WCM Paladin?...


What the HECK got into the casting director in the WCM?... I liked some aspects of the Paladin they chose, but the guy played it all WRONG. Here you have (judging by the actor's name) a RUSSIAN actor playing the part of a SCOTSMAN (by descent anyway; Paladin was actually raised on another planet), and doing so with a FRENCH accent, in a movie overrun with BRIT actors!!...:mad: Just what the heck is up with THAT?...

It would've been perfectly OK if the guy simply put on a Scottish burr; isn't that why they call 'em ACTORS? Fercryinoutloud!:(
I don't see why anyone has a problem with a spy having a different accent...

Also, Tchéky Karyo is Turkish and grew up in Paris...
Originally posted by TC
I don't see why anyone has a problem with a spy having a different accent...

Also, Tchéky Karyo is Turkish and grew up in Paris...

Thx for the correction. So lemme see if I got it straight now: A Turk playing a Scot with a French accent in a Brit movie--is that supposed to make any MORE sense?...

And, he's only a SPY to the OTHER guys, mostly (Since one doesn't generally spy on one's own comrades). In any event, once he revealed his "true" identity, then the "fake" spy accent shoulda been dropped, so he would then talk like his "true" (read: Scottish) self, no?...
Originally posted by Supdon3
But now the question is why is he a Commodor when he then goes on to be a Major?

Suggestion--Since there's so much inter-service "cross-dressing (hehe) in the WC Universe (just look at Blair), consider this possibility:
Commodore, TCS Naval Intelligence
Major, TC Space Force?...
Except all kinds of other sources suggest that Paladin's Scottish accent isn't real...

He's a Commodore because he's an operative. He's been with Intel since before the movie, and he continues through WC1, 2 and 3 until he begins his political career post WC3 (Though he still has connections).


[edit]: Naval Intel would use naval ranks. Therefore Major would be equal in rank to Lt. Commander.
Originally posted by TC
Also, Tchéky Karyo is Turkish and grew up in Paris...

Well then, just 1 more reason for me to dislike the actor and the choice of acter, I couldn't even tell he was a turk from the way he looks
Sure it does. He's an agent onboard the Claw. As a Commodore he'd stick out like a black person at a KKK Convention. Either that, or he was demoted at some point. (Possibly for the same types of reasons as Tolwyn has for his somewhat regular demotions)

But he wasnt working as counter-intelligence, he was for all intents and purposes a regular pilot. I could see if they were using him for that but they werent.
How do you know he wasn't doing anything? He'd be a horrible operative if everyone knew he was one. If you were trying to stop the enemy from gathering intel it would be rather stupid if everyone on the ship knew you were doing it.
At least a squadron of pilots knew he was an operative. Unless they were issued orders to keep silence, its a good chance that pretty much most of the ship knew not long after.
My theory would be that after his actions with the Olympus, Paladin had his choice of assignments with Tolwyn's blessing... and, wanting to get back into the cockpit, he chose to command Killer Bee squadron rather than more spying.
Originally posted by Preacher

Thx for the correction. So lemme see if I got it straight now: A Turk playing a Scot with a French accent in a Brit movie--is that supposed to make any MORE sense?...
It's even more fun than that: A Turk who grew up in France playing a Scot with a French accent in an American movie with Brittish actors that was produced in Luxemburg.
Besides, the WC4 novel says Taggart lost his Scottish accent when talking to the senate, which leads Blair to believe it was fake.
Not that I agree with the WCM casting though.
ROFL Unforgiven.

Danm, I can't even remember who played Paladdin in WCM (or what he was like).

Rhys-Davis was a good casting choice (hell, all the WC3/4 charactors were)... the movie cast just sucked though :(

Okay, now I'm getting bad memories of Lillard in Hackers.