Chicken said:
If you wanted another choice for a flyable capship, I'd say a rundown/scrapyard Venture class corvette would be a good idea, the only catch to it is the player would have to spend the money to rebuild it and recruit a crew.
In reallity, we can extend this ...
Like in WCP, you find the old base. I always hated the fact that the base was onusable for you as a player. But, i find that we can use this now to our advantage.
Let me give a example:
Lets say, we find xxx base, a wreck, nothings working, piece of junk nobody wants. Now, let's assume there are the following items in the game: Base Plating I, II, Base Reactor I, II, III, Base Laser I, II ... Let's asume, like a fighter, we are able to rebuild the base, by buying components & transporting them to the base ( + maybe paying somebody for the install work / crewing it ). I think we can reuse part of the ship code to simulated a base & it's defence ( dont know how much is hardwired in the exe ).
Now, let's asume the base has all the components installed. It's fully functional. Now, we can trigger script, that activate's a scenario script's resolving around the base.
The thing is, after this code exist, it can be reused for other ships / or bases or / outpost's found in space. We find a Venture ... we fix here up, vlam, we gain specific missions. If the mission designers want to be real funky, they can place the ship, in a part of space, that has only 2 jump points. After the ship is active, for some reason, the jump point is closed ( the original one ), you are left with the ship & your fighter. The other jump point give's out to a sector with hostile's. The missions now active, are written based on this carrier/corvet, whatever ship is used. Now, we are in a situation that the player is well, playing WCIII, WCIV or whatever. Aka, very focused missions ( a campaine if you want ). End of the campaine, or somewhere else, there is a jump back to the old sector.
I hope people understand what i'm trying to say???