A Good One...

Well of course LOAF, but I don't think you perceived the message of the story... that having internet is not an absolute necessity...

Of course the story is surreal, but it provides a good means to the cause of the author, no? :)
Erm, yes, the message of the story was very, very obvious -- but if the story doesn't make sense, the message loses a lot of credibility, yes?
My favorate. :)

There's a kid riding on the school bus, when he hears these girls talkinga about something called "Purple passion". He asks them about it, and they just giggle. So he goes up to the bus driver.
"Mr. Bus driver, can I ask you a question?" he says.
"What;s purple passion?"
Stunned, the bused driver kicks him off, leaving the
confused boy to walk to class.
When his teacher sees him, she asks him what's wrong. He says, "I heard these girls giggling about something on the bus, and they wouldn't tell me what it meant".
"What was it?"
"Purple passion"
The teacher faints, and the boy gets sent to the Principal.
When the principal meats with him, he asks what happened.
"Well, I heard this thing on the bus, and the bus driver kicked me off, and my teacher sent me up here"
"What was it, son?"
"Purple passion"
The pricipal is aghast. Hearing such filth from his own students. He expells him from the school.
When he sees his mom, she says, "My, you're home early. What happend in school today?"
"I got expelled"
"My goodness! What happended?!?"
"I heard this thing on the bus. When I asked the bus driver, he kicked me off, I got sent to the principal, and he threw me out of school".
"What was it?"
"Purple passion".
The boy's mother is amazed, and sends him to his father. You know the drill, I ain't gonna repeat it. He gets thrown out of the house, sent to the Army General, and deported to Mexico.
There he meat's a guy on the street. He listens to the boy's story with interest.
"Well", he says, rubbing his chin, "you want know what this 'purple passion is?"
The boy nods eagerly.
"Go down the street and take a right. Go into the second building on the left. You'll see a woman who will ask you 'Three, three three?' so say 'Yes, yes, yes!' THEN she'll show you purple passion"
The boy runs off, wanderes around untill he finds the house, and meets the old woman. The building is dark.
She asks "Three, three, three?" and he says "Yes, yes, yes!"
So she leads him in.
Five minutes later, the boy stumbles out in shock. He runs away from the place as fast as he can, gets hit by a bus and dies.
The moral is always look both ways before crossing the street. :)
Reading *my* stories is not wasting your time!!!
Well... at least I hope so: :)

Did you know that in Japan, they have replaced the impersonal and unhelpful Microsoft error messages with their own Japanese Haiku poetry, each with only 17 syllables: five in the first line, seven in the second,
five in the third.


Your file was so big.
It might be very useful.
But now it is gone.

Chaos reigns within.
Reflect, repent and reboot.
Order shall return.

Aborted effort.
Close all that you have worked on.
You ask far too much.

Windows NT crashed.
I am the Blue Screen of Death.
No-one hears your screams.

Yesterday it worked.
Today it is not working.
Windows is like that.

A crash reduces
Your expensive computer
To a simple stone.

Three things are certain:
Death, taxes and lost data.
Guess which has occurred.

You step in the stream,
But the water has moved on.
This page is not here.

Out of memory.
We wish to hold the whole sky,
But we never will.

Having been erased,
The document you're seeking
Must now be retyped.

mpanty you are a waiste of time, but that's besides teh point.

[Edited by Meson on 05-01-2001 at 02:38]
That actually reminds me of the books we read in French, only shorter. They start off normal, end in death, and have some kind of weird moral hidden in them you have to spend half an hour to figure out.

If I understod what that had to do in teaching us French, I wouldn't mind so much.
Oh Computers....I like them. They make me so angry (sometimes) and so happy (more often)...it's a hate-love between me and my PC.:D
Originally posted by Manjana
Oh Computers....I like them. They make me so angry (sometimes) and so happy (more often)...it's a hate-love between me and my PC.:D

I think that comes with working with PC's. The "love-hate" thing. They just dont print that on the box nor the instruction manuals!

Because many nervous-brake-downs wouldn't happen and many people would't buy the new PC if this would be written on the package.
Ugh... I can't stand my computer. I've had a scanner for like six months now and I still haven't been able to get it to work...

My new internet's nice though, makes downloading songs a lot faster.
Why are people in this day and age still using Windows? It's a shitty, bottom grade OS...go and grab Red Hat Lenix or somethin...that lil bastard can multitask like no one's business...and it can run at the same time as Windows...