Captured WCIII Cruiser

Originally posted by Bob McDob
Why are there no robot fighters, like in Star Wars?
Even droid fighters from Star Wars had limitations. Zsinj used droid fighters to help squadron co-ordination - which was neutralised with jamming, and the Phantom Menace's droids all failed once the command ship was destroyed. I'm surprised the droids didn't have independent backup systems.
I picture the WC ground fighters akin to the generic type of beefed up armored Marines with bulky rifles of multiple caliber, like in Starship Troopers, Aliens, Space: Above&Beyond... Dekker better get with the program...

Oh, and I love that one single shot gets through Starship Troopers armor, (when Racszak, I forget how to spell it, snipers the one marine who's being eaten), and also how it doesn't seem to stop the bugs... So why not just run around in T-shirts and save the weight and bulk? Armor never works in movies anyway... Just look at stormtroopers...
Wing Commander marines are very similar to modern marines... with the occasional technological exception (laser weapons, cameleon armor, those space suit things from the movie and WC1...). The problem with powered armor and such is that it doesn't really make sense for mass combat -- it's far more expensive than a man, it would be difficult to maintain... and so forth.

Wing Commander *does* have powered armor -- we see it on the security guard in the Rightous Fire intro...