continuation of the series?

They should have implemented leech missiles in WCP. I would like a mission where you have too leech a nephilim ship, take it over to study the technology or to fly some spy missions with it.
Yeah, I forgot, but this kind of mission would have given the game a bit more complexity, don't ya think?
true. It also would have been good if they kept the bug on the midway and if it tried to communicate with us humans. And if it would turn out to be a fairly good bug.

But, yhen again: the only good bug is a dead bug.:cool:
There is some potential for continuation of the series thanks to the nephilim, though.

Even though they are not quite what the kilrathi made them out to be.

Ya happy now, Lynx?:D
Yes I hope they continue with the nephilim story. They are also 'good' bad guys.

But nothing can beat the kilrathi( "NOOOO" KABOUM!!!!)
True. The kilrathi rule. We pronounce it wrong, ya know?

We say Kilrathi, while actually, it's Kilrah-tay.
If ya knows what I mean:cool:
In the german synchronisation of WCM they spelled it Kilrati.

Many ways to name agressive furballs.:cool:
He was too influenced by Maniac. Remeber the scene after his rescue where Blair yelled at Catscratch and Maniac?
We must make a vow: from this day forth, I vow that it shall be my life's work to fly again. And I vow that I shall do anything to revive the wc-series. If you are with me, say "aye"