Next Game... the Mantu return?

Originally posted by Supdon3
A REAL interesting twist would be if in the next game, the Nephilim attack again, but not long after the Mantu invade and theres a massive three way war with Confed having to ally with the Kilrathi just to survive. The Mantu attack everybody. Make for some real intersting missions. You could come upon a battle between the the Nephilim and the Mantu and would have to decide which to attack.

What about if we invade and get pushed back and them the Mantu appear and kick there ass during which a convoy of transports disappear creating the P2 universe while and then we have to fight the Mentu in the next game. :) Confused?
Why does everyone think the Mantu are agressive? Don't you think they would've come back for the Cats and for us a LONG time ago if they were so damned agressive? :rolleyes:
I get the point that the Mantu really havn't been portrayed as agreesive.

I mean, the Kilrathi most likely started the fight. I mean, look at the Iason incident.

The Mantu, however, might find that we conquored the Kilrathi and will either:

1: Thank us and be friends
2: Get angry they didn't get to "tame the kitties"
3: Want us to allow them to kindly move asside as they "occupy" the Kilrathi systems and dismantle their fleets

The last 2 scenerios get us into a trouble spot. Confed would not just hand over the cats to the Mantu... at least I'd hope not.
Well, (3) could be due to a Versailles type mentality, ensuring that your former enemy will never be a threat to you again. As for (2), it does seem pretty unlikely. You might get that sort of reaction from the Kilrathi themselves (blood fued, honour, revenge and all that) but the Mantu are portrayed as being quite differant.

Best, Raptor
in the lason incident the kilrathi thought we were attacking them, or at least that is what it says in Voices of War
Originally posted by Ghost
But they aren´t agressive only spacefaring race.....who said that they are agressive?

Well, they are described as paranoid. Maybe they think that who was able to defeat the Kilrathi is also a threat to them. Paranoics can become quite aggressive and dangerous (look at Lehah ;) )
The take I always had on the Mantu was that they were paranoid towards those encroaching on their space, not paranoid in general.

Best, Raptor
Maybe, we don't know. But I would definately love to see them in the next game (not necesarily as enemies) and more Kilrathi!
my idea

Maybe since the TC defeated the enemy they came to destroy, the Mantu saw TC as a bigger threat. So they may have acted defensively by trying to wipe out the larger threat for future safety.
I think the Mantu are more like Confed. Why is it every freaking space-faring race is either pasifistic or completely war-like?
It's easier to know then who the good and who the bad guys are...

But I don't see the Mantu similiar to the TC (of course, we don't know)
Well I think from the different ideas being created here shows the ability for any new game to expand upon the Mantu race.

I agree, we should see them in the next game in some fasion.

I'd really just like to see more "big fleet" engagments in future games. In WCP SO they got more ships in there, but I would love to see multiple carrier groups in 30 minute long battles :D
While such large-scale battles are cool for atmosphere, they are a pain in the ass when you get shot down in the last 5 minutes and have to replay the whole thing.
Of course, you just ahve to learn not to get shot down... :)
No, no, of course not!
I just thought of all the ones not so talented, they might get annoyed with such long battles. ;)
My oh my Mekt, how generous of you to worry about other pilots... :D
So I guess the rumor about you that you often "get shot by friendly fire" is... :)