Epic spaces battles...

Actually, I think ST:TNG did have miniskirts in the first couple of episodes. I know I saw a guy in one in "Encounter at Farpoint. <shudder>" Either that, or it was a really ugly girl and i couldn't tell the difference.
Originally posted by Eleazar

I'm craving to see a good space battle...

Whithout a shadow of doubt, and I don´t believe you guys forgot this one, I have to say:

SPACE : Above and Beyond
I liked those in Babylon 5 - especially the big ones between the forces of the Shadows and the Army of Light in the fourth season.. or the flashbacks to the Battle of the Line. :)

"The sky was full of stars; and each star was a burning ship..."
Originally posted by Michael_A
How about the Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles. It was a completly CG series very cool.
Was? More like is. It hasn't finished yet. Probably never will be. :( Sounds a lot like the Prophecy trilogy...
I think the point is that it isnt limited to three games in the fight against the bugs, or it could be a two parter, but in any case there is no official end planned.
SAAB fighters

the fighters looked the way they did because the positioning of the manouvering trusters. If you look closely you can see little balls (those are supposed to be the trusters) on the wingtips and the "hammer" of the Hammerheads. About the Chig fighters...well, they're the aliens, so they're supposed to look weird :D
Hammerheads were cool because they had that turret that could fire in 360 degree circle around the fighter.