Favorite fighter, Favorite bomber

Favorite bomber: Broadsword... although the Crossbow and Devastator aren't too bad, either.
Favorite fighter: tie between Raptor and Morningstar
Favorite fighter-bomber :D: Vindicator


Damn black wasp is fun as hell to play. Maybe they should remove the damn cloudfires and add torps to make it the ultimate ship ;) well, minus the armor of course... and the range... and the shields...
i used ship editor and replaced the panther with the wasp and my scores went way up. i like the fast firing guns (stormfire in wc4 was my preferred weapon)
I think that the Wasp was about the only ship I could actually follow the "rule of engagement" they say in End Run (?). Something about engaging fighters 50,000k away from the carrier. Hell, in most WC games, especially WC:p, I was twisting my way around the carrier, to kill my opponents, while using turrets to keep my ass clear!
This thread does not have the recommended threadly allowence of Scimitar-bashing.

Originally posted by 15th Rampage
Scimitars?! , have't hear of them for a long time, Old ship, bad one too

Originally posted by RATM
those stupid scims! they are everywhere! I mean, they're so old they had them before the war, so just imagine with all the costs how much they built! they're cheap, half effective, slow, sluggish. meaning they wont cost much for maintenance and they'll do the job, hopefully. thats why we say theres too many damn scimitars in this world


Originally posted by WildWeasel
Don't let Supdon fool you. The Scimm's a gun-heavy slug. Forget finesse...just head straight in, guns blaring. Give me a ship that takes skill... A Raptor, even a Hornet...or one of those new Rapiers... If half of what they say is true, the Rapier's a true artist's ship!

Originally posted by Ghost
The only good thing of the Scim. was the 2 mass cannon, she is slow and has not much maneuverability

Originally posted by RATM
Yeah that was a nice add, i liked the ship, until i went on a raptor, scim just looks ugly...

Originally posted by Wedge009
Originally posted by Supdon3
Why? 'Cause their cost effective?

Cost-effectiveness is supposedly the same argument for the existence of Hellcats and corvettes.

Originally posted by Nep Parth
Oh, no, I absolutely hate the Scrimitar. Slow, heavy gun slug...

I liked it a bit after flying a Hornet, especially when I saw those Dralthi explode after I emptied the gun capacitors...but then I started trying to manuver. Ugh...

Originally posted by shdwcaster
Speaking of phasing the Scim out, anyone else remember in SM2? (Maybe 1, it's been a while) where Halcyon announced that the Scim was offically being retired. There was cheering for a very good reason. Personally, I'll take a Hornet over a Scim anyday. Try taking the losing track all the way to Chengdu, you'll face a few Gratha there, beat it, and you'll wind up in Brimstone. Just tell me which is easier: fighting Gratha in Hornets with Angel, or fighting them in Scims with Maniac?

Originally posted by WildWeasel
Originally posted by Supdon3
I wept when they retired the Scimitar.
I did a happy dance.

Originally posted by Nep Parth
I too wept for joy when they retired the Scrim...

Originally posted by LeHah
Last resort? I ram things when they deserved to be rammed! :D

WC2 Wraith was the scariest ship ever during that era. The damn uber-guns, Leeches of death, Ton-o'-shielding and megafast speed made it too scary to play. I still prefer the good ol' Morninstar. That baby's insane. as for broadsword, I think although it is stylish, It is NOT Practical. Think about it,

a mostly defenseless broadsword toting around 4 Torps,
a mostly defenseless Crossbow toting around 4 torps.
a very fast and powerful Epee toting around 2 torps.
A fast and powerful SABRE Carrying around 8 torps.
A Deadly and insane Wraith carrying those 2 damn Leeches and Reapers
A neat and powerful Morninstar carrying 2 torps and... thE MACE.

I think Sabre and M-star wins here.
Primary advantage of the Broadsword over the Saber is that the former can jump. I don't believe the latter can.
Then there's also the extra turrets on the Broadsword to help dissuade enemies from attacking - not that they ever seem to do all that much.

Well, Broadsword can jump...
Morninstar can jump but with 'random jump failure'.
Crossbow can perfectly jump. Same with Wraith.

Okay, so thats the 'Sword's only advantage. As for turrets? All the Sabre uses turrets for are tractoring objects, as they are easily fast and manuverable enough to be able to defend themselves and take down hostile ships. Epee can too. Wait... I think later Sabres can jump... maybe that's why Jazz runs in a Sabre?
Originally posted by -<Stiletto>-
Morninstar can jump but with 'random jump failure'.

Well, that is not what I tell a jump... It looks like something that bring you everywhere, exept where you want to go...

[ :( once again, I've lost the contest... But I will come back next year, and I will win ! :D )
This is difficult to say.....


WC1 (SM1, SM2) - Raptor: It had raw power, all homing missiles, a porcupine mine, as well as adequate speed at 400 kps, and good shields and armor.

WC2 (SO1, SO2, WCAcad) - Sabre: Just power, grace, and versatility. What more could you want? But also the Wraith prototype, that was even more impressive than the morningstar.

Privateer (RF) - Galaxy: (lowers head in shame)... it's just pretty looking...

WCArmada (PG) - Gladius: I just love this fighter, though it's missile loadout is slightly lacking. Once again the Wraith holds a close second...

WC3 - Hellcat: Damn good little dogfighter.

WC4 - Bearcat: Also very nice dogfighting craft, and that's my specialty.

I have only played WCP (SO) once or twice, so I am not in a good position to to even speculate on my favorite fighter...

Overall, the Gladius from Armada is my favorite, mostly because it's what I am currently flying off of the TCS Markham (Fan project, "Markham Dark")