Original Wing Commander Artist Here.

Denis, I have been a fan of your work on wing commander from the moment I first played the game back in '90. I just had to post and show you my appreciation. Reading through this thread and the content you've posted have been a lot of fun. Thanks again, you played a big part in my life long love affair with the wing commander universe.
NinjaLA: I'm ashamed to say I have not played Wing Commander IV! :( What clues did they provide as to what society looked like in the WC universe?

capi3101: Yeah, Kilrathi society suffered a bit, didn't it? :eek:
So my SotA high society concept would fit right into your decadent "Firefly" 1%! ;) Bust or no bust!:p

NinjaLA: True! :)

AkkbarForeveR: Thank you very much!:) You're very welcome! It's always good to find out one's work has had a lasting effect! :cool:
My art style is a composite of the artists I felt the same way about! :)

Here's another early character concept from Shroud of the Avatar:


This one is very steampunk!:cool: The half-mask was a client request, as was the non-symmetrical cape.:confused: Massive brass chemical contraption on the arm fed from the Etheric Synthesizer on the back. I probably should have put the extra canisters on the other leg for the left hand to draw and slap into the projector.:confused: I like how the "Iron Man" style palm-projector unit came out though.:D

Visit my website at: www.denisloubet.com
Be a patron! www.patreon.com/denisloubet


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I'm ashamed to say I have not played Wing Commander IV! :( What clues did they provide as to what society looked like in the WC universe?

Wing Commander 4 has a senate scene so you see a variety of non-military costumes in the game's intro. There's a few other non-military characters in the game as well, including a scientist, and various medical personelle on Telamon. There's also a bar scene at the start of WC4 where we also see a variety of non military characters. Since much of this is in the intro. I'll just embed a video :)

OMG!:eek: You're right! Some of those outfits would fit just fine as Early Shroud of the Avatar fashions!:p

I remember seeing this cinematic a long time ago. I wonder why I didn't play it? :(
OMG!:eek: You're right! Some of those outfits would fit just fine as Early Shroud of the Avatar fashions!:p

I remember seeing this cinematic a long time ago. I wonder why I didn't play it? :(
No time like the present.

Snag a copy here: http://www.gog.com

IV IMHO is Chris' masterpiece of the series. Beware the missiles though, they seem to have their ESK ratings elevated from previous games.
No time like the present.

Snag a copy here: http://www.gog.com

IV IMHO is Chris' masterpiece of the series. Beware the missiles though, they seem to have their ESK ratings elevated from previous games.

I will give that a shot!

And here's some scientists from Early Shroud of the Avatar.


Too modern to be Steampunk or medieval, but they might work for a confederate doctors office.

I will give that a shot!

And here's some scientists from Early Shroud of the Avatar.


Too modern to be Steampunk or medieval, but they might work for a confederate doctors office.


I don't know why but I get a Phantasy Star Online feel out of these two.

Not that it's a bad thing, I know nothing about what the intended art styles are for SotA. :D
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I dig both of those lab coats. I dunno about anyone else, but this entire thread has been pretty great for me! :D
Whistler: Yeah, you're right!:cool: I was thinking she would fit well in a 1960s Thunderbirds Are Go! universe, if we take that Tesla coil off her back.:p
The intended look was heavily Tesla-themed steampunk, with an extreme runway fashion style, yet somehow still harkening back to its Ultima roots.:eek: I tended to flail a lot in the concept drawings. :rolleyes:

NinjaLA: Thanks!:) You guys are a lot more responsive than the Shroud of the Avatar forums where I'm posting these.:confused:
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I'll level with you here. I backed shroud of the avatar for $120 (whatever it was to get all 5 episodes) but I haven't been following the development at all. I have burned out on every fantasy MMO pretty quickly after release.. so I'm trying to limit my exposure so I can at least experience it. That said though, it has been a thrill, an honest-to-maker thrill to see these drawings popping up in the CIC. It's rare enough I see a poster who shares my specific love for the illustrative arts and to have it end up being one of the people who inspired me to get into drawing in the first place? well.. let's just say it's pretty damn validating. :D
NinjaLA: You seem to be dealing with SotA much the same way I am! And believe me, I have a lot of pictures saved up... ;)

Blaster: No kidding! :eek: There's a pretty high level of expertise and mystery-solving going on here! Extracting every last nugget of information from the WC disks, and often knowing more than me what art went into the game! You guys are amazing! :) When people ask me about Wing Commander, I'll have to refer them to this thread from now on.:rolleyes:

Here's some more Shroud of the Avatar...

We're coming up on the last of the early Shroud of the Avatar character concept art. I really like the dude's outfit in this one, but the woman is embarrassingly bad. I was really flailing to meet the seemingly contradictory requirements.


The guy is very late-1700s, with knee-high leather spats. The woman is very Jetson's-on-crack despite the nod to Victorian hairstyle.

I can totally see some guy wearing this smoking jacket ensemble, but the woman, I don't know...

Again, these could work for Wing Commander in the right context.

My website: www.denisloubet.com

Be a Patron! www.patreon.com/denisloubet
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I've been saving the best for last.


Here is my absolute favorite of the early Shroud of the Avatar character concepts. This gentleman has all the steampunk cool rolled into one outfit.

He's got the self-satisfied expression and casual stance that all empire-builders should have, in addition to the long coat and leather spats. And The Hat. The Hat is to die for.

Modernize a few of the details, and he'd totally be at home in the WC universe.

My website: www.denisloubet.com

Be a Patron! www.patreon.com/denisloubet
ooh.. I love the gold highlights on his coat. and I'm pretty fond of fanciful eye gear (like that monacle) have I mentioned I love this thread? :P
NinjaLA: I'm definitely getting that impression! :cool:
Someone mentioned the badass 6 button fly on G+. It is strangely cool, along with my cravat on steroids.

I'm gonna be sort of incommunicado for the next week. See you again on the 18th! :)

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When you're back, maybe you can explain this "Be a patron" thing to me. I have already spent far too much money on KS campaigns but seeing you're the man who created most of my favourite designs, I have the feeling I owe you at least a couple of bucks. But I am not sure how it works when it says "How much are you giving per Artwork". When I want to pass you, say 10 $ - is it a one time donation/pledge/whatever or really "per artwork" you're cranking out afterwards?

Have a nice week!
Prophecy was terrible for this, you'd blast through swarms of Nephilim without even using a missile.

Absolutely. And I was really baffled when in SOPS they made the Confed ships even stronger while making the Nephilim ships even weaker (by changing their weapons from rather crap to utter crap).
Mekt-Hakkikt: Patreon is crowd-funding. But you're not buying art, you're funding the artist. :cool:
I have my patreon campaign set up in a "per art" arrangement where the patron is charged each month for each piece of art I do. This is why funding levels are usually smaller on a Patreon than a Kickstarter. :confused:
You can, however, cap your monthly funding to stay within your budget. You could, for instance, fund at $5, and cap at $5. That means you get charged $5 for the first piece of art I do that month, and you get any subsequent art that month "for free!" :D
This decoupling of what you pay versus what you get is why you're not really buying art. It might look like a patron is gaming the system and getting free art, but they're not. The artist is still getting some funding from them, and feeling grateful because he knows how rare good fans are! :) Plus what would be the point of consciously ripping off someone you want to fund? The whole idea is to make it possible for the artist to work for his fans, and that includes you! ;)
I expect to do about 3 to 4 "chargeable" pieces of art a month, and also offer a host of freebies. (Like the early SotA concept pictures.) Of course, since I'm currently trying to social-media my way to more patrons, I've only had time to do 1 or 2 chargeable pieces a month so far. (Mostly 1.) :(
So for as little as a dollar a month, you can fund me and I'll be forever grateful! :)
Here's another freebie!


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