Running Privateer/rf/armada/pg In Windows: Howto

You can actually change which 'IRQ' etc DOSbox lets its simulated soundcard use.

in dosbox.conf, this section
# type -- Type of sblaster to emulate:none,sb1,sb2,sbpro1,sbpro2,sb16.
# base,irq,dma,hdma -- The IO/IRQ/DMA/High DMA address of the SoundBlaster.
# mixer -- Allow the SoundBlaster mixer to modify the dosbox mixer.
# oplmode -- Type of OPL emulation: auto,cms,opl2,dualopl2,opl3.
# On auto the mode is determined by sblaster type.
# oplrate -- Sample rate of OPL music emulation.


I believe those are the defaults, try them in privateer's setup program before you go changing dosbox.conf
Privater problems and stuff -->> SOLUTION 2

Guys :) I have been reading your posts untill I stumbled on a couple of solutions so here is what I did with Dosbox 0.63

First I setup the dosbox.conf like ppl mentioned
so fullscreen=true (but false will work)


noems=false (mind the capitals DONT use them !!)

That got me ridden of the first EMS problem

But then I had the UNLOAD on JEMM problem, which was indeed related to the sound. If you check the config file you can see the settings for the SB
So I used the soundblaster (not the 16) and set the paramiters in the install file
to those in the config file
base 220
irq 7
dma 1

and it worked

A side note if you try and run install twice in 1 dosbox you will get a corrupt package..

Currently my CPU shows me a 0 - 6% load on a
PiV 3.2Ghz, 1024DDR2 (533Mhz), 300GB S-ATA 16MB Cache and a 128 ATI Raedon PCE-Express card...

More info or q's mail me at

wiffle said:
Thank you my good man. i will try that. Except that I was unaware there was a separate speechpack. Is this a separate download for Dosbox or are you refering to the default from the cdrom? i had read something about this in a few of the threads but I thought that was only in the remake version. I been out of touch for too long. I did purchase a usb joystick today which seems to work well and other than speech and weapon sounds (that's what i really miss..) it seems to work quite well... (sure is fun blasting retro's again after 10 years away from the last time I played it!...)
by the way. No matter how many times it goofs up with speech installed, If I uninstall it (the speech .. ) and leave the music alone, it plays everytime.. Thanks again for your response....

Yea.. Originally, Privateer was just all spoken text. A speech pack came out later on seperate floppies that added sound to most of the in flight speech. Just a small optional addon. D/L for the speech pack is available, as I had literally threw my privateer I, speech pack, privateer: Righteous fire, and Privateer 2 all in the trast. I mean.. 1) I couldn't make a boot disk that ran the games correctly. 2)i dont' have a floppy drive, so boot disks weren't an option 3) I was too lazy to partition the drive off to just dos... 5) Computer is too powerful even in dos, would need something to slow programs down...

SO Now that i finally have an DOS emulator for xp, i want all my games back *tear* lol..

There's the website I used to get back Priv I, Speech pack, and RF. Have at it :)

Unfortunately.. Priv II: The Darkening is NOT abandonware yet.. therefore I cannot find full version downloads for it, though time restraining demos do exist. It's worth buying anyways.. so i'll prolly just goto babbages and get a used copy unless anyone has any other suggestions....

Ghostcloak said:
Yea.. Originally, Privateer was just all spoken text. A speech pack came out later on seperate floppies that added sound to most of the in flight speech. Just a small optional addon. D/L for the speech pack is available, as I had literally threw my privateer I, speech pack, privateer: Righteous fire, and Privateer 2 all in the trast. I mean.. 1) I couldn't make a boot disk that ran the games correctly. 2)i dont' have a floppy drive, so boot disks weren't an option 3) I was too lazy to partition the drive off to just dos... 5) Computer is too powerful even in dos, would need something to slow programs down...

SO Now that i finally have an DOS emulator for xp, i want all my games back *tear* lol..

There's the website I used to get back Priv I, Speech pack, and RF. Have at it :)

Unfortunately.. Priv II: The Darkening is NOT abandonware yet.. therefore I cannot find full version downloads for it, though time restraining demos do exist.
It's worth buying anyways.. so i'll prolly just goto babbages and get a used copy unless anyone has any other suggestions....

unfortunatley i don't speak the lingo at this site so don't know where to download the proper file. I tried routing around it to find a site that has english but i guess I don't have that much "culture" ...ha
I did get the weapons sounds going ( thanks to you and Mamiya but still don't have voices...) I deeply appreciate the help. It's been so much fun revisiting a game I left so long ago because the old pc died. It was my favorite of all time...
have voices, game locks up

1st ....thanks to all of your advice everyone. I have it up and running after many moons and a lot of frustration. I have weapons sounds, music and voices...Only thing is it seems to lock up from time to time during a flight sequence and sometimes is glitchy on start and hesitates from time to time.
Here is my dosbox config...don't want to futz with it unless necessary since it's running..[sdl]
# fullscreen -- Start dosbox directly in fullscreen.
# fulldouble -- Use double buffering in fullscreen.
# fullfixed -- Don't resize the screen when in fullscreen.
# fullresolution -- What resolution to use for fullscreen, use together with fullfixed.
# output -- What to use for output: surface,overlay,opengl,openglnb,ddraw.
# hwscale -- Extra scaling of window if the output device supports hardware scaling.
# autolock -- Mouse will automatically lock, if you click on the screen.
# sensitiviy -- Mouse sensitivity.
# waitonerror -- Wait before closing the console if dosbox has an error.
# priority -- Priority levels for dosbox: lower,normal,higher,highest.
# Second entry behind the comma is for when dosbox is not focused/minimized.
# mapperfile -- File used to load/save the key/event mappings from.


# language -- Select another language file.
# memsize -- Amount of memory dosbox has in megabytes.
# machine -- The type of machine tries to emulate:hercules,cga,tandy,vga.
# captures -- Directory where things like wave,midi,screenshot get captured.

# frameskip -- How many frames dosbox skips before drawing one.
# aspect -- Do aspect correction.
# scaler -- Scaler used to enlarge/enhance low resolution modes.
# Supported are none,normal2x,advmame2x,advmame3x,advinterp2x,interp2x,tv2x.


# core -- CPU Core used in emulation: simple,normal,full,dynamic.
# cycles -- Amount of instructions dosbox tries to emulate each millisecond.
# Setting this higher than your machine can handle is bad!
# cycleup -- Amount of cycles to increase/decrease with keycombo.
# cycledown Setting it lower than 100 will be a percentage.

# nosound -- Enable silent mode, sound is still emulated though.
# rate -- Mixer sample rate, setting any devices higher than this will
# probably lower their sound quality.
# blocksize -- Mixer block size, larger blocks might help sound stuttering
# but sound will also be more lagged.
# prebuffer -- How many milliseconds of data to keep on top of the blocksize.


# mpu401 -- Enable MPU-401 Emulation.
# intelligent -- Operate in Intelligent mode.
# device -- Device that will receive the MIDI data from MPU-401.
# This can be default,alsa,oss,win32,coreaudio,none.
# config -- Special configuration options for the device.


# type -- Type of sblaster to emulate:none,sb1,sb2,sbpro1,sbpro2,sb16.
# base,irq,dma,hdma -- The IO/IRQ/DMA/High DMA address of the soundblaster.
# mixer -- Allow the soundblaster mixer to modify the dosbox mixer.
# oplmode -- Type of OPL emulation: auto,cms,opl2,dualopl2,opl3.
# On auto the mode is determined by sblaster type.
# oplrate -- Sample rate of OPL music emulation.


# gus -- Enable the Gravis Ultrasound emulation.
# base,irq1,irq2,dma1,dma2 -- The IO/IRQ/DMA addresses of the
# Gravis Ultrasound. (Same IRQ's and DMA's are OK.)
# rate -- Sample rate of Ultrasound emulation.
# ultradir -- Path to Ultrasound directory. In this directory
# there should be a MIDI directory that contains
# the patch files for GUS playback. Patch sets used
# with Timidity should work fine.


# pcspeaker -- Enable PC-Speaker emulation.
# pcrate -- Sample rate of the PC-Speaker sound generation.
# tandyrate -- Sample rate of the Tandy 3-Voice generation.
# Tandysound emulation is present if machine is set to tandy.
# disney -- Enable Disney Sound Source emulation.


# Nothing to setup yet!

# xms -- Enable XMS support.
# ems -- Enable EMS support.


# modem -- Enable virtual modem emulation.
# comport -- COM Port modem is connected to.
# listenport -- TCP Port the modem listens on for incoming connections.


# directserial -- Enable serial passthrough support.
# comport -- COM Port inside DOSBox.
# realport -- COM Port on the Host.
# defaultbps -- Default BPS.
# parity -- Parity of the packets. This can be N, E or O.
# bytesize -- Size of each packet. This can be 5 or 8.
# stopbit -- The number of stopbits. This can be 1 or 2.


# ipx -- Enable ipx over UDP/IP emulation.


# Lines in this section will be run at startup.

mount c c:\privater
mount e e:\ -t cdrom
loadfix -65 priv

anyone who has ideas I would be grateful.

I have been known to destroy pc's with a stroke of the hand so am trepidatious of messing around too much with the config..( bravery..)
Question fellas... I'm trying to get WC Armada to run on my computer... But i have two issues...

1) I have the floppy disks for Armada.. but no floppy drive.... I've found a .zip file of WC Armada, but its a .zip of the disks... Does anyone know where I can find the actually game directory of WC Armada? I have no access to a computer with a floppy :( and i don't wanna "downgrade" my computer by spending 10 bucks buying one.... If someone has armada installed on your computer, do you think you could zip it up for me and email it?

2)Would Armada run under the same Dosbox 0.63 conf settings as Privateer?

Thanks guys! You guys rock!

Ps. Still need help solving the Issue of a laggy Privateer 2 gameplay :(
We won't send you any illegal copy of WC Armada.
But do you really don't know anybody with a floppy drive and a cd-burner? IF so: simply burn all the content of your floppy on a cd and mount that cd under dosbox as drive A:
Btw, you can get a floppy drive for 2€ already if you look good enough ;)
Or simply get the armada cd version and sell your armada floppy version on ebay.. Guess that would be the best solution.
any news on the joystick calibration problems? I am using from the analog port using dosbox but I just can't pass the calibration test :(
We won't send you any illegal copy of WC Armada.
But do you really don't know anybody with a floppy drive and a cd-burner? IF so: simply burn all the content of your floppy on a cd and mount that cd under dosbox as drive A:
Btw, you can get a floppy drive for 2€ already if you look good enough ;)
Or simply get the armada cd version and sell your armada floppy version on ebay.. Guess that would be the best solution.

Its all cool actually... I did just what you said... I had the individual diskettes .zipped on my computer... i just didn't know how to go about installing the game without an A: floppy drive... Then when you said mount the cd drive in dosbox... it hit me... and now i've successfully installed the game.. THANKS ALOT! BUT NOW I STILL HAVE ONE MORE PROBLEM >_<

when i type armada in doxbox to execute the game, i get an error

It begins to load, only to shut down dosbox and never start the game... :(
Am i missing something? My conf. settings are the same as the privateer one suggested earlier...

It says specifically:

Loading Wing Commander Armada
Initializing EMS

Afterwards, it just closes dosbox and does nothing... HELP!

Thanks in advance!

Ghostcloak said:
Its all cool actually... I did just what you said... I had the individual diskettes .zipped on my computer... i just didn't know how to go about installing the game without an A: floppy drive... Then when you said mount the cd drive in dosbox... it hit me... and now i've successfully installed the game.. THANKS ALOT! BUT NOW I STILL HAVE ONE MORE PROBLEM >_<

when i type armada in doxbox to execute the game, i get an error

It begins to load, only to shut down dosbox and never start the game... :(
Am i missing something? My conf. settings are the same as the privateer one suggested earlier...

It says specifically:

Loading Wing Commander Armada
Initializing EMS

Afterwards, it just closes dosbox and does nothing... HELP!

Thanks in advance!


Try the loadfix -65 option. I had the same problem but this command solved the thing :) thanks to the guys from the forum ;)
kotpat said:
Try the loadfix -65 option. I had the same problem but this command solved the thing :) thanks to the guys from the forum ;)

I've tried that.. .I mean.. it runs.. but not not very stable.... Maybe after running for about 5 minutes, it just randomly quits with an error.... Also.. I can't get the sound/music to work... Any ideas? I've been messing around with the loadfix -## values.. but they all seem to have no effect.... But at least the game sorta runs... As for the sound/music problem... I am not sure how to get it to work. I installed it/uninstalled it/reinstalled using the appropriate sound/music cards.. I've even tried installing it with NO music/sound card, and then reconfiguring it to a sound card... but it never saves my settings :'( Poo :'(

Thanks guys... ya'll rock..
kotpat said:
any news on the joystick calibration problems? I am using from the analog port using dosbox but I just can't pass the calibration test :(

Aye, same for me... I'm using the keyboard at the moment.. I mean.. I can shoot my guns/missles on the joystick (Microsoft Force Feedback II.... USB) But flight controls are dead and I can't pass the calibration test either... Whats the deal yo?
That'S cause the joystick support for armada under dosbox is broken. Don't know anybody who found a soluton yet.

noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :(
I believe it's the same problem for privateer... :(
kotpat said:
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :(
I believe it's the same problem for privateer... :(
Hmm. that'S strange. For me it works better under Privateer. But it has been quite some time (read: Dosbox 0.60) since I tried it.
Hmm. that'S strange. For me it works better under Privateer. But it has been quite some time (read: Dosbox 0.60) since I tried it.

I don't get it, You mean that the joystick problem is not on the dosbox 0.60? I'll give a try :) thanks

EDIT: The game in dosbox 0.60 is even not starting because of an error like that : Cpu paging features not supported :(
:( Sorry, no idea what is causing that. I'm not even 100% anymore if it was 0.60 and not 0.61, only 80% sure...
Anyway, I'll test Privateer again now. Will post back in a few minutes after testing it...

EDIT: Here we go again:
It was Dosbox 0.61 it seems - at least according to the Dosbox HP.
I've just tested it under Dosbox 0.63 again, and the Joystick works PERFECT for me.
So now the question is: What Joystick are you using? Is it analog or digital? Gameport or usb? - Mine is USB btw - How does your Dosbox config file look like?

EDIT2: Nevermind. Just saw that you are using an analog-port Joystick:
any news on the joystick calibration problems? I am using from the analog port using dosbox but I just can't pass the calibration test
Bad news are, I've read somewhere (forgot where, guess it was the dosbox forum), that analog Joysticks make way more trouble than USB Joysticks :( So that might be the reason... But that's just a guess
Analogue stick support was broken with .61 AFAIK. They are supposed to work on a new routine that works better then the .60 one, but it isn't done yet. In the meanwhile you might want to try a modded version which has the old routines reinserted.