

Ok, what ever happened to those guys neway? I mean as far as im concerned, they saved humanity's asses! Then gave the confederation its ships back, and kinda faded away... wtf?
There's a post-war novel about the Landreich -- Wing Commander: False Colors. It talks about how the Landreich has moved from being spit-and-glue frontiersmen to becoming a legitimate space power -- and a number of the novel characters (Bear, Sparks et al) go to serve there after the war.

(Though the Wing Commander IV novelization implies that they didn't give the Confederation its ships back...)
Bandit LOAF said:
(Though the Wing Commander IV novelization implies that they didn't give the Confederation its ships back...)

Then where did the ships go? They keep em or give to the BW or black opps?
They seem to have kept the surviving escort carriers for themselves (other than Tarawa, which went back to the Confederation and was then crippled in a Kilrathi attack... and was then sold *back* to the Landreich.)

Ive been reading the book u told me about, but havent gotten too far yet, did they buy the Concordia as well? I know from something else i read that she was being taken off line but didnt know what the deal was.
Nope, Concordia was destroyed in a Kilrathi ambush right before Wing Commander III. Blair and Paladin find the wreckage in the games intro.
...sigh...what a tragic loss the concordia
TCS - Tarawa became the Independence I think the Landreich Navy
The Landreich kept many of the older ships the same way did the Border Worlds did. I think by the end of WC4 and beginning of Prophecy I think that both the Border Worlds and the Landreich became recognised independent governments
Agreed... I mean look at what you fly off of the rest of the series...

WC1- Bengal Class Strike carrier... 8 Laser turrets? PLEASE!
WC3- A rusty musty old Ranger Class light carrier... that for some reason has a larger escort then the Concordia ever did...
WC4- An old Fleet carrer... and a Modified Confed Super cruiser turned BW Carrier(UGH!!!)

WCP- A Mega Carrier that seems a little lightly armed for her size...
WCSO- A new strike carrier, quick, clean, effective... but I just wasnt a fan of it... again too easy to kill...
Iceyl86 said:
WC1- Bengal Class Strike carrier... 8 Laser turrets? PLEASE!

For its time, it was very powerful. The Concordias big gun is for people that like suprises: Will it or will it not overload this time...:p
Dyret said:
For its time, it was very powerful. The Concordias big gun is for people that like suprises: Will it or will it not overload this time...:p

I was more a fan of the anti-matter guns... energy torpedoes rock my socks!
Iceyl86 said:
Agreed... I mean look at what you fly off of the rest of the series...

WC1- Bengal Class Strike carrier... 8 Laser turrets? PLEASE!
WC3- A rusty musty old Ranger Class light carrier... that for some reason has a larger escort then the Concordia ever did...
WC4- An old Fleet carrer... and a Modified Confed Super cruiser turned BW Carrier(UGH!!!)

WCP- A Mega Carrier that seems a little lightly armed for her size...
WCSO- A new strike carrier, quick, clean, effective... but I just wasnt a fan of it... again too easy to kill...

Well... usually the fiction adds weapons that aren't seen in the actual game -- like the large calibur energy weapons that the Tiger's Claw uses in the ending cutscene to WC1, or the HEavy Ion Cannons for engaging other capital ships that Rachel mentions the Midway has in the ICIS manual.

You can't judge a ship by its... appearance in the game.
The TCS Concordia will always be my favorite since it was the first I ever flew off of. It was cemented further as my favorite thanks to "End Run" and "Fleet Action". I still remember how excited I was when the Concordia came in guns-a-blazing to rescue the battle-weary Tarawa at the end of "End Run". I always liked the kinder Tolywn of the novels though I think the games made a more interesting story and after reading the novels Wing Commander 4 is all the more shocking in its effect.

The Concordia and the Tiger's Claws just have the best feel to them during the games. I can't explain it, you just feel proud and you feel like you're making a difference in the war and your ship is some kind of famous icon of Confederation might. from Wing Commander III on there's just such a doom and gloom feeling, even when you do get back onto worthier carriers in WCP and Secret Ops. In WCIII especially I remember thinking "I used to be on THE TCS Concordia! THE CONCORDIA! This thing is a joke!" when I was younger. Don't get me wrong, there's a special place in my heart for those little under-dogs called Victory and Intrepid.
I Can't beleve that the Concordia went down the way it did. I aways pictured her going down in a fight with a Kilrathi Dreadnaught and getting one last shot off with the PTC, taking the Kilrathi with her.
Star Rider said:
I Can't beleve that the Concordia went down the way it did. I aways pictured her going down in a fight with a Kilrathi Dreadnaught and getting one last shot off with the PTC, taking the Kilrathi with her.

How do you know that's not roughly what happened?
I know because of what it said on Fleet Tactics. In the communication section there's a message to Tolywn from Richards saying that the Concordia went down in Vespus fighting a Kilrathi raider force. During the fight a lucky torpedo hit from a torp bomber struck the engines and forced her down on to (I think it was Vespus III) Vespus III none of the crew survived except for a few pilots in eject pods. The Concordia herself could not be salvaged and was a total loss, much like the Enterprise D in Star Trek Generations.
Fleet Tactics made that all up, though. There's no source detailing what happened to the Concordia in that last battle.