Ship prices for WC Universe.

Weren't there a couple 'ol pirate mercenary carriers in Homeworld?

[Edit: Another idea...
Milspec ships. I know, it's a hot topic, but personally, I believe that you shouldn't be able to buy Milspec fighters. Don't get me wrong, this is heading in a different direction than you think. I'm thinking along the lines of having to steal the ships, or doing expensive and dangerous "favors" for them. Anyone played MW2: Mercenaries?
You know, the mission where you steal a clan assault 'mech and have the option of delivering it to your employers or keeping it for yourself? Something like that.]

[Edited by Bob McDob on 05-09-2001 at 02:03]
Why would it be hard to capture a confed carrier? O.K. it isn't easy but after you leach a ship that ship wouldn't have any life support left. So you could just wait while the crew of the ship dies and board it with pirates in lifesuites.

And by the way TyeDyeBoy some of us speak German.
capship capture will work like this:
you disable a shuttle, you then use a bomber to capture the shuttle.
with your newly "Aquired shuttle" you then go to a bar and hire a crew through some contacts, you then take your fighter and shuttle out into space, find a capship you want and then disable it, then you order the shuttle to capture the target. the more shuttles you have the more likely the capture will be successful, especially against really large capships.
MIPS may also be used, they will be an 'older' model mip whic is one use only, they cannot be tractored in again.
Lots of people speak German -- but you shouldn't do it here, since English is the board language. It's only polite.

Leech weapons don't *kill* the crew of a carrier -- they disable the electronics of a ship for a limited time... a single mercenary would have a very difficult time attacking a carrier with a hundred fighter complement defending it.

Also, it'd be fairly pointless -- because just trying to capture a carrier pretty much signs your death-warrant. People steal lots of cars today and get away with it, but you'd have to be a really, really dumb car thief to tru and steal the USS Reagan...
AH LOAK, LOAF, LOAF. don't you see the posibilities?
capture a carrier and then base off of it! Clans working off of capships. plus the USS Reagan can be tracked... how do you expect to track a single capship in over 250 star systems? just look at the Gwenhyvar......
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF

Leech weapons don't *kill* the crew of a carrier -- they disable the electronics of a ship for a limited time... a single mercenary would have a very difficult time attacking a carrier with a hundred fighter complement defending it.

Isn't life support electronic?
Pirates could also make a carrier surrender. After you've leached the carrier you could negotiate the surrender of the carrier for the not killing of the crew and sending them back to confed. Aleached carrier is ofcourse easilly destroyed.
Life support is electronic, but there are backups that will last for hours if not days -- and the effect of a leech gun is very temporary... a carrier's systems will come back online quickly.

It's also difficult to destroy something guarded by a wing of fighters -- and similarly pointless to negotiate with something that includes an armed crew of thousands (including various Marine detachments).

Pirates can't take carriers in 2665 any more than they can take carriers today.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
Life support is electronic, but there are backups that will last for hours if not days -- and the effect of a leech gun is very temporary... a carrier's systems will come back online quickly.

Wouldn't those backups also be leached!

Perhaps you could also have a tow ship that keeps a carrier leached while moving it to a better place for boarding.
Um hellon has no one been listening there is no SINGLE fighter, This is gonna be a MULTIPLAYER game. there will be a single player mode but it is mainly a Multiplayer game.
Capturing a capship can't be so difficult. Look at Maverick, Grunt and that alien who walked through the Kilrathi flagship in WCATV and made it crashland. :D
No, the backups wouldn't be leeched -- they're seperate from the rest of the systems for that specirfic reason. :) And again, we're talking a matter of minutes that the ship is disabled -- you can't tow it away.
Originally posted by Darkmage

Just look at the Gwenhyvar...

Yeah, but the Gwenhyvar was captured by the Kilrathi, and it was probably a big operation that required a lot of planning...not to mention a lot of luck, since it'd be easier for them to blow the damn ship.

We're talking about the Kilrathi, who have tens, if not hundreds, of worlds backing them...not some "greasy mercs" who have no backing and just a few fighters between them...

A frigate, maybe, maybe. Very, very hard, but possible. But a carrier? That would be suicide, unless you had about 3 of said frigates, and maybe a destroyer, backing you...
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
No, the backups wouldn't be leeched -- they're seperate from the rest of the systems for that specirfic reason. :) And again, we're talking a matter of minutes that the ship is disabled -- you can't tow it away.

So you could target the backups after having leached the primary's.
And by the way leaching disables a ship for more then a mather of minutes. All the ships I leached nevver seamed to recover.And minutes is actually all a tow ship would need to attach itself to the hull of a carrier. Once attached to the hull it could use the same technollogy behind the leach gun to keep that carrier leached.

Just because it has never been done doesn't mean it can't be done.
LOAF didn't say it couldn't be done..he just said it was unlikely. On a parallel note, Canada could turn their government over to me right now...but we all know (aw) that it ain't gonna happen.

The main argument is not carrying around the's actually getting into it. What happens when you try to get into it? Blammo, that's what. The Marines would probably have evacuated all of the Fleet crew to the lower decks, then sealed them off and donned Marine suits. Then, you'd have a whole lotta Marines on the ship...and while the Marines were doing that, the piltos would be donning flightsuits, then manually taking thier fighters out to the flight deck (saying this hypothetical ship, the, er, the TCS Hopeful, is a Concordia class) and manually taking off...and blowing your little tug right to kingdom come.

It's possible...but it ain't gonna happen.

[Edited by Nep Parth on 05-09-2001 at 10:40]
A carrier capture opperation shouldn't be more difficult then the destruction of the enemy gate at the end of prophecy.

Hangar entrances can be destroyed. And marines in a leached ship can only surrender or die.
How the hell can you destroy a hangar entrance that's part of the ships damned superstructure?! I said, it's a Concordia class ship. Look at the damn thing! The hangar is a big, rectangular hole in the ship.

The destruction of the Kilrah Gate was a planned operation by a gigantic MEGACARRIER...a mobile starbase with a hefty chunk of resources.
Well, if ya wanna be technical, you could just bomb the upper portion of the hanger so it colapses in on it's self.
'Course you'd need a crap load of bombers and ammo for that job, since I'm sure it's reinforced against such attacks.
You mean, of course, the capture the gate operation that took all the efforts of Confed's newest carrier, three fighter wings and cost the lives of hundreds of marines?

You can't target the backup life support systems. They're a little generator inside the ship that is *designed* to function independently from the rest of its systems. Being disabled is *why* they exist.

(We don't even need to bring up the fact that if you disable a carrier, and look as through you're going to capture it, the crew will self destruct her...)

But again, I bring up the real life analogy. Lets say you take your Ford Tarus, stick a machine gun on the front and somehow capture the USS Nimitz (NOTE THE SARCASM), what the heck are you going to do with it, and do you honestly expect that the military isn't going to hunt you down in about three seconds:)?