A Revised Discussion of the Kilrathi Language

Wow, it's really embarassing that I didn't remember you translated that already.
But yeah, maybe another iteration is a good thing. Also keep in mind I am translating a text in a foreign language into another foreign language. I admit I maybe don't always grasp the meaning of the source completely.

I'll try something else though, I have a few texts in mind that could give us some more new words.
I'll read your posting in detail soon, don't have much time right now.
Capi, your idea with the simple English dictionary is great, that way it is much easier to construct words. I tried that.

Insanity, second take:
I am translating something that is called "music" by some, and "noise" by others, it's not really my type of song but I listen to it sometimes. It was created by a Black Metal band named Vader, from Poland (and they are pretty loud).

Also here's a warning, if you are a Christian you might be offended by the text. Sorry for that in advance!

This Is The War - Vader

Call the god of Mars!!!
Wake up your hate and fury
I am raising flag of death
With the sign of victory

We have to say "enough"
To the liar on the cross
So scream with me aloud!!!

This is the war
That you were asking for!!!

This is the war
Total war!!!

War for freedom
War for pride
War for future
For all of us
War for life
And worthy death
For you and me
This is the war!!!

Call the god of hell!!!
Release all fire demons
Show your fists and teeth
And join the troops of death!!!

We have to say "enough"
To the scared behind the mask
So scream with me again!!!

This is the war
Total bloody war

Ma'ha Siv - Vader

akyi du Sivar!!!
k'ul rai daik'gathki maks alkgaga
nai'ha nisdu harghatada du niskarh du ath
maks huleba du k'toth

kai ha le "dyahu"
du er-ra du magalanath
konis lelega ra nai lega!!!

ma'ha siv
rai aiydudapak!!!

ma'ha siv
gataga siv!!!

siv du k'dymga'qith
siv du chodyapakigaga
siv du jha
du gakai
siv du vu
maks gudyarashro
du nai maks rai
ma'ha siv!!!

akyi du orma'ga du nargrast!!!
k'dymga'qith ga fanargrast'hra
d'aiy r'ikh najvano maks nagi
maks dyatahklan sivai du ath!!!

kai ha le "dyahu"
du k'fara nischur hargyu
konis lelega ra nai unidu'du!!!

ma'ha siv
gataga siv kas

First verse:

I translated Mars to Sivar.
hate I translated to (big+not-like meaning great dislike -> daik'gathki)
For flag I suggest (wind+cloth-material), meaning the cloth that flutters in the wind, which is a nice picture I think. Since we don't have cloth either, I took the word for clothing (harg) and added "material" (hutada) to it. So flag is harghatada du niskarh. A very long word I'm not really fond of to be honest. Especially since I have to add death to it. Do you have a idea how to shorten it?

Ok, second verse:
lelega (say+loud) should mean scream
er-ra is (lie+person) -> liar
Cross is difficult. My translation is "high+place+death" (magalanath) , meaning tree of death, which might be halfway suiting.

Now to the chorus and bridge parts:
Actually these first two lines should read "This-is war you envisioned" which is not quite right. But I couldn't come up with a word for wanting something.
gakai means all-we -> all of us
gudyarashro should mean death+worthy -> worthy death?

Third verse:
I needed words for both god and hell. nargrast'hra means demon, so nargrast means hell?
ma'ga means high, or means creature, so maybe god is orma'ga?
I used "free" (as a verb) instead of release.
I assume nagi is teeth and najvano (claws-closed) is fists.
k'fara is supposed to mean person that fears (is scared).
hargyu is (cloth/armor+head), meaning mask.

Wow, that was fun!
And y'all wondered why I started translating music...

I am spotting a few problems with your translation. Let's go over them.

Call the god of Mars - you have akyi du Sivar. Hate to tell you this, but akyi = (ak + yi) = (water + eye) = "eye water" = cry / tear is not the verb you want to be using, unless you want to be bawling your brains out in front of the god of War, which would probably get you sworded right in the nards... now, I have no verb for "to call" apparently - so Simple wiktionary , the second definition is the one we want, we have no word for voice so we look that up to, and can come up with "use throat noise", or perhaps "use throat sound" because sound is a smaller word - dal+yai + el = dalyai'el. Then "god of Mars" would be ahr'Sivar (I agree with the translation of Mars as Sivar; had to do that myself for the Squire's Tale). So the first line is dalyai'el ahr'Sivar.

hatred: The notion of great dislike (big-not-like) works. You have daik'gathki = dai + k'- + gathki = house + lack of + enjoy = "disliked house". I think what you meant was k'gathkithrak = k'- + gathki + thrak = lack of + enjoy / like + ultimate = "ultimate dislike"

flag of death: actually, we already have a notion for a flag in Kilrathi - fa'orc'al (as in "banner of fa'orc'al", a "thing that marks courage", or "courage banner"). Go with orc'al = "thing that marks". Then flag of death, "thing that marks death" = gu'orc'al. Go with ath'orc'al if you think you might eat what you've killed, or hath'orc'al if it's definitely on the menu.

With the sign of victory - you have maks huleba du k'toth = "and sign in victory". Close...you want ra huleba'k'toth.

We have to say "enough" - you need to combine ha and le into hale = "must say". Otherwise this is fine.

er-ra as liar. First of all, you want to say "lie person" - so the combination would be er + 'hra = er'hra. You could just as easily say er'a = "one who lies". Finally, the rules I'm going with forbid the use of hyphens except in toponomic nomenclature (i.e. place names).

Cross - if you wanted to say "tree of death", you could've used irga'gu = "big plant of death". As it is, I do have a word for cross (an instrument of death and torture), but I put it under another word that you might not be familiar with - crucifix = k'rakh'kalkthrak (dishonor + pain + ultimate = "ultimately painful dishonor")

lelega works as scream; might have to make that one official.

This is the war that you were asking for - you have ma'ha siv rai aiydudapak and you wanted to say "This-is war you envisioned". ma'ha siv is essentially correct, though it could be combined since "war" is the direct object of "is", thus ma'hasiv. Then you're missing a "that" (mas) signalling the start of the dependent clause - "you envisioned" would then be ri'aiydudapak. So what you had is very close; I'd take it as ma'hasiv mas ri'aiydudapak. You could've also said ma'hasiv mas ri'rashk, "This is the war that you desired".

total war - need to combine the two to gatagasiv. Otherwise that's fine.

Next section - you want to use ta = "for" instead of du.

gakai as "all of us" is correct; trying to spot where you used it.

gudyarashro as worthy death.....oh so close. Go down to the next entry on the E-to-K table: worthy = rashs. Thus "worthy death" = gurashs.

For you and me - you have du nai maks rai. A conjunction list is going on here, so all the words get combined, and wrong preposition again. Ta naimaksrai.

Nargrast is "one of the hells in Kilrathi mythology" - the only one we know of, and so the only one I've been using. As for god, I've simply been applying "ar/ahr" = first for the purpose. "God of hell" could be nargrastahr, or you can really simplify by shortening it to "devil", which is simply ax.

"Free" instead of "release" works; they're synonyms.

fire demons - you have fanargrast'hra = courage + demon = "demon courage". You probably meant nargrast'hraji = demon + fire.

nagi is indeed teeth. For fists, I simply used pak = foot / feet / paw in "A British Tar".

Troops of death = sivai'ath.

Total bloody war = gatagasivkas.

The rest is fine as is. Not bad for your first foray with music, I must say.
Just a head's up - I finished the initial editing of the grammatical sketch section just a short while ago. I need to go back through and check the phrase section and the examples in the sketch section for errors (already spotted more than one in the phrase section); barring any glaring problems I'll be moving on to other parts of Elegy. I will still add additional words to the lexicon tables as needed, but for the moment principal editing of the lexicon is finished.
Chaucer, huh? I'll see what I can do. Any preferences?

(...should I read anything into Mr. C. F. Kane's applause up there?)

Nothing sarcastic meant, it just mirrored my reaction to reading all these posts. Well, maybe it needed a single manly tear.
Anyway. As for Chaucer, how about the first lines from " The Knight's Tale", it has a very Kilrathi-like ring to it.

"Once upon a time, old stories tell us,

There was a duke whose name was Theseus.

Of Athens he was lord and governor,

And in his time was such a conqueror

That none was greater underneath the sun,

So many wealthy countries he had won.

What with his wisdom and his chivalry,

He conquered all the realm of Femeny,

Which then was known as Scythia, and married

The queen named Hippolyta, whom he carried

Back home with him amid much pageantry

And glorious ceremony."
Alrighty...hopefully I can follow my own rules here:




Unidu du esh, churlek'kor'le kai,
Hu'ha'k nikilnar'rag'nith ja'lhra ha'khusk Theseus.
Gar'ha'k KalmaksBrajakhahr erg Brajakh Toshahrav,
Maks du gar'esh gar'ha'k rathathrak
Mas va'hra'ha'k garagar inradajislakh
Gar'dyak k'toth narthrakiga huthraks.
Ra gai toshmaksikbhakil'ordya
Gar'rath'k ga Tha'sivakilavi
Mas du masesh'ha'kik takh Scythia, maks da'k
kilavahr'husk Hippolyta gar'nonvrash, ja'lhra gar'dyak
Du gar'da ragar du eshtakh d'aiythrak
Maks eshradskabak.
Today I was preparing a galley proof of the lexicon chapter for a friend of mine, and thought to myself, "You know, you should make this available to the CIC community too." So I am - this is current as of this morning; y'all are welcome to do as you wish with it. I may make grammatical changes to some of the English wording later, and of course the lexicon table continues to grow, so this won't be the final version by any means.


Capi, your idea with the simple English dictionary is great, that way it is much easier to construct words. I tried that.

Insanity, second take:
I am translating something that is called "music" by some, and "noise" by others, it's not really my type of song but I listen to it sometimes. It was created by a Black Metal band named Vader, from Poland (and they are pretty loud).

Also here's a warning, if you are a Christian you might be offended by the text. Sorry for that in advance!

This Is The War - Vader

Call the god of Mars!!!
Wake up your hate and fury
I am raising flag of death
With the sign of victory

We have to say "enough"
To the liar on the cross
So scream with me aloud!!!

This is the war
That you were asking for!!!

This is the war
Total war!!!

War for freedom
War for pride
War for future
For all of us
War for life
And worthy death
For you and me
This is the war!!!

Call the god of hell!!!
Release all fire demons
Show your fists and teeth
And join the troops of death!!!

We have to say "enough"
To the scared behind the mask
So scream with me again!!!

This is the war
Total bloody war

Ma'ha Siv - Vader

akyi du Sivar!!!
k'ul rai daik'gathki maks alkgaga
nai'ha nisdu harghatada du niskarh du ath
maks huleba du k'toth

kai ha le "dyahu"
du er-ra du magalanath
konis lelega ra nai lega!!!

ma'ha siv
rai aiydudapak!!!

ma'ha siv
gataga siv!!!

siv du k'dymga'qith
siv du chodyapakigaga
siv du jha
du gakai
siv du vu
maks gudyarashro
du nai maks rai
ma'ha siv!!!

akyi du orma'ga du nargrast!!!
k'dymga'qith ga fanargrast'hra
d'aiy r'ikh najvano maks nagi
maks dyatahklan sivai du ath!!!

kai ha le "dyahu"
du k'fara nischur hargyu
konis lelega ra nai unidu'du!!!

ma'ha siv
gataga siv kas

First verse:

I translated Mars to Sivar.
hate I translated to (big+not-like meaning great dislike -> daik'gathki)
For flag I suggest (wind+cloth-material), meaning the cloth that flutters in the wind, which is a nice picture I think. Since we don't have cloth either, I took the word for clothing (harg) and added "material" (hutada) to it. So flag is harghatada du niskarh. A very long word I'm not really fond of to be honest. Especially since I have to add death to it. Do you have a idea how to shorten it?

Ok, second verse:
lelega (say+loud) should mean scream
er-ra is (lie+person) -> liar
Cross is difficult. My translation is "high+place+death" (magalanath) , meaning tree of death, which might be halfway suiting.

Now to the chorus and bridge parts:
Actually these first two lines should read "This-is war you envisioned" which is not quite right. But I couldn't come up with a word for wanting something.
gakai means all-we -> all of us
gudyarashro should mean death+worthy -> worthy death?

Third verse:
I needed words for both god and hell. nargrast'hra means demon, so nargrast means hell?
ma'ga means high, or means creature, so maybe god is orma'ga?
I used "free" (as a verb) instead of release.
I assume nagi is teeth and najvano (claws-closed) is fists.
k'fara is supposed to mean person that fears (is scared).
hargyu is (cloth/armor+head), meaning mask.

Wow, that was fun!

I really think Thrakhath would be more into Manowar(Battle Hymn, Into glory Ride, Dawn of Battle) lyric-wise.
"Battle Hymn's" short enough...and I think you're right, Mace....


♫ Raskarav'Largkza ek'jaq ♫
♫ Okgai rakonisro ♫
♫ Ras qith'raki k'haf maks dyak ma'ga ♫
♫ Ek'dymgakalkimaksharg'knava ♫
♫ Agon durai ek'paki ♫
♫ Fa eshma korekhgu ♫
♫ Ga kir'khak kir'kharageshgas ♫
♫ Eshchak'ha eshma ♫

♫ Aiy'hra'i'ha nisk ja'lesh k'dymga'qith'knavak ♫
♫ Kamaksqith'isyo eshma ♫
♫ Du karav'tr'di ♫
♫ Othukutavinin'esh'h'askorak'fa ♫
♫ Ek'sivai'ork raschodyapakigaga ♫
♫ Ras raniqithmaksdymga'qith du de ♫
♫ El'amekhdu'jaq duskabak ♫
♫ Garathrak erg garga'chodyapakigagaguk ♫

♫ Dutra ek'nis ♫
♫ Ek'nisk dukarhkaravbu ♫
♫ Va lanqu'esh ♫
♫ Ek'h'as'bhaniskarh ♫
♫ Tothi k'ro, kili'guk ♫
♫ Ek'nisk dukarhkaravbu ♫
♫ Maks va lanqu'esh eshma ♫
♫ Ek'h'as'bhaniskarh ♫
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♫ S'aiyki! Takarhthrak ♫
♫ Ta j'dutalani'wir! ♫
♫ Ta skabak'ch'thathrak ♫
♫ Gara tha dawir! ♫
♫ Tharag'nithjhak! Tharag'nithjhak! ♫
♫ Kal'gath gar'sa'ki durai!! ♫
♫ Maks yurakh ri'ki ra ahntakhar ♫
♫ Aq lanshikthrak du knav'lanshikthrak!! ♫
For the guys over on the "Wing Commander 3 Losing Track Experience" thread. Sorry to just do the one version of the one scene, but it's fairly late right now.




Ek'isyinduyin thraks. Kahr'kilinthrak...

Ri'h'asrath vesh hes nak'tara, ri'ik - Va eschur rai ha'r'gar.

Gar'ha erg dyapa'in. Ri'rah'ha nakaks, hukonis ni'gathki va.
Gar'haleki, thraks, dyarathrai thraksmakskuts.
(drish eshin)
Kilrathi'hav, ja'lg'resh, r'av ja'lhu ri'Terran'hra'dalyai'el har. Ek'h'asgath mo durai rath'k'rakh ta ri'vuk'rakh.



(elinin ma'ins):

Ta rai, Kahr'kilinthrak, hath'siva.


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It's been a while since I've delved into the realm of insanity; this one came up today on the KSP forums, and I found myself translating the chorus into Kilrathi. So I figured "what the hell". If I really want to go nuts, I might want to do "Four Chords" later. But for now...


♫ Ni'h'inav gath do ♫
♫ Ni'hav k'tosh gaga ♫
♫ Ni'halanma anruni is ♫
♫ Hukutav'nai gara ♫

♫ Ni'ha gara dor ♫
♫ Ni'ha gara dont ♫
♫ Ni'ha dordont ♫
♫ Ni'ha dordont ♫
♫ Ni'ha dordont ♫

♫ Hukutav'nai'ha dor ♫
♫ Hukutavtakav'ha dont ♫
♫ Aiy ni'dorcho'i ♫
♫ El ni'nisi ♫
♫ Ni'dorlanagkh maks hujak'hukori hu'ak ♫

♫ Dordont (dordont) ♫
♫ Ni'ha dordont (dordont) ♫
♫ Ni'ha dordont (dordont) ♫
♫ Aiydunai ni'ha dordont (Aiydunai ni'ha dordont) ♫

♫ Ni'rash mas ni'h'in h'in ♫
♫ Maks nistalan du ni'dorlanagkh ♫
♫ Isdi er ♫
♫ Maks dyalekitakhe ni'hav huk'ro ♫

♫ Ga'h'in el k'ropa ♫
♫ Gar'h'in'hal k'si ♫
♫ Qu ni'ha dontmaksdor ♫

♫ Ni'h'in'hal korpak ♫
♫ Eshma hav k'tosh ♫
♫ Ta ni'h'in uk uk'dor ak'darg'ant ♫

♫ Ta ni'ha dordont (dordont) ♫
♫ Ni'ha dordont (dordont) ♫
♫ Ni'ha dordont (dordont) ♫
♫ Dordont vraxa'nah (dordont vraxa'nah) ♫

♫ Maks gar'hav varg ♫
♫ Ha dordont ♫
Been a while since I translated any music into Kilrathi. Today I'm bored and have writer's block, so why not do some relatively pointless translation? Here's a recent one for y'all - I think it sounds better in High Valyrian my own self, but then again, I'm just a baritone...anyway, here's a link to the original if you haven't heard it yet:

And now, in the Kilrathi:


♫ Ja'lesh ri'dyaleki Lekik'tothmo'Huvork'ragnith, ri'k'toth qu ri'gu. ♫

♫ Ja'lesh ri'dyaleki Lekik'tothmo'Huvork'ragnith, ri'k'toth qu ri'gu. ♫

♫ Ni'h'as bhamas mas'hanai. ♫
♫ Ja'lhu ka'a le dugu? ♫

♫ Aiy'hra va. ♫
♫ Hagai? VATHRAK! ♫

♫ Kn'esh'ha kar maks dakut'k'faga. ♫
♫ Kn'esh'ha kar maks dakut'k'faga. ♫

♫ Kilgathrak hagu. ♫

♫ Aiy'hra va. ♫
♫ Hagai? VATHRAK! ♫

♫ Kilgathrak hagu. ♫​
Hey all. So, I felt in the mood to do another semi-random translation, but this time around I figured I'd take a different tack on it. In keeping with something I thought the Cats might like, I decided to do a translation of "The Charge of the Light Brigade" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. This time around I decided to be nice to y'all and provide not only the original text but how I chose to interpret it (i.e. what the Kilrathi text literally means). So, without any further ado:


gathleshkile'i ras
"lyrics by"
(A poem, written by)



Tretreokh'pokko'treoktomak, tretreokh'pokko'treoktomak,
Ga ma'hara tha'in'Gu
Danisvorqsivai treok'okko'okto.

2,011 mak, 2,011 mak,
2,011 mak,
All inside the valley of Death
Rode 600 warriors

(Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.)


"Nisjha, Ahngahargin!
"Kr'derani'i!", gar'lek:
Du tha'in'Gu
Danisvorqsivai treok'okko'okto.

"Ahead, Little-Armored Legion!
"Attack the guns", it said:
To the valley of Death
Rode 600 warriors.

("Forward, the Light Brigade!
"Charge for the guns!" he said:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.)


"Nisjha, Ahngahargin!"
Hu'ha'k g'kilk'fak?
Ja'lg'esh sivai'ik va
Mang'hra'dyakda'k ivalgagamaksdyapav)

Ahead, Little-Armored Legion!
There was any afraid man?
Though the soldiers knew not
Someone had made a very big and stupid mistake.

("Forward, the Light Brigade!"
Was there a man dismay'd?
Not tho' the soldier knew
Someone had blunder'd)


Garga'aj'hagathle va,
Garga'aj'hanhakil va,
Garga'aj'ha anruni amaksgu:
Du tha'inGu
Danisvorqsivai treok'okko'okto.

Their purpose is to respond not,
Their purpose is to understand not,
Their purpose is only to do and to die:
To the valley of Death
Rode 600 warriors.

(Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.)


Rani'i du garga'ud,
Rani'i du garga'uch,
Rani'i du garga'nisjha
Jakgaga maks da'kel'lekarhga;

Cannons to their right,
Cannons to their left,
Cannons to their forward
Fired very much and made the sound of thunder;

(Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd; )


Kr'k ra hujainimakshujagagai,
Garga'danisvorq fasmakski,
Du lanagkhi'Gu,
Du lanagkh'Nargrast,
Danisvorqsivai treok'okko'okto.

Attacked with little bullets and very big bullets,
They rode bravely and good,
To the jaws of Death,
to the mount of Hell,
Rode 600 warriors.

(Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.)


Ga'garga'qith'raki'd'aiyeq ja'lesh garga'ha'q'hafk,
Garga'd'aiyeq takh garga'ha'qork dudak,
Chakja'ai lanma,
Kr'anrasiv, deshas
Hraga'rah dalpak.

All of their swords flashed when they were unsheathed,
They flashed as they were turned in the air,
Striking the gunners there,
Attacking an army, while
All people of the world thought.

(Flash'd all their sabres bare,
Flash'd as they turn'd in air,
Sabring the gunners there,
Charging an army, while
All the world wonder'd)


Jaq du dakji'rani'i'ahninga
Garga'r'akorkma'ga'sha rothraks
Dakekrgavkmaksguk aqdaki'qith'raki.
R'inrgk thraks.

Jumped through the smoke of the battery guns
They destroyed the line of the enemy directly
Free Man and Man of the Land of Rowing Men
Fell and died from the strokes of blades.
Shattered greatly.

(Plunged in the battery-smoke
Right thro' the line they broke;
Cossack and Russian
Reel'd from the sabre stroke
Shatter'd and sunder'd.)


Garga'danisvorq jaqdu jha, qu va
Va sivai treok'okko'okto.

They rode to return then, but not
Not 600 warriors.

(Then they rode back, but not
Not the six hundred.)


Rani'i du garga'ud,
Rani'i du garga'uch,
Rani'i du garga'nischur
Jakgaga maks da'kel'lekarhga;

Cannons to their right,
Cannons to their left,
Cannons to their behind
Fired very much and made the sound of thunder;

(Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon behind them
Volley'd and thunder'd)


Kr'k ra hujainimakshujagagai,
Deshas orsivmakstarkhani ha'kguk,
Garga'hra mas dyaktuk kiga,
Jaq du lanagkhi'Gu,
Jaqduk aqlanagkh'Nargrast,
Ga mas laneshk erg garga,
Laneshk erg sivai treok'okko'okto.

Attacked with little bullets and very big bullets,
While war-beast and heroes were killed,
Those people that had fought very good,
Came through jaws of Death,
Returned from the mouth of Hell,
All that remained about them,
Remained about 600 warriors.

(Storm'd at with shot and shell,
While horse and hero fell,
They that had fought so well
Came thro' the jaws of Death
Back from the mouth of Hell,
All that was left of them,
Left of six hundred.)


Ja'lesh garga'skabak h'injaqinra?
Kra mas garga'ak ha'q'ropa!!
Hraga'rah dalpak.
Rakh garga'kra mas garga'ak,
thraksivai treok'okko'okto.

When their glory can become lesser?
The attack that they did was insane!
All people of the world thought.
Honor their attack that they did,
Honor the Little-Armored Legion,
Noble 600 warriors.

(When can their glory fade?
O the wild charge they made!
All the world wondered.
Honour the charge they made,
Honour the Light Brigade,
Noble six hundred.)​

Figuring out the translation for "half a league" - that was interesting...
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Kir'kha Sal

Du ni'rakh
ni'h'asa ni'kithrak
du nai ahrmaksnar
gathki lerag'nith sal
uzhratakav eshga
dra ni'hra
Arg ergchokutss
k'ul pass
maks k'kor jaqwinhalda'iks.

Lerag'nith Sal

maks h'inrakh.
(It would've been better with Hobbes on the badge, but I couldn't find any shots of him I liked. Thrakhath said no, but Khasra wasn't doing anything better, so......)
Thrakhath wanted me to pass along a holiday greeting to all of you (under the threat of being clawed to death, of course). I don't think he quite gets the idea or the spirit, but gar'ha eshtha...

"Ek'rashrai Sna'Vuz'a ahki"
("We Wish You a Merry Christmas")

(a traditional English carol)

takh gathleshki du trathkh dai'B'nal niss

(as sung in the original Kilrathi)

♫ Ek'rashrai Sna'Vuz'a ahki ♫
Ek'rashrai Sna'Vuz'a ahki ♫
Ek'rashrai Sna'Vuz'a ahki ♫
maks Kirkestha ahki ♫

(We wish you a Merry Christmas ♫
We wish you a Merry Christmas ♫
We wish you a Merry Christmas ♫
and a Happy New Year) ♫

Wuriki ek'dya du raimaksri'hrai ♫
Wuriki erg Sna'Vuz'a maks Kirkestha ahki ♫

(Good tidings we bring to you and your kin ♫
Good tidings of Chistmas and a Happy New Year) ♫

Terran'hra'ha uk kimaksaks ♫
Terran'hra'ha uk kimaksaks ♫
Terran'hra'ha uk kimaksaks ♫
Ek'h'asnis bak mangin ♫

(Terrans are good and tasty food ♫
Terrans are good and tasty food ♫
Terrans are good and tasty food ♫
We'll go hunt a few.) ♫

Wuriki ek'dya du raimaksri'hrai ♫
Wuriki erg Sna'Vuz'a maks Kirkestha ahki ♫

(Good tidings we bring to you and your kin ♫
Good tidings of Chistmas and a Happy New Year) ♫

Ek'h'asnis hath mangin ♫
Ek'h'asnis hath mangin ♫
Ek'h'asnis hath mangin ♫
Gathkai bakmangin eshmaga ♫

(We'll go kill (and eat) a few ♫
We'll go kill (and eat) a few ♫
We'll go kill (and eat) a few ♫
Let's hunt some right now) ♫

Wuriki ek'dya du raimaksri'hrai ♫
Wuriki erg Sna'Vuz'a maks Kirkestha ahki ♫

(Good tidings we bring to you and your kin ♫
Good tidings of Chistmas and a Happy New Year) ♫

Ek'h'asnis uk garga'kahri ♫
Ek'h'asnis uk garga'kahri ♫
Ek'h'asnis uk garga'kahri ♫
maks jha aqlanagkhgarga nistalan ♫

(We'll go eat their hearts ♫
We'll go eat their hearts ♫
We'll go eat their hearts ♫
and then spit them right out.) ♫

Wuriki ek'dya du raimaksri'hrai ♫
Wuriki erg Sna'Vuz'a maks Kirkestha ahki ♫

(Good tidings we bring to you and your kin ♫
Good tidings of Chistmas and a Happy New Year) ♫​
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