Gladius could join us, Sabre!

I thought the gladius was alright atleast the armada one atleast wasn't really a fan of the priv model.
But since the Standoff characters come from the Gemini sector, I think using this Gladius was the best thing to do.
Our Gladius has mixed stats from the Armada and Priv versions (hence the unusual "fighter/bomber" classification)... It's not a particularly great ship at anything, but it beats trying to inflict damage in a Stiletto. I'm pretty sure nobody on the dev team likes it. :p
And when I say "Priv version", I don't mean it in this sense.

(no, that doesn't have anything to do with Standoff)
You silly cows; that's what a Rapier would have looked like in Privateer. Confed ships in Privateer had an metallic-plus-blue-pinstripe color scheme, and that's what that picture is.

Hey, Eder, wouldn't it be *kinda* cool to run into a handful of Confed ships close to PNB that use that color scheme? I know, I know . . that'd be insane amounts of work for something so trivial. A neat thought, though, eh?
Nah, better just leave that out of the mod... It's just my little high-res Rapier thingie. Hopefully someday it'll look good enough for a wallpaper.

The clean textures probably won't look good in low res with SO's bad lighting, too... it'll look too plain. (Besides, if I were to call that our Geminified Rapier, I'd have to replace half the Rapiers in the game :p)
Well, not really. In real life, different squadrons of the same plane have different paint jobs, even in the same army.

I think it would be neat to see a few different paint scheme for the same ship in the game. It would make it more dynamic and make the world seem bigger. Of course I am not suggesting working on new textures for all the ships, but if you happend to have some already made that are just unused, why not ?

For example, the metallic-and-blue-stripe rapiers may be Perry Naval Base's squadron, and we happend to see them only in Perry's sector.
I agree, Eder, specially if, as you already said, the fighters´s files really don´t take too much disk space.
Yep, fighter files don't really take up any considerable space, but I still think we should leave that out. I mean, if we can't show all the alternate paintjobs in the universe, why show one of them? And why choose the one that will get the least screen time of all? We'll see a lot of Rapiers from the Concordia and zero Rapiers from Perry (the closest we get to Perry is New Detroit, FFS :p), so if I were to include a second paintjob, it'd definitely be the Concordia's "yellow-thunder, all green engines, and yellow stripes next to the cockpit instead of red ones" paintjob.

More importantly, though, it's not so much the paintjob itself that worries me (we could have some excuse to use these "Perry-rapiers" in the sim or something), but the texturing style. That style has nothing to do with the way any of the other ships in the game are textured, so it'd look out of place. If I use those textures next to the current ones we have, I might as well use the UE Bengal, UE Epee and UE Ferret as alternate paintjobs, too. They're all 100% my work, but they still won't look right together... I think you get my meaning.

In this case, for example, if I were to include a "metallic with blue stripes" Rapier - using Standoff's texturing style - it'd look somewhat like the Morningstar.

Edit: Also, you guys are forgetting these are two different models. It's not just pasting one's textures over the other's. The textures are aligned differently, etc, so I'd have to modify these textures for them to work on Standoff's model (using this model is out of the question, of course - it has about 70k polygons).
Not that I wanted to argue. It was just a thought. I know you are giving a lot of importance to artistic consistency :D
Oh, don't worry. :p I was just clarifying my position as well.

And yep, consistency is the main point here... I don't have a problem with reconverting the same model a dozen times just to get a slightly different paintjob, even if it increases the download size a bit - as evidenced by all our capships and their name/number textures (and the Tarawa's "First to Kilrah" thingie in big golden letters :))... but extending this to fighters would be hell.
Point taken, Eder :D

BTW, I´m under the impression that you´re saving the Hakaga for last on purpose, since it was halfway done a long time ago. Can´t wait to see it :)
Yes, I'm saving it for last on purpose. :D

It's already more than halfway done, but I might not even release any screenshots of it on the site... we'll see. ;)

Edit: By the way, I've just updated the site with some Exeter shots.