A discussion on the true nature of the Nephilim

The losing end game is what could of happened. Who knows if the Bug fleet was even amassed or even in existence by that point! Maybe they took their dear sweet time in killing us...
Plus, in the losing endgame, Confed is attacked by surprise... they don't *know* about the huge fleet attacking them <G>
Two thoughts:

1. There are many posters here who do *not* believe that the
Nephilem have an overwhelming resource advantage vis-a-vis
the Terran Confederation.

I have already posted at length describing why I think
the Nephilem do have such an advantage, and have cited
various sources to reinforce my claims.

I would encourage my fellow posters who think otherwise
to similarly demonstrate, from the canon, any evidence
that would suggest that the Nephilem are either at parity
vis-a-vis the Confederation, or actually outnumbered by
the Confederation. I'm not trying to doubt you, but I
need some evidence before I will be persuaded to your
point of view.

2. Something I've mentioned previously is the concept of an
"Achilles Heel" -- something that a single fighter could
blow up that would cause the Nephilem to stop being a

Does anyone have any suggestion what this Heel would be,
if it existed? The mother creature, for example? An
alien Brain World? A central Control Center with a Queen?
Anyone have any other suggestions?


Brian P.
What about hard walls or ceiling? As we saw in P. they like surprising their victims coming from 'above' (not everything good comes from above). If they were so hard they couldn't go through...if you have to fight face to face against them it can only be good if they cannot surprise you.
The Warlord was probably clinging to the ceiling or came through a hole that was already there. And if it can cling to ceilings, making them hard wont make much of a difference.
It was no nice imagination at all. But I really thought the
hole was not there before.
But Warlord?? A high ranked bug...a contrast.
I dont recall them ever really showing the ceiling. And LOAF has said a couple of times that the bug was a Warlord. Its from the script of something.
Geez, that's a nice suggestion for their name. I would contact origin. But seriously, how do you know, that the one blair met was a "warlord". Where is that mentioned. I finished Prophecy that night (shame on me, but I got a new computer last week and the one I had before never would have made it to play it). The head of this "warlord" looked, like the ones in the cockpit.

And yeah, I was definitely dissapointed that casey did not took on stiletto! I mean, what she got to do more? Saying: "oh got, I want you, take me!" But that's not the point of my post.
Regular and Superzised.... is this a joke ???? :D
What is the look of the Supersized bug ???? (maybe comes with extra frites...)
Yes, it was. No other comments at this time.

The fact that it was a warlord comes from the Prophecy guide. From this fact, we can hypothesize that the warlords are intelligent, and are either a different caste or a different type of bug (the coloring looked a bit different). They fly Devil Rays, which would seem to indicate that Nephilim aces are warlord bugs.

[Edited by Nep Parth on 06-09-2001 at 15:39]
Minor warlords.

There probably weren't many warlord around in Confed space in SO...so they just took some Manta pilots and plunked into the Devil Rays...