A question in morality

BigsWickDagger said:
For me WC III really put a face to the Kilrathi, but the "morality" of it all never came into question. I merely played the game as outlined above. I can remember the first time I saw Hobbes standing there waiting to talk to me and thinking, "Whaaaaaat???" I just did not trust him. I didn't care what anyone else (including Blair) said or thought or did. For about the first 6-8 missions I kept waiting for him to pull in on my six during a dogfight and take a cheap shot at me. And of course, once you do start to really believe he is your friend, he betrays you with no explanation (PC version) and you are left saying, "I knew it, I knew it, I knew it."

I played WC2, and wasn't too happy about Hobbes then. But after going through secret ops with him, I grew to love the big furball, and thought it was awesome, if a little odd for such a major confed propaganda item to be in an old, decrepit ship, that he was on the Victory with me. He really was the best wingman I'd ever had.

When he betrayed Confed, I literally yelled, "Who on earth thought that one up!!?" It took me a long time to buy into it, and it still doesn't mesh with me. But, that's the way the game happened, so that's the way it happened. Once he was gone, Vagabond and Vaqero (spelling) became my preferred wingmen.