Dumb Question - Rachel and WCP


OK, again I apologise if this topic has been done to death, but doesn't it appear a bit funny that Rachel tells Blair (in the WCIV opening chapters) that she loves him, but can't handle the way he's becoming a hermit. Then in WCP when he's back in the "action" and on the same carrier as Rachel no less, she doesn't even give him the time of day. Instead she tries to crack onto Casey (young enough to be her son !!).

Not to mention that he's back as a fighter pilot in WCIV as well.

Does this make her break-up message reek of "I like you as a friend" sort of stuff, or is it just me? I must admite I never liked Rachel too much anyway, so I can't say I'm sorry (Flint was a real pilot's woman :) ). I just wondered what the story was with this.

I realise there may be some novels out there that answer this better - I haven't read any of them.

Which reminds me - can you still buy them new? And are they worth it?
Then there was the Casey-Talvert-Finley-Coriolis thing. Eeew, that sounds terrible. :)

I still say that kissing choice in WC3 was horrible and tacky. Who would be so insensitive as to make a choice between two women, right in front of the rejected one!
The novels are excellent -- grab them while you still can!

As for Rachel in Prophecy -- it's been eight years since they broke up, and (according to Paladin) they've settled their differences... in fact, Blair specifically requested Rachel to work on the Midway project.

Now, if I may be allowed to rant: Just because a woman appears in a computer game does *not* mean she is attracted to your character! There's no love triangle -- the only character who a romantic relationship is in any way hinted at is Stiletto (and that's in Secret Ops, not WCP). Being a woman does not a desire to sex up Lance make. :)

(Besides, Lisa-the-WCP-background-pilot is way hotter than any of them).
>I still say that kissing choice in WC3 was horrible and
>tacky. Who would be so insensitive as to make a choice
>between two women, right in front of the rejected one!

Yeh I agree - in fact the first time I played it, I was so embarrassed that my character would do such a stupid thing, that I said no to both of them. I think that section was a bit of pandering to young teenage boys :)

Hey wait a minute, when I first played WC3 I WAS a young teenage boy !
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
Being a woman does not a desire to sex up Lance make. :)

(Besides, Lisa-the-WCP-background-pilot is way hotter than any of them).

Oops, that wasn't my idea, I just saw it a lot when we were discussing the Casey/Stiletto thing. Besides, I didn't mention the CAG. :)

And who's Lisa? I saw something about that in another forum, but didn't have the time to read all of it.
Its a female pilot that maestro gives a drink in WC P.
I always wonder why ConFed gives pilots the change to get drunk before flying....
Also there are no toilets in sight....

She appears in the background throughout the game.
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Ive noticed that in every scene that takes place in the rec room has them drinking. I was beginning to wonder if they needed a chapter of AA onboard ship. Theres room.
Red hair pulled back so tight it might as well be part of her scalp... if you want good red hair go check Flint. Admittedly a little brunette-ish but definitely red.
If you're looking for an attractive redhead in Wing Commander, you really can't get beyond Angel in WC1...:)

Yeah, Angel from WC1/2 was the best!
Flint may look good but she is soo annoying. Finley has neither looks nor a friendly character; the CAG is too old, as is Rachel. Well, if Stiletto opened her hair I could imagine she would be quite attractive. But ahhh, where has this post gone... :)
Where do we see Sparks in the games? :confused:

I've read about her in the novel False Colours, all this story related to Jason Bondarevsky and the TCS Tarawa, but in the games, do we actually see her???
Originally posted by Fenris
Sparks is introduced in WC2 and continued through SO2, if I remember correctly.

Ahhh... ok! I did not play SO1 and SO2 for WC2... :(

Once I get to Paris though, download download... :) (they're freeware right?)