Game 005 Comment Thread

Turn 15 is online. (Direct link)
- Humungus fires 1 particle cannon at Panda (TR 4+), hitting 2 out of 2 times for 10 points of damage
- Humungus fires 4 laser cannons at Panda (TR 4+), hitting 12 out of 12 times for 24 points of damage
- Panda fires aft turret at Humungus (TR 6+), hitting 2 out of 4 times for 10 points of damage
- Panda opportunity fires 3 mass driver cannons at QuailPilot (TR 6+), hitting 3 out of 3 times for 9 points of damage

- Avacar decelerates to 2, turns 1 right
- Humungus maintains speed and course
- Panda decelerates to 1, turns 1 right
- QuailPilot maintains speed 2, turns 1 right

- Humungus tails Panda, reveal direction
- Panda fails to tail QuailPilot

- Humungus' shields recharge 4 points
- Panda's shields recharge 5 points
- QuailPilot's shields recharge 4 points

Now with colors! Offensive actions in red, movement in blue, tailing in yellow and shield recharge in green. Better or worse than before? :p
Ouch, this must have really hurt...

As for the colour schemes, it's much better now, I can orient in the text faster. :-)
Turn 16 is online. (Direct link)
- Avacar opportunity fires 2 particle cannons at Panda (TR 5+), hitting 2 out of 4 times for 10 points of damage
- Avacar opportunity fires 2 mass driver cannons at Panda (TR 5+), hitting 3 out of 6 times for 9 points of damage
- Humungus fires 1 particle cannon at Panda (TR 4+), hitting 2 out of 2 times for 10 points of damage
- Humungus fires 4 laser cannons at Panda (TR 4+), hitting 10 out of 12 times for 20 points of damage
- Panda fires 3 mass driver cannons at QuailPilot (TR 6+), hitting 5 out of 9 times for 15 points of damage
- Panda fires starboard turret at Humungus (TR 6+), hitting 1 out of 4 times for 5 points of damage
- Panda fires aft turret at Humungus (TR 6+), hitting 1 out of 4 times for 5 points of damage

- Avacar fails to perform a Burnout maneuver (TR 4+), afterburning straight at speed 12 instead
- Humungus decelerates to 0, turns 1 right
- Panda accelerates to 2, turns 1 right
- QuailPilot engages afterburners

- Avacar has left the combat area
- Panda destroyed (kill: Humungus, assist: Avacar)

- Humungus' shields recharge 4 points
- QuailPilot's shields recharge 4 points

This turn shows how dangerous maneuvers can be if you botch them... I guess we're as good as done here.
You could try to write an "automatic hit" routine for every player called "Avacar" in the computer-aided version... :p
Turn 17 is online. (Direct link)
- Humungus accelerates to 1, turns 1 right
- QuailPilot fails to perform an Immelman turn (TR 6+), turns 3 left instead

- QuailPilot has left the combat area
- Humungus' shields recharge 4 points

And the winner is: Humungus! With one kill, he is the "last cat standing" in this dogfight. :p One assist goes to Avacar, and everyone taking part has earned qualifications for their specific fighter.

I'll be off for a seminar from the end of July until the second week of August, so there wouldn't be much use in starting a new game right now. But if Avacar keeps up his fast pace at programming the computer-aided version of WCTO - who knows, we might even tinker around with his game a bit in August. :p
I think that gives this game the honour of being the 2nd ever to actually have a truly declared 'win/loss'. Scenario 1 is the only other that comes to mind. Congrats Humungus!
I'm still curious...would my turning 3 still turn me around?
Yes, it would - but only after moving you forward half of your speed in hexes. And you didn't have any hex to spare there... The only way out of it would have been a full stop. (Or a successful Immelman turn, of course - which you only missed by 2, by the way.)