrathi civilians on Kilrah would complain if they were still alive. And I wouldn't say that they wouldn't have the right to do it.
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
I am pretty sure that the millions of dead Kilrathi civilians on Kilrah would complain if they were still alive. And I wouldn't say that they wouldn't have the right to do it.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not questioning the right of the Kilrathi species to exist/survive, but Confed only destroyed Kilrah because they had no other choice to avoid their own extinction, and it was no easy decision for Paladin, Blair and all other involved... the Kilrathi on the other hand have no respect at all for the right of other species to exist and IIRC they already had extincted multiple species before the war against Confed... if they hadn't been so ruthless, maybe Confed would not have even considered this "last solution"

More opinions on this? I'll open a new thread about this so that this thread can return to it's original topic... you find it here:
