Rob McKay Kicks Off Script Project (January 14, 2005)

I didn't know Sega CD was that different. Sounds interesting. I'd love to read it but you might want to wait to see what I have to see how they differ. Then there wont be so much to transcribe.
Since I've just struggled through McAuliffe 1 about 5 times and still failed to "win" the mission (damn mines keep getting me) I'm not sure how well I can actually do on it! - Seems to me that cheats would be helpful for this kind of thing!
Of course, to win mcauliffe one, you don't need to kill anything ;)

anyway heres a comparison of the 2 videos i made of the enyo 2 mission in the pc and the segacd versions - theres interest here for all, especially loaf i think!

Ok, firstly the bar:
Shotglass' conversation is the same

The PC version ends at:
"i assure you i speak what is in my heart"

but the segacd version, identical to there, continues:
"We both survive to challenge our enemies another day
no mission from which you return is a total failure
remember that
our race needs live pilots far more than it needs dead heros"

the segacd version sounds more like:
"thats the way, innit mate?"
rather than the pc's
" 'At's the way, isn't it, mate? "
but i guess thats more a personal thing!

Heres an intersting curiosity, I played enyo 1 identically in both versions, getting 5 kills of 5 in each - but the killboard reads a curious story

The pc board reads SegaCD board reads
Casey 29 43 Casey 30 46
Chen 37 41 Chen 38 37
St John 27 35 Taggart 44 35
Taggart 42 34 St John 27 35
Khumalo 20 26 Khumalo 20 27
Devereaux 24 25 Deveraux 25 20
Tanaka 11 14 Tanaka 12 14
Marshall 6 9 Marshall 8 10
Hotshot 1 5 Hotshot 1 5

Casey and chen have flown one more mission in the segacd, but strangely while casey got 3 kills, chen lost 4!
taggart has flow 2 more missions in the segacd and gained a kill, meaning he swaps places on the board with:
st john who has the same numbers
Khumalo has an extra kill from nowhere, while angel has flown another mission and lost 5 kills
Spirit's flown another mission but killed nothing
finally, marshall has flown 2 more missions and gained 1 kill!

Figure that lot out!

So, the briefing!
Caption in PC is
"Mission Briefing,
Enyo System, 00:42 hours, 2654.110.
Forty minutes into the briefing..."

while the segacd Captionreads
"Mission Briefing,
Enyo System, 06:00 hours, 2654.111"

and then (when the caption goes) speaks
"forty minutes into the briefing"

So the date is different, and the time is different (this gets wierder)
(of note here is that wedges script reads 06:40 hours)

pc reads "... and on to Nav 2, where it will initiate jump sequence"
segacd reads "... and on to Nav 2 where it'll initiate jump sequence"

Fly the mission, sadly not identical this time (4 in the pc, 1 to spirit, 3 in the segacd, 1 to spirit - so i won't assess the differences in kill debrief (i think theyre the same though)

pc reads "Mission debriefing. 01:01 hours,2654.110"
segacd reads "mission debriefing,14:50 hours,2654.111"
The rest of the debrief reads the same

So in the pc, the mission lasts a mere 19 minutes! while in the segacd it lasts 8 hours and 50 minutes (note this is from the mission briefing times, which we assume are already 40 minutes into the briefing!) - clearly neither of these can be realistic - a 19 minute mission is insane (especially when you include takeoff, the briefing conversation itself and landing!) but a nearly 9 hour mission, even knocking off an hour for when you aren't flying seems outrageous!

So, to the Office
PC Colonel Halcyon's Office.
16:50 hours,2654.110
segacd Colonel Halcyon's Office.
16:50 hours,2654.111

the segacd doesnt say the player name before "come in, i need to speak with you"

Now i didnt get promoted in the pc version, so this is compared to wedges script
segacd says "congratulations first lieutentant" and misses the name (despite hotshot being used as your 'name' in the game later)
"thankyou sir i'll do my best"
"glad to hear it"
the segacd then runs
"now another thing i need to speak to you about"
"we'll be leaving enyo soon"
(this might be a result of wedges script forming - he too might not have had both promotion and medal together)

Phew just the medals to go!
PC - Hangar deck.
17:00 hours, 2654.110
segacd - Hangar deck.
17:00 hours, 2654.111

pc "in the enyo system, on or about 2654.110"
segacd "in the enyo system"
here is a case where the segacd game uses hotshot as a name (proud to present the bronze star to 1st lieutenant Hotshot.)

Final curiosity, wedges script uses his own times (i think - though he still has the mission lasting nearly 8 hours) and the date as .111 - see
That's indeed interesting. Though I always had the impression that the killboard kills for the other characters are rather random.
The date and clock issue has been known for awhile. It’s not consistent which is why we’ve never used it for cannon. As for the kill board it has always been crazy too. I’ve had pilot’s dies on me that I wasn’t even flying with.

There are various things in the game like:
Victory points, medal points and rank points. All directly related to your kills and flying ability. Without you having both the Sega and PC’s kills the same it’s really hard to compare. Those levels may also be different in the Sega and PC.

As for Spirits scrip, I have that one already. I think that comes from not getting all the victory points. But good catch.
hmm, didnt realise the games control of the killboard was so random!

the conversation with spirit should be identical though, as i did complete enyo 1 identically (i think) (maybe i missed getting a nav correctly, though i definitely got the victory music played when i debriefed)

Secrets of the WCU states that the rank points are somewhat randomised - but helpfully fails to give even a rough guide - any idea where one might be?
Ya it's crazy.

I don't know what the rank points are.

But the WCU does give more understanding on the workings of the game then any other guide does.
Final curiosity, wedges script uses his own times...
All arbitrary, as I recall. As I said in the brief introduction, I based the dates on LOAF's timeline and tried to balance out the times between those.

I’ve had pilot’s dies on me that I wasn’t even flying with.
On the PC? As I recall, there was a nasty "Series Overflow" bug in the Secret Missions where pilots would be flagged as KIA for no apparent reason.
Yes it was the PC version. It could have been SM but I was thinking it was WC1. Spirit was the one that died as I recall.
It shouldn't do it in WC1. We do have a patch/editor in the files section that lets you fix it and bring them back.