WCM Paladin?...

Originally posted by TC

Umm... you really weren't paying attention. Someone mentioned that his name wasn't French, so I pointed out that the reason for this was that he was Turkish. I'd have to be really stupid to think he was faking a French accent constantly in all his English movies.
I never said you were thinking that, TC...
I was simply using your quote to make a point, that Tcheky Karyo is best known as a French actor more than a Turkish one...

So when people say "a Frenchman playing a Scotsman part in the WCM? Bleah!", they're perfectly entitled for the Frenchman part, the guy has French nationality!
Now to the "Bleah!" part, they're only entitled to their own opinions...
Why are we so hung up on the way he sounds?

The character is Scottish. What does it matter how he sounds in one WC product?
Originally posted by Dralthi5
Why are we so hung up on the way he sounds?

The character is Scottish. What does it matter how he sounds in one WC product?

...perhaps 'cuz that product is the one product that has the power and reach to present WC to the world at large, who otherwise would have no idea what WC is all about?... It's our "ambassador", as it were, to the rest of the world. Should we not have ambassadors who represent us in the best possible light?

(OK, it was low budget, and there're plenty other aspects of WCM that suffered as a result--still, this is ONE area where the budget didn't have to hamstring the final product!)
Preacher, I dont think people are gonna note the fact that our "Ambassador" has a character with a different accent than originally used. People don't care. The movie tanked in the US not because people heard there was a Frenchman instead of a Scot but because Fox decided not to heavily promote a movie they thought would do rather weakly.

And WC is just another movie that came out that year to everyone else but us Wingnuts. You know how long the WCM blurb was on Roger Ebert's show? Less than a minute. He didn't care about the film and neither did his guest and they didnt mention once that Karyo was french and not Scot.
This wouldn't be the first time an adaptation had strayed from the source.

Contrary to popular belief, more people pay attention to movies than games. If a character was the wrong nationality, it wouldn't make much difference to it's boxoffice performance.