Questions about the Steltek

Hahaha... this is sure one sick end of the week! Everyone is acting weird I think

System Administration sucks by the way. I wish Windows were stable!
Doctor... DOCTOR!!!


Are YOU the BRAIN specialist??

-~-Quote from Monty Python-~-
As for the models... they're from a CD thats got the WC2, SWC and Privateer models... and a few assorted WC3 & WC4 objects on it. [/B]

Could i have those models also?
If they have the right poly count i would like to import them to SO...:D
hehe... have you seen some of them? you'd need to lower the poly count quite a bit :)

Originally posted by Darkmage
I've just finished a steltek mesh you can use in renders, at just under 500 poly's (494) it can be imported into almost any game, and will probably feature in WC Universe.

Can i have it too?
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
Oh, right... like I said, the name of the actual ship Eisen rams is either the Vengeance of Vukar Tag or the Vorghath. We don't know which, though...

Just how much damage would the dreadnought have sustained had the ramming taken place? Would the dreadnought blow? Would it be buggered for a month or so? Or is it just too damn big?

[Edited by Penguin on 06-23-2001 at 01:22]
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
Yeah... but not now, since I'm at work.

Youuuu can telll by my IP that I am at wooork
If you get an IP, you can be at woork too.

do you ever get IP nuker threats?
who could ever "not like you" LOAF? your a living WC library! :D

[Edited by RATM on 06-23-2001 at 01:40]
Here are some fish.
Originally posted by RATM
whats sucking up gonna do?

Thats what I ask Bob McDob everytime he proclaimes LOAF is a god and his personal savior. But hes just a zealot programmed to say it. (Scary thing is, he programmed himself that way)