Battlestar Galactica

Bandit LOAF said:
No, it isn't good - it's irrelevant. How the heck could it ever be important? People who don't matter who we've never cared about? Fine... doesn't effect us -- except, like here, where we dramatically lower our expectations because we suddenly decide we want to be popular. That's sad.

It's also completely inaccurate. Star Trek: The Next Generation - the ideal held up earlier in this thread for just this reason - was incredibly, incredibly popular with non-fans. Battlestar Galactica comes nowhere near its ratings, its name recognition or its market saturation. But, of course, it never tried-so-hard to be edgy... .

Hardly irrelevant, but I never wrote “important”- your word choice. However, it does effect us, and they do matter. If science fiction is to be taken more seriously it will require a broader appeal across a wider spectrum of fans. You yourself have talked about the importance of bringing in new blood. What, it only counts if they start at childhood? TNG was a great show, my favorite Trek series of all, but I never remember it getting the critical acclaim that BSG has gotten, and I never knew as many non sci-fi fans who watched it.

Bandit LOAF said:
People agree with me! I must be cool now!

That's so stupid -- why would these opinions suddenly matter? These are the people who've been shooting down every other genre show that you've loved for your entire life... and now the one time you agree with them it makes them credible sources? To acknowledge that Rolling Stone has any legitimate say is also a tacit admission that the likes of Star Trek, Wing Commander, seaQuest, Xena, insert-90s-sci-fi-franchise here are worthless. That's stupid revisionism -- we were entirely happy to rage against this machine when they were panning WCIV... and in so doing we certainly made the case that they were simply ignorant. Now they agree with you so they're great? Come off it. .

Never said I was cool, never said they were great- again your word choices. You know you have a bad habit of doing that? Go back and re-read my initial post. What I wrote was that the high marks BSG was given in these publications has created a new interest from outside the usual fan base. Furthermore, I said that it was typical for us as long time fans, myself included, to “resist inclusion” of these folks. You have proven my point for me quite nicely….again.

How do they matter? Well for starters, it will take an increased number of folks who enjoy sci-fi for it to gain the legitimacy people so often complain about it lacking. Again, you’ve spoken about the need to bring more folks into the fold. This goes hand in glove with that idea.

Bandit LOAF said:
What a terrible question! What awful logic! Apply the same line of thinking to whatever the latest hip reality TV show is. Apply it to whichever politician is in power! There is no inherent value in the thinking of the majority simply because it is a majority.

Again, you’ve missed the mark but made my point. This question, as intended to be understood, illustrated the resistance from within the sci-fi community to assign any sort of validity to praise given to a sci-fi series by an outside source.

Bandit LOAF said:
How can you people possibly come into a thread that started off by making fun of how incredibly dumb people who parrot this kind of crap are?

It was easy- I disagreed with what was being written.

Bandit LOAF said:
How do you not feel terrible after having written something like this? Do you seriously believe that repeating the same thing we've been mocking - that we've already yelled at one person for - is going to bring new light to the idea? You are a big part of the problem: the attempt to make the fun explosion sex show into something brilliant which it *absolutely is not*.

Feel terrible? Nah. Simply put, no matter how many insults you toss around nor how many times you call me or us or my or our ideas stupid it will have zero impact on my decision to voice my opinion when the urge hits me to speak it. If that makes me "part of the problem," so be it.

Bandit LOAF said:
Battlestar Galactica deals with these 'issues' (nay: the human condition! that sound intellectual in its vaugness!) in excatly the same manner as does an afternoon soap opera or an hour of 90210. The difference is that 90210 is lots of easy fun and you don't have to deal with insufferable 90210 fans insisting that the show is carefully crafting a brilliant symbol with its treatment of Dylan's father issues. Robots having sex, robots having abortions, robots arguing about religion are not clever issues and the discussion adds nothing to any of these topics - they're the same cheap, easy, common issues that every sagging drama in the universe brings out for sweeps. But here they're *in space*, so they're brilliant and subtle and clever!

I have no frame of reference for this. I never watched 90210- thought it was kind of a sissy show for high school girls.

You do have a problem with sex, don’t you? Maybe you should turn off the X-box, put down the bag of chips, and go outside once in a while.

Heck, you know what, I’ll do ya one better. I’m actually sorry this thing took this direction. I’m not apologizing for anything I wrote, will write, or how it comes across, only explaining that I’ve chosen to type the following because I’ve grown so tired of watching Loaf attack the members of this forum. So, now it was my turn. OK, consider this:

Loaf, your knowledge of the WC universe clearly sets you apart from the average fan. You deserve some respect for that, but you are sorely lacking in people skills, and you have little appreciation for how an administrator of a site like this should be interacting with its members. I’m a member of a few other Web forums and can tell you that none of the admins or mods conduct themselves in as unprofessional a manner as you. You call yourself an intellect, but you behave like a child.

Maybe it is time for someone like Death or Quarto to take the helm.

You seem to forget that you are one of the select few who’ve been entrusted with carrying on with something every member of the CIC has cherished at one time or another. Your participation in this forum is mandatory if it is to survive, if Wing Commander isn’t to wither away. We have looked to you for leadership. But, it seems at times you’ve forgotten the importance of what it is you originally came here to do. You’ve turned this into Loaf’s personal battleground. Anyone who dares disagree with you, anyone who posts an opposing point of view, and anyone who doesn’t suck up to you gets tossed. I’d hate to know the true number of fans you’ve chased away with your big ego and even bigger mouth.

You have described yourself as just another Internet “jerk.” Maybe, but in the 6 months I lurked around this forum prior to joining and in the two years I’ve been a member I’ve NEVER read anywhere where you’ve admitted to being wrong about something. Never. I don’t even recall where you’ve suggested that you could just agree to disagree with someone. It was Loaf’s way or the highway, because you would argue until the other person got banned if they refused to give ground. In fact, I’ve seen an entire thread disappear from this site, a thread in which you were getting roasted in an argument- and not the only thread I might add. Rather than leave it for all to see it magically went away. Then the participants were banned. How convenient.

Your unprovoked and typically unwarranted hostility toward CIC members has run off many one time participants of this site. You can say your numbers have grown, but I know that I’ve seen fewer and fewer guys participating than at any time in the last 2 ½ years. I’ve watched you ban people because they disagreed with your politics. Don’t like the WC movie: Yer outta here! Think Prophecy sucked? Bye-bye! That is no way to encourage a fan base and ensure the survival of something with which your been entrusted. Wake up, man.

When members disagree with you they are left with 3 choices:

1) Do nothing
2) Tacitly admit they were wrong
3) Stand up for themselves and probably get banned.

I’ve chosen option 3.

Do what you will. I hope you at least have the balls to leave my post exactly as is, without modifications or edits, and without deleting it. I doubt it, but I hope just this one time you will in fact prove me wrong.

Perhaps it is a good thing that Chris Roberts doesn’t come around here. He’d likely be appalled by what he’d see.

Shame on you.

See ya’ around, guys.
And you talk about LOAF having no people skills. Maybe you should take care of your own people skills before you insult other people's skills.
What a surprise -- the guy who thinks watching Battlestar Galactica makes him intelligent also thinks he's some kind of unique message board genius. Reread this thread, kid: everyone has been arguing for days now... hard points throughout! You're the only one who decided to throw... what I can only term a preemptive tantrum.

I'll sure as hell leave your message intact -- so people can see the very clear reason you were banned and someone like Pedro or Delance who's just arguing with me wasn't. You're simply being a brat.

None of what you've said has anything to do with Battlestar Galactica. You're an angry teenager wailing out a personal attack because I dared make fun of your... television show? What the hell? Here, people, here is what is wrong with your fandom!

You thought this was the best way to make your point? No one can look at that mess and take it seriously.

You're no martyr, you're just a dumbass.
BSG isn't a groundbreaking show that's certainly clear, it has done nothing that other shows (sci fi or otherwise) haven't done before in some way or fashion. Despite that, it still has developed a rather loyal fan following and again its good wholesome (probably a debatable term) entertainment. There's plenty of shows that I enjoy that are quite deservedly in the same category, they're not groundbreakers but they do enjoy a solid fan base and fairly decent ratings. No, they're not intellectual satirical pieces on man's state (ala Starship Troopers) but they're enjoyable with pizza and soda nonetheless. :)
BigsWickDagger said:
Heck, you know what, I’ll do ya one better. I’m actually sorry this thing took this direction. I’m not apologizing for anything I wrote, will write, or how it comes across, only explaining that I’ve chosen to type the following because I’ve grown so tired of watching Loaf attack the members of this forum. So, now it was my turn. OK, consider this:

Loaf, your knowledge of the WC universe clearly sets you apart from the average fan. You deserve some respect for that, but you are sorely lacking in people skills, and you have little appreciation for how an administrator of a site like this should be interacting with its members. I’m a member of a few other Web forums and can tell you that none of the admins or mods conduct themselves in as unprofessional a manner as you. You call yourself an intellect, but you behave like a child.

Maybe it is time for someone like Death or Quarto to take the helm.

You seem to forget that you are one of the select few who’ve been entrusted with carrying on with something every member of the CIC has cherished at one time or another. Your participation in this forum is mandatory if it is to survive, if Wing Commander isn’t to wither away. We have looked to you for leadership. But, it seems at times you’ve forgotten the importance of what it is you originally came here to do. You’ve turned this into Loaf’s personal battleground. Anyone who dares disagree with you, anyone who posts an opposing point of view, and anyone who doesn’t suck up to you gets tossed. I’d hate to know the true number of fans you’ve chased away with your big ego and even bigger mouth.

You have described yourself as just another Internet “jerk.” Maybe, but in the 6 months I lurked around this forum prior to joining and in the two years I’ve been a member I’ve NEVER read anywhere where you’ve admitted to being wrong about something. Never. I don’t even recall where you’ve suggested that you could just agree to disagree with someone. It was Loaf’s way or the highway, because you would argue until the other person got banned if they refused to give ground. In fact, I’ve seen an entire thread disappear from this site, a thread in which you were getting roasted in an argument- and not the only thread I might add. Rather than leave it for all to see it magically went away. Then the participants were banned. How convenient.

Your unprovoked and typically unwarranted hostility toward CIC members has run off many one time participants of this site. You can say your numbers have grown, but I know that I’ve seen fewer and fewer guys participating than at any time in the last 2 ½ years. I’ve watched you ban people because they disagreed with your politics. Don’t like the WC movie: Yer outta here! Think Prophecy sucked? Bye-bye! That is no way to encourage a fan base and ensure the survival of something with which your been entrusted. Wake up, man.

When members disagree with you they are left with 3 choices:

1) Do nothing
2) Tacitly admit they were wrong
3) Stand up for themselves and probably get banned.

I’ve chosen option 3.

Do what you will. I hope you at least have the balls to leave my post exactly as is, without modifications or edits, and without deleting it. I doubt it, but I hope just this one time you will in fact prove me wrong.

Perhaps it is a good thing that Chris Roberts doesn’t come around here. He’d likely be appalled by what he’d see.

Shame on you.

See ya’ around, guys.

What the hell does this have to do with the discussion. Way to turn a stupid BSG debate into a Personal Admin attack. It Isnt peoples opinions of the WC movie, prophecy, or BSG that gets them "run off" or Banned. Its idiotic responses and immature behavior like yours here that gets people Banned. If you don't like or like something, be prepared for a discussion about it. People *are not* going to agree all the time so be prepared to defend yourself. As for you, I expect you've probably earned your self a vacation. Have a nice trip.

I'll be back latter with some more thoughts on galactica itself.
Bandit LOAF said:
Yawn -- this is another way pseudointellectuals like to sell generic crap. It's the shades of gray, man! That's why it's so much better than what came before! Deep Space Nine isn't like Star Trek...

I feel like my words were hit with a brick until they bled... it would take too long to address all of that partly as I'm convinced it wasn't in response to what I was saying (honestly it felt like one of those automatic response e-mails you get when contacting tech support). Trying to make the more important point again I don't think its the shades of grey which are appealing (and dear god man I never mentioned this versus that, I'd certainly never say anything pro DS9) to the average viewer but the way this fictional world is used to lay the issues out as plain as can be, in order that they can form their own opinions without being pushed one way or another. Its not the first time its been done but its well handeled.
I feel like my words were hit with a brick until they bled... it would take too long to address all of that partly as I'm convinced it wasn't in response to what I was saying (honestly it felt like one of those automatic response e-mails you get when contacting tech support). Trying to make the more important point again I don't think its the shades of grey which are appealing (and dear god man I never mentioned this versus that, I'd certainly never say anything pro DS9) to the average viewer but the way this fictional world is used to lay the issues out as plain as can be, in order that they can form their own opinions without being pushed one way or another. Its not the first time its been done but its well handeled.

... and the fact that you've said that is why I'm bringing up other series. People feel special because Battlestar Galactica assures them it's being more subtle... but it isn't, at all. Everyone says this about whatever their show is -- that it's the one being clever and everyone else is just being "as plain as can be".

It just isn't so -- heck, look at the original Star Trek's Vietnam episode... it's probably the most fair, most subtle mass media critique of the war... Battlestar Galactica isn't cutting a new path, it's stepping where everyone else has been while yelling that it's special at the top of its lungs.
Okay, lemme see. I'm not entirely sure who actually *owns* this website/forum (KrisV?) I'm pretty sure it's not LOAF or Chris. Regardless, whoever it is has placed LOAF in a position of leadership for a reason, and LOAF obviously has his/her/their full backing. It's pretty simple. This is LOAF's sandbox. You want to play here? You have to play by his rules. This is not a democracy. I'm the first to admit that I've clashed with LOAF over many things - and I was always wrong. Something I've learned: If the fear of a "LOAF Ban" will keep you from doing or saying something stupid - something you'll regret later - then it's a friggin good thing.
Anyhow. Just to chime in on the whole BSG thing...I don't really care. If it's on, I'll watch it, if only for the special effects. I like explosions, what can I say? For me, it's not that great of a show, entertainment-wise. Certainly not very good science-fiction, as there's very little science involved. Just my subjective personal experience.
Yeah I agree with Howard. I only watch it because it's on and it interests me a bit. If I miss an episode, so what. Now SG-1 that's another story.
Okay, lemme see. I'm not entirely sure who actually *owns* this website/forum (KrisV?) I'm pretty sure it's not LOAF or Chris. Regardless, whoever it is has placed LOAF in a position of leadership for a reason, and LOAF obviously has his/her/their full backing. It's pretty simple. This is LOAF's sandbox. You want to play here? You have to play by his rules. This is not a democracy. I'm the first to admit that I've clashed with LOAF over many things - and I was always wrong. Something I've learned: If the fear of a "LOAF Ban" will keep you from doing or saying something stupid - something you'll regret later - then it's a friggin good thing.

In defense of the original guy, I am one of the site's "owners" -- in so much as anyone can own a website (though I would argue in the same breath that the CIC exists because of the community, not because I sketched what a website should look like or because I helped pay to run it at some point.)

I suppose we're a co-op of sorts, contributing whatever we can to site maintenance whenever we can. When I'm making money, I'll pay for servers and registration and such... when Chris is, he take the lions share (although, in recent times that's certainly been more Chris... his super business degree and amazing job certainly trumps by perpetual student lifestyle in that respect). It works the same way with the workings of the site... we update and run it according to our abilities and opportunities. There's a reason I get called in to write an update when someone has died or when there's huge news... I'm better at that -- but Chris is better with fan projects, with real world updates... he's better with responding to e-mails and setting up business connections and that sort of thing... KrisV is an amazing super genius for behind the scenes stuff, so he's developed an amazing infrastructure which unfortunately no one ever gets to see. (If there's one place we're lacking, it's graphics... I'd like to see our little clique have a graphic designer in it someday -- but it's not something we can just hire out for.)

What our martyr needs to understand is that what he has done is useless. We've got a half dozen people in #WingNut making fun of him right now -- that's making the community stronger, not striking out some brilliant point. Even if he were right, the practical result is that he's simply met peoples psychological need to have someone to look down on. "Whew, I've made some mistakes", we all think to ourselves, "but at least I'm not *that guy*!".

Yeah I agree with Howard. I only watch it because it's on and it interests me a bit. If I miss an episode, so what. Now SG-1 that's another story.

Let me note that while I have never been able to get into SG-1, I do find its fanbase absolutely wonderful. They're exactly what science fiction groups *should* be... it's just a shame that they exist on so small a scale right now.
Bandit LOAF said:
Well, the easy answer is that it's because I am an intellectual in my everyday life. I'm sure you become similarly annoyed when you see people loading pigs onto trucks backwards.

Cute. Hopefully we might agree intellectuals can be worst than the pseudo-intellectuals, as described by Julian Benda on "The Treason of the Intellectuals".

But seriously, the answer is what we already talked about -- it's the effect all this has on the general group. The sealing off, the creation of an even more strict boys only I'm-so-special club. Pretending Battlestar Galactica is intelligent is one thing... pretending Battlestar Galactica is intelligent and that this means we must spite everything else has hurt the future if the fandom.

I understand the problem. I just think the role of such product is to pose interesting problems. Sure they can have Hawk-Panter debates (It's part of warfare/No it's not), but it's up to us, if we like, to give it a deeper thought. It's better this way. We just did that, by giving more thought to the morality on WC than any novel treatment ever did. Battlestar Galatica might do just that, pose some questions. Should the cylon abort the half-human baby? That’s a question that could bring an interesting debate, even if it doesn’t happen onscreen.
Howard Day said:
Okay, lemme see. I'm not entirely sure who actually *owns* this website/forum (KrisV?) I'm pretty sure it's not LOAF or Chris.
The site registrations for and are under Chris's name, but that's just a paperwork issue. All the staff is involved with running the CZ and the CIC, to varying degrees
Death said:
The site registrations for and are under Chris's name, but that's just a paperwork issue. All the staff is involved with running the CZ and the CIC, to varying degrees
Bandit LOAF said:
In defense of the original guy, I am one of the site's "owners" -- in so much as anyone can own a website (though I would argue in the same breath that the CIC exists because of the community, not because I sketched what a website should look like or because I helped pay to run it at some point.)

I stand corrected. I guess I thought that KrisV owned the forum because that's who fixed all the problems. My bad.
Bender: Please, I'm scared.
Sal: We're all scared, it's the human condition. Why do you thinks I put on this tough-guy facade? Now beat it!
Delance said:
What is true power for us humans? What does that tells us about the human condition?

The power to control your own life? I dunno. I guess that's my human condition.:D
BigsWickDagger said:
Hardly irrelevant, but I never wrote “important”- your word choice. However, it does effect us, and they do matter. If science fiction is to be taken more seriously it will require a broader appeal across a wider spectrum of fans. You yourself have talked about the importance of bringing in new blood. What, it only counts if they start at childhood? TNG was a great show, my favorite Trek series of all, but I never remember it getting the critical acclaim that BSG has gotten, and I never knew as many non sci-fi fans who watched it.

Science-Fiction with broader appeal is fiction. You're grabbing a specific genre and saying you want to make it as generic and likeable as possible.

I can just see Verner Vinge's editor telling him to kill the hard science fiction he writes, because it cuts off his appeal in certain markets!

Never said I was cool, never said they were great- again your word choices. You know you have a bad habit of doing that? Go back and re-read my initial post. What I wrote was that the high marks BSG was given in these publications has created a new interest from outside the usual fan base. Furthermore, I said that it was typical for us as long time fans, myself included, to “resist inclusion” of these folks. You have proven my point for me quite nicely….again.

Do you have any clue how stupid you are right here? LOAF is telling you that your wanting to befriend the guy who kicked you in the nuts for your haircut last week, but who likes it this week is idiotic at best.

These are people who dump on the things we love. But now they agree with you, SO THEY MUST BE RIGHT.

How do they matter? Well for starters, it will take an increased number of folks who enjoy sci-fi for it to gain the legitimacy people so often complain about it lacking. Again, you’ve spoken about the need to bring more folks into the fold. This goes hand in glove with that idea.

The problem is that I want sci-fi geared at me, the sci-fi fan. Not Martha down the street who enjoys her knitting and Law and Order and that clever little Battlestar show.

Again, you’ve missed the mark but made my point. This question, as intended to be understood, illustrated the resistance from within the sci-fi community to assign any sort of validity to praise given to a sci-fi series by an outside source.

Thats because we like to believe we're all very smart(And some of us are). Smarter than the jerkass douchebags who expound on how great the purile lowbrow shit that makes up 'popular culture' is. These are the people who jump from fad to fad because everyone else is.

We're better than that.

It was easy- I disagreed with what was being written.

Hey doctor, this pamphlet says I'm not supposed to eat uranium. But I disagree!

You come into a thread where we're complaining about a specific kind of person, and manage to hit every single goddamn complaint we raised. Good job.

Feel terrible? Nah. Simply put, no matter how many insults you toss around nor how many times you call me or us or my or our ideas stupid it will have zero impact on my decision to voice my opinion when the urge hits me to speak it. If that makes me "part of the problem," so be it.

You're like the doctor who went to help black people instead of whites in the 50s. No, you really are! You're taking a risk and making a stand!

I have no frame of reference for this. I never watched 90210- thought it was kind of a sissy show for high school girls.

And yet, the same people raving about BSG(whose opinions matter to us now, right?) all loved 90210.

You do have a problem with sex, don’t you? Maybe you should turn off the X-box, put down the bag of chips, and go outside once in a while.

Said to the guy who goes to gay cowboy movies to see princess diaries girl topless.

Heck, you know what, I’ll do ya one better. I’m actually sorry this thing took this direction. I’m not apologizing for anything I wrote, will write, or how it comes across, only explaining that I’ve chosen to type the following because I’ve grown so tired of watching Loaf attack the members of this forum. So, now it was my turn. OK, consider this:

Quiet descends upon the crowd, as we lean forward in our seats expectantly

Loaf, your knowledge of the WC universe clearly sets you apart from the average fan. You deserve some respect for that, but you are sorely lacking in people skills, and you have little appreciation for how an administrator of a site like this should be interacting with its members. I’m a member of a few other Web forums and can tell you that none of the admins or mods conduct themselves in as unprofessional a manner as you. You call yourself an intellect, but you behave like a child.

I've been to a few vets offices, and I can tell you this cat has AIDS.

Should LOAF be agreeing with everyone no matter how wrong they are?

Maybe it is time for someone like Death or Quarto to take the helm.

That isn't really how that works.

You seem to forget that you are one of the select few who’ve been entrusted with carrying on with something every member of the CIC has cherished at one time or another. Your participation in this forum is mandatory if it is to survive, if Wing Commander isn’t to wither away. We have looked to you for leadership. But, it seems at times you’ve forgotten the importance of what it is you originally came here to do. You’ve turned this into Loaf’s personal battleground. Anyone who dares disagree with you, anyone who posts an opposing point of view, and anyone who doesn’t suck up to you gets tossed. I’d hate to know the true number of fans you’ve chased away with your big ego and even bigger mouth.

After letting you into his house, and letting you disagree with him, LOAF has a responsibilty to make sure he never offends you...because it's a *hosted* public forum?

We're not banning everyone who doesn't toe the party line, just the ones who end up being giant assholes about it.

You have described yourself as just another Internet “jerk.” Maybe, but in the 6 months I lurked around this forum prior to joining and in the two years I’ve been a member I’ve NEVER read anywhere where you’ve admitted to being wrong about something. Never. I don’t even recall where you’ve suggested that you could just agree to disagree with someone. It was Loaf’s way or the highway, because you would argue until the other person got banned if they refused to give ground. In fact, I’ve seen an entire thread disappear from this site, a thread in which you were getting roasted in an argument- and not the only thread I might add. Rather than leave it for all to see it magically went away. Then the participants were banned. How convenient.


Your unprovoked and typically unwarranted hostility toward CIC members has run off many one time participants of this site. You can say your numbers have grown, but I know that I’ve seen fewer and fewer guys participating than at any time in the last 2 ½ years. I’ve watched you ban people because they disagreed with your politics. Don’t like the WC movie: Yer outta here! Think Prophecy sucked? Bye-bye! That is no way to encourage a fan base and ensure the survival of something with which your been entrusted. Wake up, man.

Most of the people we're running off are assholes like you. Excluding the jerks is exactly what a moderator or administrator should be doing.

When you're done here, go tell the WCU people how horrible we were.

When members disagree with you they are left with 3 choices:

1) Do nothing
2) Tacitly admit they were wrong
3) Stand up for themselves and probably get banned.

I’ve chosen option 3.

And I swear to god Sergeant, I'll write you up for a congressional medal of honor if we make it through this.

Do what you will. I hope you at least have the balls to leave my post exactly as is, without modifications or edits, and without deleting it. I doubt it, but I hope just this one time you will in fact prove me wrong.

Get over yourself. Most posts like this that get people banned are left untouched. It's funnier that way.

Perhaps it is a good thing that Chris Roberts doesn’t come around here. He’d likely be appalled by what he’d see.

Shame on you.

See ya’ around, guys.

Yeah, he'd be so disgusted that some of us are still this passionate about it. Goddamn us all to hell.

See you later, pal.