This really pisses me off...and the hardest aspect is the helplessness...


Frustration is one word I can relate with at this point in time. When EA said they were closing down origin and the WC series...they meant it. The games have all been pulled from shelves of stores I've visited...even Prophecy Gold, the newest in the series.
EA isn't responding fast enough to emails (if at all), and now it looks as if in a couple of years, the only way to obtain these games will through auctions or warez. And that's not acceptable. I challenge anyone to name ONE game that you really really want but is near impossible to find (lets stay in the 1990-2000) range. OK, maybe one game...but a whole series?
Maybe EA can't listen to reason. Maybe they're not getting enough to listen to. Maybe the people who want the games aren't being loud enough. Personally, I want WC3...yeah, right. I understand the concept of downsizing...and the concept of financial difficulties...but seriously. Give the license to Microsoft. Do something to please the fans.
Now, many of you won't be able to relate with me because the mere fact that you frequent this board displays a certain adoration for the series and I would assume most have you have more than 75% of the games...but I'm missing more than two. I want to be able to play these games again.
Re-playing the first one off the PC-Gamer CD filled me with certain emotions: nostalgia, contentment, and when I finally finished the game again, frustration. I don't understand mega-corporation mentality. I would gladly fork over 60 bucks to EA for a series set. Heck, I'd fork over one hundred. But its time for a reality check.
Its not going to happen. I've given them hell over the matter, not only with KS, but with other games in the series. All I get is silence. And now I'm pissed. Maybe if numerous petitions were started, they'd do something. But odds are, they probably won't. I'll keep trying though.
I needed to know...has anyone else noticed disappearing copies of prophecy or Privateer 2 in EB or CompUSA and the like. If so, are you just as angry as me. Or do I just happen to be a solitary voice coming from a pitch black void...

I seriously hope not...

Stop the foolishness...
stop the insanity...
Re-release the Kilrathi Saga NOW!!!
I think the hardest part is the paranoia, or madness if you will
Nobody is pulling nothing off the shelfs. If games are disappearing from stores, they've either been sold or they've been stolen

And I believe we have a location for WC3 in Where to Buy, as we do for most of the games.
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I have every game in the serires exepct one WC:ACADEMY but it still makes me mad to.

The strong shall survive!!!!
I dunno Kris, I wouldn't be too surprised if they were pulling games off the shelves. Seriously, how can you not be able to find Prophecy Gold? Anyway, I'll go down to my local massive games retailer after my exams and see if I can find it ... after my exms that is. And if anybody has a game they do.
I'm lookin for one old game. US Navy Fighters. I can't seem to find it for sh*t

And I was stupid enough to think that us brotha's had to stick togetha. :p
Razer : has Armada (as Where to buy says, doesn't anybody go there?).

Steampunk: why would they? As for WCPG... it was a very limited release, US and UK only I think. I got my copy as soon as it came out. We reported on a store having a bunch of stock for $30 on the news a week or two ago, there's usually one on ebay...

Craze : I think I saw the classic edition of that in a store today, but it could have been ATFW. Most things can be found, with a little effort.
Come on, let's not get too silly. Pray tell, what would be the point of pulling the games from the shelves? What, does EA want to have a few hundred thousand extra boxes in its warehouse? Oh, maybe they decided to incinerate them all, eh?
You know, because they don't want to make any more money of the series, and they want to incur some vast expenses just to make sure we forget about WC... next thing you know, EA Agents will start tracking down the individual owners, and stealing their copies... better watch out.

Get real.
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Well, geez Quarto. Its not like they'd be losing shitloads of money by re-releasing the series as a whole. EA is the kind of company that WOULD get rid of games for which the support just ain't there no more.
And I'm not fricking paranoid. I asked the clerk too, at EB, and he said that they had been told to get rid of the games...but there are older games there. Oh yes, Kris...I'm paranoid...they're going to come and get me...take my games away...they're coming...good god...


P.S - yes, I am being immature

P.S.S - they're coming for you too...

Stop the foolishness...
stop the insanity...
Re-release the Kilrathi Saga NOW!!!
BTW...what "pray tell" does happen to games that are discontinued. We all know, don't we. They stop making them. Copies disappear.Wasn't said series discontinued....hmmmm...interesting...

Am I real enough yet?

Stop the foolishness...
stop the insanity...
Re-release the Kilrathi Saga NOW!!!
They've been told to get rid of them?
So exactly how would that work? Does EA offer to pay the store back for all those spare copies that they bought and are now supposed to get rid of? Or is it that the store says "Hey, no problem. We'll just throw all these in the bin - it doesn't matter that we spent all that cash on buying them. Money doesn't matter to us as much as EA does."

When a series is discontinued, they indeed stop making more copies. But if copies disappear from stores, it's not because the company has asked the store to get rid of them - it's because people actually buy things out there. What, you think that a game will sit in the store until you decide to buy it?
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I think some people (I'm looking at KilrathiSaga and Jumper here...) are on the verge of insanity. No, it's not a whole lot of fun not being able to buy a certain game for a reasonable price, but that's life. Nobody's pulling anything from the shelfs, nobody's artificially raising the price KS goes for on ebay,...

This is what happens when a series is discontinued (hopefully for the time being): it becomes rare. And when it becomes rare, prices go up. When prices go up, people buy what they can for themselves or with the intention of selling it for more on ebay. It's not fun, but deal with it. I'm certain that in some point in your lives you'll have to deal with things much worse, if you haven't already. And in this case, there are workarounds
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WCPG limited release? About a month after it came out here in Australia I still see truck loads of them on the shelves. And I figure EA might actually pull games of the shelf since it's focusing on multiplayer online games now. How much do you think it'll cost them to keep the retail parts of EA running while it tries to sell stock as opposed to just shutting it down right after they've decided they've sold enough to cut their loses?
Let's see...

A) Leave stuff in stores where it is
Additional cost : None
Potential additional income : Some
Reason behind it : let's make money!

B) Pull everything of the shelfs
Additional cost : Cost of withdrawing + Cost of stocking
Potentional additional income : None.
Reason behind it : let's not make money!

Now, why does option B seem utterly ridiculous to me?
Steampunk, you don't seem to understand the way games are sold. After EA sells the games to computer stores they no longer belong to EA, nor do they have to pay anything. Even if they shutdown the whole damn company the games would still remain on the shelves unless the games were bought or the store thought there was no chance in hell they'd be sold and threw them into storage or into the garbage (barely ever happens... almost all games are sold once they're in the bargain section).


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
Yes, but they'd still be legally obliged to make good on their garuntees and all that crap right? So in some situations mighten it be better to just pull things off the shelf?
Not really. I mean, what guarantees do they give you?

At any rate, I'm fairly sure that when faced with the choice of A) Shame-facedly telling a user that they can't help him with the game, or b) Buying their own game back from several million stores around the world, they'll take option A.
steampunk said:
I dunno Kris, I wouldn't be too surprised if they were pulling games off the shelves. Seriously, how can you not be able to find Prophecy Gold? Anyway, I'll go down to my local massive games retailer after my exams and see if I can find it ... after my exms that is. And if anybody has a game they do.

For the record, Prophecy Gold stopped production last year and so it's possible no copies exist. Plenty of copies of plain Prophecy exist, and it's in EA's Sci-Fi Bundle along with Blade Runner and Dune 2000 for the cheap price of $19.99.
[This message has been edited by Jumper (edited June 27, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by KrisV (edited June 28, 2000).]
Craze said:
I'm lookin for one old game. US Navy Fighters. I can't seem to find it for sh*t

US Navy Fighters was one of first few games made by Jane's. It is a part of Janes Fighters Anthology, which also includes Janes ATF and all the add-ons for those games in one easy-to use interface. There are loads of copies of Fighters Anthology EA Classic at both my local game stores.. And the games are re-done for Win9x, unlike the original Navy Fighters for DOS. That EA Classic is AWSOME, like 60 flyable planes, and for $9.99 is the best way to get the game you want.

[This message has been edited by Jumper (edited June 27, 2000).]
KrisV said:
I think some people (I'm looking at KilrathiSaga and Jumper here...) are on the verge of insanity. No, it's not a whole lot of fun not being able to buy a certain game for a reasonable price, but that's life. Nobody's pulling anything from the shelfs, nobody's artificially raising the price KS goes for on ebay,...

This is what happens when a series is discontinued (hopefully for the time being): it becomes rare. And when it becomes rare, prices go up. When prices go up, people buy what they can for themselves or with the intention of selling it for more on ebay. It's not fun, but deal with it. I'm certain that in some point in your lives you'll have to deal with things much worse, if you haven't already. And in this case, there are workarounds

"Workarounds" Hmmm.. Hey, anyone got a 'backup' of KS I can borrow?? Thats a good workaround. Then again, we don't pirate WC games. Takes away money from EA.. Wait, they don't want my money!!!

I'm not insane... 1 years ago I found the perfect game. WC3 touched my life like no game ever has since. For a month I lived, ate, breated the life of Christopher Blair. When I beat it, there were other games inthe series to move on to.

Now EA wants to take that all away. I never had KS, never got to play WC2 with speech on, never experienced it the way it was supposed to be.

What you guys don't realize is that WC is dead. Yup, dead. Unless we save it, it'll slip through our fingers and be gone forever. And that means making KS available to new fans. That means creating new fans. Like you guys did with me. I'm very pround of the WC fan I am and I hope I will continue to grow as one, but instead of sitting around debating KS prices on a message board, we need to be doing something. I, for one, will not bring up this topic again. I'll probably either play $200-300 for KS or get a burned copy. It's not like the money will go to EA anyway.

I urge you all to sign the Wing Commander Engine Source Code Release Project petition at

Myself and others (Quarto, PopsiclePete) feel that this is the best chance of survival WC has. If EA won't make more games, we will. And if we don't get the source, there is always WingED, the next-gen WCP editor being developed. The future of WC is is our hands, the hands of the fans. We can do whatever we want with it, be that sit around arguing about KS prices or writing new WC games like the failed Unknown Enemy.

I leave the future of WC up to you.
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Well, er... Unknown Enemy isn't a failure
. It's just not finished yet, is all.
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