Hobbes - cartoon connection ??

Kinda makes you sad that you just cant be happy for long before something comes along and tries to ruin it.
Killing the messenger? Not a very nice thing to do. Go jump in a thunderbolt and fly and fly and fly, until you get to the jump and the kilrathi come thruogh and there is lots of fireworks and then....

well, we all know how that one ends....:)
Originally posted by Zor Prime
The sweet taste of victory remains in one's mouth while the bitterness of defeat will fade into almost nothing. And then, when you least expect it, the bitter taste will come back, and overwhelm the senses.

C'est beau ce que tu dis... :)
(litteral translation: "How beautiful is what you say..." ;))
Arrr! How can I delete whole posts after I posted them? Because I posted sth stupid, then wanted to delete it via "Edit/Del" but it seems that I must write sth now.
So, uh, um, eh... very nice Zor Prime!

[Edited by Mekt-Hakkikt on 03-15-2001 at 12:11]
Well, duh! Erm, I shouldn't have said that... erm delete! Erm, can't do it. Oh darn, I'll never be able to face the shame...
Well perhaps Quarto, you would care to give me some French lessons? :)
After all, I have only lived in France for 10 years... :p
Nonono, your French is of course correct (and I sure as hell wouldn't notice if it was wrong ;)). But your translation, while gistically correct (yes, I know - gistically is not a word... but you get the gist :)), was not in fact literally correct, as you claimed it to be.
Originally posted by Quarto
Nonono, your French is of course correct (and I sure as hell wouldn't notice if it was wrong). But your translation, while gistically correct (yes, I know - gistically is not a word... but you get the gist), was not in fact literally correct, as you claimed it to be.



...of course I know what you mean... :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Quarto
C'est beau ce que tu dis...
(litteral translation: "How beautiful is what you say...")

By litteral, I meant word-by-word, my fault sorry...
The above translation is the "word-by-word understandable English" translation.

Here's what the "just word-by-word" English translation gives:

C'est beau ce que tu dis...
It is beautiful what that you say...

For comparison, Altavista gives the following:
It is beautiful what you say...

See? :)
Originally posted by mpanty


...of course I know what you mean...
I did say I was being picky - so you've had fair warning :).

Here's what the "just word-by-word" English translation gives:

C'est beau ce que tu dis...
It is beautiful what that you say...
Neeh... 'it is beautiful that what you say', you mean :).