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First, I am sorry about my us centric view TC, it is only that it is easy to forget about others :(
Second, Hell I have no problem with communism it fed the people in china and hey if it works for some people/countries like mongolia or china then go for it i have no quams with it.
Third, Not all priveleges should be taken away but some should in my opinion. Like smoking in public, I say this becuase I too must smell it and personally whenever I smell tobacco smoke I go into an asmatic attack so it is dangerous to my health. That is one of them. There are others that I see no problem with, like doing any form of drug while in private, its your body you have the right to do whatever you want to it, but the minute you hurt someone else like me then you are forfitting your right to do it.
Actually, communism starved the people in China :). There was a huge disaster when Mao Tse Tung decided to restructure agriculture. But that was a long time ago, of course.