Greatest Wing Commander Moments?

Re: Suggestion

A character section would be good, but it might work better as part of the Encyclopedia. (How is that going, anyway?)

Best, Raptor
Greatest moment... Confronting Tolwyn on the floor
of the Assembly. Seeing him dragged away and justice
served. Profoundly affecting, and to me it marked
the very last end of the Kilrathi war. Yes, the Kilrathi
were beaten, but in the beating we had unleashed forces
in Confed which were better left dormant (Tolwyn, Seether,
GE program, bioweapons). It wasn't until we'd put that
ugliness to rest that the war could really be said to
be over. And the best possible end -- the culprits brought
to justice, and Confed returning to its rightful place
as the good guy of the universe. As Blair said, its
like we'd cut out a cancer in our midst.

Just as well..
I liked the BW ships, but I *hated* fighting Confed, most
of whom were simple soldiers caught up in something they
had no understanding of.


Brian P.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
I'm seing double -- four Wedges!
So he's the guy who grabbed the callsign first. :( And I was probably visiting the CZ at that time too.

Uh, yeah... pity about Kirha.