Origin not coming back, nobody going to make a new game: SO WHY DONT WE!

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Viper61 said:
Wow, a cadet with a voice of reason in this thread, "age and wisdom are rarely combined"

I believe it's "Youth and wisdom are rarely combined, Captain."

Get your quotes right.
overmortal said:
Gosh, being kinda rough on Sylvester, aren't you?

But, it wasn't directed towards me this time, which makes it perfectly okay.

Carry on.

Are you jealous?....you can be my biatch too...my harem is never close!!


The datestamp on this was from January 23, 1999. I hope it enlightens.
overmortal said:
Get your quotes right.
Well since he's been here a hell of alot longer than you (and still has cadet status) and pretty much as long as me and I just found out hes 36, it seems I got the "quote" right doesn't it? Sit down before you hurt yourself.

Here's a quote for you, sort of a personal motto:

"Leadership is action, not position." -D.H. McGannon

It means, "stop arguing about who is going to be the Senior Executive Vice President in Charge of Sheep Dip, and start working on the hard problems you have set before yourself." Or you will wind up like all those other fan projects that never got off the ground.
milo said:
you will wind up like all those other fan projects that never got off the ground.

Wow, really?

Do you want to be my ''Senior Advisor in Obvious Matters''?
milo said:
"stop arguing about who is going to be the Senior Executive Vice President in Charge of Sheep Dip, and start working on the hard problems you have set before yourself."

But I want to be Lead Designer Chief Vice Executive Producer :(
Ghost said:
]Do you want to be my ''Senior Advisor in Obvious Matters''?
No thank you. I'd rather make games. I find it more rewarding than pretending to be a mighty corporate officer.

But as the saying goes, whatever turns you on is your business.
Viper61 said:
Well since he's been here a hell of alot longer than you (and still has cadet status) and pretty much as long as me and I just found out hes 36, it seems I got the "quote" right doesn't it? Sit down before you hurt yourself.

Suggestion, and then I'm letting this subject drop:

Don't be stupid when I correct you. Aight?
overmortal said:
Don't be stupid when I correct you. Aight?
One more comment and I'll drop it. Don't comment on something unless you understand it and have something to add, anything else just makes you look stupid and more irritating.

Oh BTW, it didn't need correcting, that was the point.

Viper61 said:
Don't comment on something unless you understand it and have something to add, anything else just makes you look stupid and more irritating.

If CZers listened to the above advice, these forums would be ghost towns. Better yet, threads starting off with as silly a premise as this thread started with would [Devereaux]never exist[/Devereaux].

Whether or not this would be a good thing is an exchange of ignor^H^H^H^H^Hideas for another thread entirely, however.
Just a suggestion.

If we were to make a new game, how about realistic dmage effetcs. Like if a torp hits the side of a ship the explosion blows of pieces or blows out the other side. The lights on that section would go out and you'd see a big hole. And when you shoot at a fighter, for instance: A Epee, if you put enough shots into that wing, the wing would come off.
That would require more skills than are present in this community . . . and a lotta damn resources to run, I suspect.
One: the new game needs to be louder, angrier and have access to a time machine.

Two: whenever the new game isn't on screen, all the other characters should be asking "where's the new game?"
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