Ship prices for WC Universe.

Originally posted by Ghost
Darkmage:How you do the capture capship thing ???

how about hiring a shuttle full of marines and use them to take disabled capships. include leech missiles and guns and you got it made :D
I'd like to point out the insane odds against boarding a ship actualy working. It's rare that it happens, sure, but onto a battle ship? Yeesh, between flack, fighter cover and sheilds, you're pretty much screwed...
Everything has a price. And when you got the funds to cover that price, and if there are shady dealers around, a privateer could get his hands on anything. Just like it is today with "black market" goods, in the future, that will still be around. You may not be able to buy a nuclear reactor, but you can shure buy the parts to make one on the black market today.

The facilities used to produce a carrier are massive isntallations that take thousands of people ten years to build... not the sort of thing you can put together off of the black market. :)

Now, an Escort Carrier like those used by the Landreich, perhaps... since they're essentially converted transports.
Oh most definately true regarding a huge thing such as a carrier! If it takes a large group of workers to build one in 10 years, I dont want to imagine how long it would take for a small pirate group to attempt to build one. Perhaps just buy up certian parts to add to small fighter ships, weapons, scanners, etc. Then masking those things so they cannot be traced or detected would be another problem to solve. What would be difficult would be to weed out those on the inside that would deal in the black market, those that are trusted with the hardware, and turn around and let loose of that stuff on a black market, sort of "under the table" deals!
"I didnt see you, and your blind, got it!" Pirate-Privateer

Originally posted by RFBurns
Oh most definately true regarding a huge thing such as a carrier! If it takes a large group of workers to build one in 10 years, I dont want to imagine how long it would take for a small pirate group to attempt to build one. Perhaps just buy up certian parts to add to small fighter ships, weapons, scanners, etc. Then masking those things so they cannot be traced or detected would be another problem to solve. What would be difficult would be to weed out those on the inside that would deal in the black market, those that are trusted with the hardware, and turn around and let loose of that stuff on a black market, sort of "under the table" deals!
"I didnt see you, and your blind, got it!" Pirate-Privateer


In one episode of Babylon5 a group of pirates had built a carrier. basically it was a jump drive with the fighters attached to the outside. it was the smallest human ship to be able to create its own jump point. somthing like that would be possible for WC pirates.
We've had starships for a long time in Wing Commander. Pirates wouldn't really need to build new carriers, they could use the bulk of a century old carrier and just upgrade the hell out of it. Granted, it likely wouldn't stand a chance against a Confed carrier but i'd imagine it would be effective against other pirates and civilian shipping and such.

On a side note, I'm sure it's pretty impossible to do with the Vega Strike engine, I had an idea for a game somewhat similar to this. Instead of you being a lone wolf out there, you join a small group of pirates. Very similiar to the Lazarus in Action Stations. There would be a couple of little transports or corvettes you could use, and they would have different stations. You'd start out as the new guy and get assigned to stations. Eventually, you would earn enough to buy your own ship and hire your own crew. Then you could take any position you want, you just command the crew you hired. Then you could upgrade you ship just like in Privateer.
If the ambition is there, and if the funds are around, it wouldnt be far fetched to see a group build something out of combining pieces from "here and there". It may look ugly and cumbersome but that usually isnt a concern. Much like taking an old model T ford and fixing that up with todays engine, wheels, transaxle etc, in the future, taking an old worn out ship, be it military or private vessel, and upgrading the heck out of it, it could prove to be more formidable than a current model of equal armament.

Yep! If the thing cant win a battle with sheer firepower, why not make the enemy run with fear over sheer "uglyness" :D

Originally posted by $tormin
formidable? is that the new slang term for ugly? :p

for·mi·da·ble (fôrm-d-bl)
  1. Arousing fear, dread, or alarm: the formidable prospect of major surgery.
  2. Inspiring awe, admiration, or wonder: “Though a true hero, he was also a thoroughgoing bureaucrat and politician, a formidable combination” (Mario Puzo).
  3. Difficult to undertake, surmount, or defeat: a formidable challenge; a formidable opponent.

    [Middle English from Old French from Latin formdbilis, from formdre, to fear, from formd, fear.]
i know the definition. it was a comment on how its uglyness probably would overcome its deadlyness. a ship like that would probably look like my car. good thing i don't drive yet :)
Hundred year old carriers are still in service... the few Ranger class ships that were around way back when. Carriers haven't been a serious part of the WC universe until recently...