Wow, guys! this is way more excitement than I was expecting...
Wojo: So currently, No - we're not planning on blending the sprites as they rotate and skew around. Originally the wing commanders had 37 sprites per ship - they were mirrored left-to-right, with 8 definite rotation angles in every plane. We have 544 sprites per ship, with 32 definite rotation angles in every plane. That alone makes the sprites feel much smoother. And yeah - I love me some exposed gantries...
and the Hognose bomber is almost literally a blend of the Broadsword and Longbow!
The Copperhead is a mix of the X-Wing, Raptor, and Viper from BSG.
There's a bunch of awesome references in each...The Cobra is based off of some of Feng Zhu's work for the cancelled Wing commander Privateer 3 project.
Quarto: Yeah, I think it's good enough when I sometimes forget that I'm looking at sprites! And you almost never get close enough to see any pixelation.
Dyret: Yes! I don't know why, but it just feels...right. I can't explain it, but I can say that when we first got the sprite picker working I was absolutely giddy when I saw it working. Instant Nostalgia and Awesomeness.
Evan: Thanks! And yes, there's stuff. Lots of stuff. You should PM me so we can chat about what you'd want to know/use.
Malcolm Reynolds: If you are indeed the Captain, then we have already met. I have the pictures to prove it.