plot for next episode

Hideous stuff on the shelves of a rented house...? Eck, that doesn't sound too good.

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!

[This message has been edited by Dralthi5 (edited October 26, 2000).]
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I got bindled a few days ago... the coke machine in my building gave me a 10 pence piece instead of a quarter... go figure. I didn't even notice until I tried to pay for another coke with it at a little store. I ended up putting it back in the original machine, which thought it was a quarter again.
Twister, with your bar experience, I must ask a question. Do bartenders overcharge drunk people for drinks if they think they can get away with it? I'm not legal yet, but when I was in Canada I could have sworn that I started paying way too much after 1am, and it wasn't because happy hour just ended. Of course, I was having a hard time counting, add to the fact that I was counting coins I wasn't familar with. For all I know, I was being badly bindled to boot. Well, it was still a cheap new years celebration, so I guess I shouldn't complain too much.
well Wolf Dog, i'm not canadian
and most drunk just give me the change as a tip...

twist·er (twstr): n. 1. One that twists, as in the manufacture of rope or yarn. 2. Sports. A ball thrown or batted with a twist. 3. Informal. A. A cyclone. B. A tornado. 4. Confed pilot, hero of the kilrathi war, renowned fleet admiral.
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LOAF is one of the admins, and hapens to be the Baron of the Loaf's merry guild, the most f***ed up organization I've ever had the pleasure to be part of.

Don't forget to support us by making a purchase of our special drink. More info on the site.

"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions"
and the bodies of those adventurers who get bad advice.

Member of the LMG (Disgruntled Men)
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Wedge009 said:
Hey that's interesting. I've been wondering why I can't seem to avoid coming here all the time and putting in a coupla cents worth. It's cos, like everything else in the world, I'm a plasticated fake WC fan too! Yipee! I've finally been enlightened!