Movie Madness? WCM2??

Bigotry and hatred is seen frequently through out ST. Even if religon isn't. Look at the cardassians[sp] tons of people seem to hate every single one of them. Meanwhile dispite humans having no aperent problems with each others religion they seem to have difficulty respecting the beliefs of alien cultures.
The Federation has a massive track record for respecting other culteres. Its this little thing called The Prime Directive. And there are always exceptions. The Cardassians not to long before the Next Generation started were at war with the Federation. It wasnt much of a threat to them but the Cardassians dont exactly have anything like the Geneva convention. They did some pretty horrible things. Take a bunch of people who wish no harm on anyone and stab them in the back a couple of them are going to feel betrayed and angry. BUt take someone like Cheif O'Brian. He didnt hate the Cardassians, he killed one in war, his first kill ever. He hated what they made him become. But he has no irrational hatred of every Cardassian in space. He just knows what trickery those in the military are capable from plenty of past experience. Experience he continued to gain throught DS9.
Of course the war is the reason for there hatred, but it's there and it's bigotry. Not all the Cardassians are evil just because there military is. It would be like hating all germans for what the nazi army did, or all russians for the acts of the KGB.
They dont hate all Cardassians, just those in the military, just like you would with Nazi supporters and members. Plus its not the Federation. At most its Bajorans (A people enslaved and murdered for 50 years by Cardassians) and colonists whose homes were given away in treaties they didnt have any say in, who were then threatened and attacked to be forced off of it. 99% of the people in the Federation up until the Dominion War would give Cardassians a chance, even if they were a bit weary. But who could blame them. Anyone who doesnt have an agenda that doesnt match the Government's doesnt get anywhere in the Cardassian Empire, just like it would be in Nazi Germany.
Oh.. so saying damned Cardassian was more like saying damned nazi's then saying damned germans, as when they were talking of hatred towards the Cardassians it was hatred towards the Cardassians military not the entire species? Humm could of sworn there were some cases were they hated all of them, guess I was mistaken.

p.s oh wait weren't there people who hated that garek guy[not knowing his former line of work] ?

[Edited by Dekkar on 03-25-2001 at 00:18]
Thats pretty much exactly what im saying. I imagine that the Bajorans do hate all Cardassians but considering what they went through, where pretty much all of them in some way fought against the Cardassians, they wouldnt think to highly of those that put up with their corrupt and evil government.
Ok it makes sense now also, you don't need to explain for the Bajorans, it was the humans, I was finding seemed odd in ST.I guess I just didn't follow it closely enough to understand. Sure would be nice if bigotry and greed were gone, and people learned to accept each others religous beliefs.
Hehe, sorry if i went a little overboard there. Yeah, it doesnt seem too hard. I can do it. Im betting many people here can and do do it.

[Edited by Supdon3 on 03-25-2001 at 00:42]
Maybe but there are still some pretty big hurdles to overcome. One of the biggest being misconseption. It might take awhile for Christians to accept satanists for instance, seems alot of christians think that anyone who calls themself satanist worships the christian satan. Meanwhile tons of other people seem to think wickan[sp?] , athiest and just about anything other then christian,jewish and buddist means satanist. Ethics is another huge hurtle, often a persons ethics would be based around there religion so, what one group considers ethical another does not. Respecting another persons beliefs when you deem them to be unethical would certianly be difficult.
well sterotypes go all the way around, but yeah there are a ton of hurdles to overcome. In Star Trek it wasnt until we encountered another species that we were able to pull together and get beyond these things. I guess when the universe gets thrown open before you, you realize just how insignificant things are sometimes.
Also the words extremist cult tend to get thrown around abit. Often people label a religion as such before even looking into a religion at all. If people are going to pass judgement like that you'd think they'd at least have the decency to know what they were talking about first.

no clue what time it is your way but goodnight Supdon3, it's like three in the morning my way.
Well i think youve proved your point quite nicely. We do need more tolerance, and i think that people like those on this board who dont tolerate intolerance (but in the right way!) is a good start and indication of things.

Its 12 here but ill be around for a while, i got a thing going with the threads. Goodnight Dekker.