Missions Questions


Anyone can help me with questions about add briefings to missions?
Next the to use wcpascal to make missions I'm learnig about briefs. But the code don't run in SO simulator. This is correct? How Can I test briefs?

Briefings can't be used in the simulator, you're right about that. What you have to do to test them is come up with a series file and a cdlayout of your own (tutorial at Killerwave's page... all you really need are files that have only one mission in them: the one you're trying to test :)).
Thanks Eder, I did that, I have my srs file, cdlayout.iff and patch the exe to this start from my srs file. But sometinhg don't is working... a simple mission start and I don't get SO errors but a black screen appear. :(
I'm forget something?. I remove my test briefings to avoid problems, I test the mission in the simulator and run fine... if I add MS_RunGaneflow(0); at mission start SO show error G_RunBriefingStart (or similar) not found..., supposedly my mission have cerberus.rom included (i view this in IFF Editor)...
Some idea?
Some basic implementation I forgot?

No errors, but a black screen? That sounds familiar. Does this mission have any objectives in it? Missions without objectives will work fine in the simulator, but will have this small problem when you test them in campaign mode.
I think it has something to do with not activating any cameras (probably because all campaign missions in WCP/SO started from hardcoded cutscene functions), so try pressing F1 after the mission starts, and let me know if it works.

It might be a different thing, though, since RunGameflow is supposed to work even with that error... or maybe it is that error, and something else. In your series file, apart from the mission structure, you need the room functions (what to do when the player clicks this or that area in the menu room). The tutorial at KW's has the decompiled versions of both the SO and WCP series files for download, IIRC, so make sure that while you're still using cerberus.rom as you room file, you also copy all the commands from the SO series file (change only the MCP function... I think that's the name... you know, the function which contains the commands to run the missions in order, etc. - anyway, make sure you leave all the other G_whatever commands... there's one for the Killboard, one for the airlock to quit the game, etc.)
yeeeees!, I press F1 and mission run..., also, I add a mission objective (I have not added that) and the mission start without F1 key!
First thanks!, and now I return to primitive brief question.
Now the black screen is on Brief screen...(this is that now MS_RunBriefing is ok), but nothing happen :(
I was reading SO mission decompiled and copy some code, but brief don't start. I think that is my camera definition object (into the mission)..., I not found some example on camera use (wcpascal example have all brief functions but I not found the camera definition how I can found the "objective" object definition), also I see all tutorials and can not get help on brief cameras,,,
Maybe can you help me if you can send me some UE mission pascal code... or other example...

Thanks again!
Righto. Here's the code from UE's mission 0. This is actually the player's briefing function - they usually control the briefing.

function B_Player;
  BRIEF_CAM_SetActive(1); // activates briefing cam
  BRIEF_CAM_SetPos(0, 600, 0); //sets cam pos
  BRIEF_CAM_TrackObj(Player);  // orders cam to track player

  BRIEF_SetAppearance(UE_APPEARANCE_Scimitar); //Player is a Scim
  BRIEF_FaceObject(Nav1); // player stares at Nav1
  BRIEF_Activate;  // player activates himself


  // "You will fly the morning patrol together with Ghost."
  BRIEF_VoiceOver(20, 0, 4);  // voiceovers - series (eg., brief20.iff), line, duration.

  BRIEF_MoveObjSeconds(Nav1, 4);  // player moves to Nav1, taking 4 seconds.
  SYS_PlaySFX(SFX_BRIEF_Activate);  // sound FX

  // "Patrol all three NAV points. You are unlikely to encounter
  // any trouble."
  BRIEF_VoiceOver(20, 1, 5);

//  BRIEF_WaitSeconds(1);
  BRIEF_MoveObjSeconds(Nav2, 5);  //more movement

  // "However, it may be worthwhile to inspect the cargo on
  // encountered freighters."
  BRIEF_VoiceOver(20, 2, 5);

//  BRIEF_WaitSeconds(1);
  BRIEF_MoveObjSeconds(Nav3, 4);

//  BRIEF_WaitSeconds(1);
  BRIEF_MoveObjSeconds(NavD, 7);

  BRIEF_Exit;  // end briefing

  while (1) do      // an endless loop. Probably unnecessary here, but it's better to
    BRIEF_WaitSeconds(1);   // be on the safe side.
Thanks quarto, then I don't need cameras how definition objects into the mission?
The MS_RunBriefing; jump to B_Player if the Player have set the property
brief: B_Player;

or I need other object or property assignment?

That's right, you don't need a camera object for the briefing.

What MS_RunBriefing does, basically, is the same thing as MS_RunSpaceflight - it starts up the appropriate functions for all objects, except that in this case that means the brief function instead of the main function. So, control doesn't jump to the player's briefing function - it jumps to all briefing functions. We usually put all the important stuff in the player's briefing function, but you could just as easily have any other ship or even navpoint control the briefing. Indeed, having a static object like a navpoint control the briefing would probably work better, since it would give you better control - in a briefing controlled by the player, you can't trigger any sort of briefing event whenever the player is moving, because the game won't go beyond the BRIEF_MoveObjSeconds function until the correct number of seconds has passed.
OK, maybe it's easy, but then I have other problem, the MS_RunfBriefing start brief screen but nothing happen... :( ...and I see that NOT play the B_Player function because I put the Brief_Exit command in the begin of the function (how first command) and the the brief screen don't exit... it stay black and nothing happen, no grid, no objects, nothing. Obviously if I press FLY button the game jump to spaceflight OK.

Here my example...
function MAIN;
object Player (Player)
obj: "piranha";
x: 100;
y: 200;
z: 0;
pilot: PILOT_Casey1;
main: M_Player;
brief: B_Player; //only this?
function B_Player;

BRIEF_Exit; (here I add this to test that the function run)
//if the function work then the game flow will continue with //Spaceflight..., but nothing happen, I view the briefing screen
// BLACK (replay and fly button and no more)

BRIEF_CAM_SetActive(1); // activates briefing cam
BRIEF_CAM_SetPos(0, 600, 0); //sets cam pos
BRIEF_CAM_TrackObj(Player); // orders cam to track player

BRIEF_SetAppearance(19); //Player is a ...
BRIEF_FaceObject(Nav1); // player stares at Nav1

BRIEF_Activate; // player activates himself


//.. other commands...


I forgot some?
Only those commands are needed?

The BRIEF_Exit command doesn't actually exit out of the briefing screen, it just concludes the briefing (the "briefing concluded" text). And the black screen with no grid is perfectly normal - until the briefing camera is active, you can hardly expect to see anything through it :p. In other words, your briefing works just fine.
if my briefing works just fine the when I remove my first line BRIEF_Exit I have to see a player object...

BRIEF_CAM_SetActive(1); // activates briefing cam
BRIEF_CAM_SetPos(0, 600, 0); //sets cam pos
BRIEF_CAM_TrackObj(Player); // orders cam to track player
BRIEF_SetAppearance(19); //Player is a ...
BRIEF_FaceObject(Nav1); // player stares at Nav1
BRIEF_Activate; // player activates himself

I added that to test because nothing happen...
Look my code... something could happen... but I only see black screen though I remove the BRIEF_Exit. Obviously I began in this way but how don't work...
Then I think that the problem is in camera activation but it appears easy if only a command is needed...
Maybe is missed some file?
Where the brief read the wireframe object to show?

Thanks again!
Hmm. Well, you shouldn't need anything else as far as I can remember. What about the other objects involved in the briefing? Maybe you put Brief_Exit in one of their functions? I can't think of anything else, but then again it is pretty late around here, so I really can't think at all :p.
In the end, next of read and read and read... I discovered the problem origin...
Thanks for your help!

Ah!, never to froget put color on objects... (if you want that the brief run and show the objects) :)
What about of new project?. I'm thinking begin one but before, how you have experience in projects, can you tell me where are the node problems?, we have enough "experts" in fan projects? (without count the people that work on standoff or UE of course)...

What think you?
I don't think we do have enough experts - the WC editing community is pretty small, and virtually everybody is already involved in at least one or two projects. That's not to say that you wouldn't be able to find any help, but it definitely would be a challenge. Of course, it all depends on the size of your project, how much of it you would intend to do yourself, the availability of models for whatever ships you're thinking of using, and so on.

My advice would be to offer your help for one of the existing projects. That way, you'll get some experience, and you'll get to know the people here, as well. Of course, I'm heavily biased - you seem to be learning WCPPas, which means that I'll probably say anything to get you to volunteer to work on Standoff ;).
I'd read all articles that I could find. Obviously all are not written and this is acceptable when we talk of things that aren't redituables
In Thomas page I download all info (this is very good and great work!), but on the functions page only is availables the AI commands descriptions. If you look the begin the of thread (this page), I can not help about Briefs...or other rather than I can view into the WCPPas package. All is test on test... I don't want to criticize I give thanks to post all info (Thomas, HCL Brito, Quarto, Kilrawave and many others!) but all is very dispersed and should be good if we can centralize all.

Well, the question is how can I know if I have all tools avaialble?, I download all possible but the info is very dispersed and maybe I can not have the last version to make a entry project...
Maybe we could do a programmers wctools package? :)
So, I read on others threads that standoff have stuff completed, If standoff need a member multi task, obviously I'm here!, that can be a good experience.

Maybe if standoff members each one on your speciallity contribute publishing the last tools availables, I could do the "programmer wc package" and thus encourage to people take part to do future experts!.
Well, the reason why the documentation is so dispersed and so incomplete is because none of us ever had the time to put together a comprehensive set of docs. Nor, indeed, was there ever a reason to do so - there has never been enough interest in WCP editing to make such a project worth the effort. You're like the third person in a year who has expressed an interest in learning to program missions - it's easier for us just to directly answer your questions.

Besides, our knowledge of WCP editing is also fairly incomplete - remember, Origin has never released even an ounce of information about WCP. Some of its individual staff members have given us bits and pieces of info, but most of it we had to figure out ourselves. So, there are still gaps in what we know.

How much have you learned to do with WCP missions anyway? Do you know enough to put together a simple mission, or are you still learning the basics?
First I explain you I'm software developer, I'm partner of a development company but we do multipedia applications, INternet solutions, etc; (sorry my english)
I began reading all HCL documentation and looking how work the graphical mission builder, this is looking inside the txt files before of the compiler process. I learned on vars and learned how modify a txt function, objects, etc; the concept of add, move, v1...v8, you know. I could not run wcppascal, this didn't work, I'd replace my pc and when reinstall windows wcppascal work. When I saw how work I said wow!, this is easy! and I began to test all components, building test missions, testing comms, implemented the divX function, understanding and making a srs file, you know. Looking for the possibilty of contribute on a project or on one new. I think that the goal is the multitask, (functions never end!), and I knew that , this is great and open multiple possibiities.
Sincerely I did not thousends of missions because first I need a objective. I have write the begin the a new history.

I understand the ships mannage, how change a ship status, I could modify the .mat file, I work in photoshop too, and I know on 256, pals, etc;
I can not test the ships editor yet, I will do later, first I want end with the briefs. :)

Ah!, I have a BRIEF questions!, can you help me?

BRIEF_VoiceOver(20, 1, 4); // voiceovers - series (eg., brief20.iff), line, duration.

This read the \language\brief20.eng line 0, this is ok.
Now I try to put a voice speech... how?
I supose that file 5200000.xa have to work, also I supose that this look by srs20.iff where I declare the comm type 0 (text only no video)... this is correct?, and obviously declared the comm on times.iff on \ifcomms... This is a correct way or I forgot something?

Ok, starting with your briefing problem... the XA format is used in conjunction with UV2 video files. So, they're only used for comms. Briefing speech, on the other hand, uses the IFF format. I really should've put something about this into the comms tutorial :p.
So for briefing comms, you do not put anything into times.iff or srs20.iff - srs20.iff would be used by series 20 special comms. All you need to do is put the text into brief20.eng. Then, the voice file itself, you put that into audio\speech. The naming convention is the same as for special comms, except that instead of a 5 you use a 4. So, BRIEF_VoiceOver(20, 1, 4) will try to play audio\speech\04210001.iff.

How much spare time do you have? We definitely could use another mission programmer on Standoff, so if think you will have enough time to program a few missions for us, we'd definitely appreciate your help.