CZ Admin Stuff (or: The Way Life Should Be)

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In regards to admins posting as Joe WCer

While admins do post at times (and LOAF a lot, but he's the Baron... <Blair>It's... a privilege of rank.</Blair> ), it apparently needs to be noted that many of the topics that come up here have come up time and time again, in various forums (the old Origin posting board [now dead], the newsgroup, WCHS posting board [now dead], CZ, IRC, etc), and answering the same question for the umpteen zillionth time gets to be a bit tiring for some people.

If you think we admins are snippy now, you really don't want us around more often. ;) :p
well yes, logic WOULD "denote" that :p

Okay, so Cpl. Hades, what do *YOU* consider to be the "Stupid People Zone"? As in, what are you referring to besides a "zone for stupid people"?

(P.S.- Frosty, thanks for being so nice to me these last few days :))

[Edited by Mav23 on 05-25-2001 at 20:21]
Originally posted by Kazan
I'd like the thank the aimless posters who ruined my thread.. thank you much guys <growls>

Chill out, geez.

Lots of people have lost threads to topic drift. That doesn't make you special.

(Well, ok, maybe not "lots", but I had to work the quote in there somehow.)

On a more serious note, you could also start the thread again, specifically saying to take the chit-chat elsewhere.
The stupid people zone was an area like General Wing Commander Chat and Fan Fiction Chat. Only for stupid people to post their stupid things rather than in General Chat. Eventually the stupid zone became unnecessary so we removed it. I can't remember how long ago that was now.. it was before bandwidth became an issue for us. It was before everything got wiped back in January 2000 though.
Like I said, bandwidth is more of a concern now. And besides that, it was really partly done as a joke the first time around.
Like it says in the rules : "Please be aware of the fact that the CIC is limited in bandwidth & server space..."
I don't understand what the PROBLEM though, besides you being "limited"... I mean, isn't there a way to expand your resources or something?
Yes, there is... it's called having lots of money. And the CIC staff *doesn't* -- this is entirely a hobby, and we absolutely don't feel right about advertising (not that that'd do us any good anymore anyway:))... if we had lots of extra money, we could afford to do lots of amazing things with the CIC.
Bandwidth is the amount of data that is transfered to/from the server... So, if you download a 50kb page from the CIC, that uses 50kb worth of bandwidth. Things that are not looked at do *not* use any bandwidth.

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