New Standoff Scoreboards Rank Wingnuts Globally (January 8, 2006)

Aplha 1-1 said:
What would be cool is to have extra medals WC1 style - so many quick kills in a row could earn you the silver star. Likewise we can see who bothers to eject in the sim by giving out bronze suns.
Well, right before the release, it occured to us that it would be nifty to have stuff like fighter qualification ribbons and such... maybe next episode, we'll see... but you have to keep in mind, stuff like this takes time. That's why in the end we only implemented the scoring system in two missions, leaving the others for the remaining two episodes.
Wow. Pierre, isn't that an error? I didn't think the final scoreboard would allow people to send scores of 0...
Please don't remove it. It adds a funny twist, a "high score" of 0
Sadly, if HammerHead decides a try again & succeeds in killing an enemy, it's gone
I sent many 0 scores in the past, and didn't even think someone would believe zero scores would have to be removed or not sent :p As the webscoreboard only keeps the best score for each ship, these zeros would be soon overwritten anyway.
Uh, you know, we did write the documentation for a reason :p. You can find out how the scoring works by looking at the How To Play section of the scoreboard, or you can check the documentation in the Standoff launcher.
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Aw, if I see someone beat me who isn't playing on nightmare (*cough Starkey cough*), it makes me sad :(

All my mission 2 scores are nightmare, so my broadsword and crossbow scores can certainly be reached there. And yes, I usually die by getting overwhelmed by darts. If only I had darts instead of torpedoes...
Quarto said:
Well, right before the release, it occured to us that it would be nifty to have stuff like fighter qualification ribbons and such... maybe next episode, we'll see... but you have to keep in mind, stuff like this takes time. That's why in the end we only implemented the scoring system in two missions, leaving the others for the remaining two episodes.

Couldn't fighter ribbons be done by adding a simple bit of Java into the scoreboard website instead of straight from the Standoff program? It already shows the pilot, score and ship used to get it, why not a little Javascript telling it to display fighter qualification ribbons for specific ships under the pilots details once a certain score (500 - 1000 points?) has been reached under any given ship?
I'd volunteer to do this myself if only i knew how :(
Quarto said:
Uh, you know, we did write the documentation for a reason :p. You can find out how the scoring works by looking at the How To Play section of the scoreboard, or you can check the documentation in the Standoff launcher.

Pierre and I spent hours and hours on the instructions and people keep asking the questions answered there. :( Everyone needs to read it. It answers a lot.
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Yay, finally had the time to play the sim again, putting someone from the Standoff Team back onto the scoreboard :p.

For the record, my score (5480) is definitely nowhere close to the Rapier's full capabilities. In fact, it would have easily been higher if I hadn't made a stupid mistake (oh, Drakhri, my Drakhri, why did I ignore you and go after the other wave 11 ships?). So, for those of you who, like me, resent the fact that the stupid Wraith keeps getting back up to the top, take hope, and get back out there ;).
Quarto said:
Yay, finally had the time to play the sim again, putting someone from the Standoff Team back onto the scoreboard :p.

For the record, my score (5480) is definitely nowhere close to the Rapier's full capabilities. In fact, it would have easily been higher if I hadn't made a stupid mistake (oh, Drakhri, my Drakhri, why did I ignore you and go after the other wave 11 ships?). So, for those of you who, like me, resent the fact that the stupid Wraith keeps getting back up to the top, take hope, and get back out there ;).

The rapier is a great ship in the simulator, but i keep on getting my face handed to me by dumbfires it seems :(... the rapier is kind of lackluster in the confed gauntlet though, mostly because quite a few ships can outrun it, and that dang broadsword is so hard to kill. So i'm usually stuck with going face to face with ferrets/epees to kill them and taking one too many hits... or strafing a broadsword about 5-8 times to kill it without getting the bad end of it's neutron guns. The epee is also (although i keep on getting dumbfireowned) a pretty dang good ship... as said somewhere else, i certainly don't remember the epee being that good in WC2 :)
But you didn't played at nightmare^^

I Think i have to get the score back today, ebvven if you force me to play at hero ^^

And the Epee rules evrything!

The Rapier is good, but the Epee is the better ship, even if the Rapier has more shilds, more firepower at a very high speed ^^
sorry for the doppel but i have to say it^^

It is my Epee^^

and Mission 1 is much easier than mission 2. After working so hartd for the Highscore at Mission 2 in the Epee, the Kilrathi run was preatty easy^^.

Next time I try the Rapier, but for now I have to sleep^^
I think the reason the Epee comes off as more useful is that it's easier to not get hit. And everyone knows the First Rule of Epee.
Sternenwind said:
But you didn't played at nightmare^^
...Which admittedly did put me at something of a disadvantage, since I got less points per kill. But it was no big deal, I managed anyway :p.

And damn, you beat my Epee score, right after I established it :(.
yeah..sorry...but it is MY Epee^^

I flight at Nightmare and I was suprised^^ My first Run was about 4800, but the second was really great^^

I had to fight against Jusitice in the last time and fly my Epee at Mission 2.

It was a good Nightmare Run^^
*i got lucky and reach Wave 11 the First time ^^*
Sternenwind said:
yeah..sorry...but it is MY Epee^^

I flight at Nightmare and I was suprised^^ My first Run was about 4800, but the second was really great^^

I had to fight against Jusitice in the last time and fly my Epee at Mission 2.

It was a good Nightmare Run^^
*i got lucky and reach Wave 11 the First time ^^*

///makes mission to top epee score :P


And i'm testing the hypothesis that a sartha will turn left everytime they break away... something to do with the way their engines are arranged...
Try it^^

But even if you get the Highscore in the epee, I will get them back for sure^^

But one think. In WC2 the enemy hit you much more in a Epee^^ I love it. You fly against 13 Kilrathi Ships, but no one hit you^^
I Love this tiny little Ship ^^