I want a Rapier and Dralthi for Christmas please.


Reckon in the future there is any chance we could create resin kits or something of those prototype toys that were made ages ago? Surely we can make molds or something and build our own bit by bit?
A carrier for them would be awesome to.
Such a thing would require a mold, which we don't have.

And a carrier would have to be about the size of a straight rig 18 wheeler if you want it to be to scale.
LeHah said:
Such a thing would require a mold, which we don't have.

And a carrier would have to be about the size of a straight rig 18 wheeler if you want it to be to scale.

Hehehe. I was gonna be a bit modest and settle for something similar to the one Captain Sansky had in his quarters.
If there's some amazing plastics expert who can take my Rapier and turn it into toys for everyone, they're welcome to come over and do so.
Bandit LOAF said:
If there's some amazing plastics expert who can take my Rapier and turn it into toys for everyone, they're welcome to come over and do so.
I would imagine it would involve taking it apart and then getting a mold. Even then I'd imagine you would have a low quality finished product. Then again I dont know much about plastics.
No, a lot of plastic resin models are now made using 3d models in a more popular format (I think Autocad is the biggie right now). theoretically, it would be as simple as making a 3d model...and having access to some extremely sophisticated industrial plastic molding equipment. :)
yeah, they sell stuff that will carve it out of a chunk of plastic with lasers based off a 3d model now. But they're very expensive.

Making a latex mold, turning into a hard plastic mold, and then making more would be a lot of work.
The trick is to find someone that already owns a CNC mill, or a plastic-laser-zappy machine, and hand them the model and the chunk of material, and presto.
Maj.Striker said:
No, a lot of plastic resin models are now made using 3d models in a more popular format (I think Autocad is the biggie right now). theoretically, it would be as simple as making a 3d model...and having access to some extremely sophisticated industrial plastic molding equipment. :)
Costs and ability aside - aren't there legal problems? Someone did the prototypes and that someone might not be amused...
cff said:
Costs and ability aside - aren't there legal problems? Someone did the prototypes and that someone might not be amused...

We never had any problems with flight suits or Confederation logos on merchendise?
Ok, I'm all for the toy WC ships under everyones Xmas tree this year. But besides the industrial plastic molder thing ( witch companies won't let us use unless we're willing to put in an order for 10 000 units-minimum ) and the possible vexing of the prototypes creators... there's also the fact that some of these ships can't make the transition from the virtual world to the real one. They'd be REALLY fragile and easely breakable. Take one of my personnal favorites, the WC2 Rapier...


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They'd be REALLY fragile and easely breakable.
You've never built any biplanes then. Trust me Eindeckers, Dri Deckers and DeHavilands have to have some if the thinest joins i've glued. Right glue no problems, especially the rapier's wingtips. It's all well and good to make one of ships, the real kickers in getting it out to the masses especially with so few designers/crafters and such. The average GW model kits takes about 9 months to finish from concept to production you know.
Sheet plastic, Styrene or PVC, would be able to get the job done, no problem.

If you're good with measurements and handy with a knife, you could easily scratchbuild your own Wing Commander fighters and CapShips. And since the majority of designs are nice and angular, they would be pretty easy builds; just measure and cut straight lines.

Take a look at this: http://www.starshipmodeler.com/starwars/tc_bwing.htm

Or this:

...to get a feel for what I mean.
You know maybe we should all get together over lunch or something and we might just get something done after all :)

From DyNaMiX's original post i got the impression that he's after those models based of the WCM. Simply get a hold of a couple of good model kits (English Electric Lightning and an A-10 Warthog) and the rest is fairly obvious. If i wasn't so lazy I'd try it out myself.