Never enough Scimitars!

Originally posted by mpanty
Well most probably it does not affect the game at all (beyond the fact that your armor has been penetrated), but on a "reality" point of view, the pilot in the fighter will certainly feel every afterburner push... :)

Actually, I think that once your accel absorbers got destroyed, if you went on afterburners for a long time you died. I seem to remember once when I tried to burn away from something or other, and then suddenly blew up for no apparent reason. (Guess I could have run into some floating debris or something ... probably Dralthi chunks :)
My friend isn't evil, I'm sure that if I asked to borrow KS from her she'd lend me, so I'm the one to blame here... I'm too darned stupid to have borrowed it already :p
(but don't worry, I will! :))

I seem to remember hearing a wierd sound when using the afterburners after i lost my acceleration absorbers. might have just been my sketchy computer.
Originally posted by shdwcaster

Actually, I think that once your accel absorbers got destroyed, if you went on afterburners for a long time you died. I seem to remember once when I tried to burn away from something or other, and then suddenly blew up for no apparent reason...
Hey, might be possible!

Are you sure though, that a Kilrathi missile didn't catch up with you? :)
Originally posted by BikBear
I seem to remember hearing a wierd sound when using the afterburners after i lost my acceleration absorbers. might have just been my sketchy computer.

No, I got that same weird sound on my computer.
mpanty - I'm almost positive there wasn't a missle chasing me, but it shouldn't be to hard to check. I'll have to try and see if I can duplicate the experience.
I never heard or noticed a difference once my accel absorbers were destroyed and they always went first. I think it was just something put in for a cosmetic effect. I also noticed that unless you had heavy or destroyed status on your ejector system it worked fine. The most annoying thing to lose was the target track, especially if it was in an attack mission on a cruiser or destroyer.
Agreed, a destroyed target track was quite annoying, especially if you still had a your guided missiles. Though a damaged ion drive was also not a nice thing, you got slower than a Scimitar.
Grrrrrr! Just so that you know, you arrogant furball, I could blow up a Fralthra with the cockpit cracked and 99% damage to my fighter (if I wasn't blown to pieces yet :) )!

So shut up! ;)
I could fly circles around you if you were in an Epee, Mekt. In a transport. ;)
Mekt- if you lose your ion drive you still have afterburners though. But it would suck if you lost both I guess. (brings back memories of defending the Tell in the Tesla(sp?)system- I managed to kill that last damn Jakelhi with no radar and one laser cannon) ;)
Yeah my very last resort when I got nothing left on my ship but a little bit of shields and afterburners and theres only one ship left. Its time for....Some ramming action! :)
Ramming stuff is, many times, the best option out of or into a fight!

[Edited by LeHah on 07-13-2001 at 00:23]