how do i get the evil blair ending in WC4?

Originally posted by Quarto
Heh. The one time Maniac actually does something sensible, and you never fly with him again? Imprison Tolwyn, and you've practically got a declaration of war guaranteed... and no way to prove that Tolwyn's done something wrong.
I don't see why they left that in as a choice unless it had more serious repercussions later in the game.
I let him free because I hoped there would be at last some reconciliation between Tolwyn and Blair. Funny Blair uses the same argument as Maniac when he lets him free. Only when Maniac brings it forth he is absolutely not convinced. :)
At that point in the game, for someone who was playing through for the first time, there was no reason to suspect Tolwyn -- letting him go seems like a normal thing to do.
Yeah, but the way he just seemed so gung-ho on stopping the "corruption", and the way he wanted to go out personally and examine the evidence, especially since I thought of him as a political soldier, a desk-flying bureaucrat, well, it seemed too damn fishy for him to be out on the frontier...unless he knew more than he was telling me.

Saying I knew he was rotten all along may have been a bit of hindsight bias on my part, which is my fault. Still, it wasn't much of a surprise after I saw the Vesuvius at Axius...
I don't think you can call Tolwyn a "desk-flying bureaucrat". I mean, of course you can, but I think Tolwyn always tried to be with his men and he was a real soldier. He was so much of a commanding officer that he was willing to sacrifice some lives to win in the end. BUt if you got the impression of him being a "political soldier" then, OK, your impression.
I thought it to be fitting, Tolwyn going out to find out what happens in his Confederation. :)
What, Tolwyn a desk-flying politician? The guy who captained Concordia during seven years of the bloodiest battles of the war? Who took Behemoth straight to Kilrah with practically no escorts? The guy who commanded the Third Fleet at Terra in '68? Who was part of the team that snuck behind enemy lines in '34 to gather intel on their plans to take McAuliffe?
Oh, for crying out loud, I said I thought of him as a desk-flying seemed that way in WC4! Asking Blair for information, and such...

I know (now) about McAuliffe (all of the battles), the Battle of Terra, all that jazz...I changed my opinion of him. But, at the time, I thought of him as a politician...and, while that assumption was wrong, it helped fuel the suspicion.
Originally posted by Mav23
Two words:



Better way to take out Vesuvius without Flashpak:

1. Set Torpedoes to "Salvo mode" -- that is, fire both
torpedoes at once.

2. Cloak, fly up to Vesuvius, wait for Torpedoes to lock on.

3. Uncloak, fire torps, Re-cloak. KA-BOOM! Mission done.


Brian P.
Admirals still do have to give orders... and Tolwyn ordered Blair to the Border Worlds -- don't think that makes him a politician. :)