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@ Dundradal

I can't seem to get the error to repeat. I'm guessing my computer just needed to be restarted. Whenever I did get the error message it said that "Standoff has encountered an error and needs to close." It was like a microsoft error reporting window. And it said that the error report could be found in a certain file. However I could not find that file.

EDIT: And now that I think about it. The error occurred after I had tried to open a bad save game. Opening a bad saved game usually results in my computer becoming unstable (programs don't seem to open right, etc.).

I'm going to open a bad saved game now :P
@ Dundradal

I can't seem to get the error to repeat. I'm guessing my computer just needed to be restarted. Whenever I did get the error message it said that "Standoff has encountered an error and needs to close." It was like a microsoft error reporting window. And it said that the error report could be found in a certain file. However I could not find that file.

EDIT: And now that I think about it. The error occurred after I had tried to open a bad save game. Opening a bad saved game usually results in my computer becoming unstable (programs don't seem to open right, etc.).

I'm going to open a bad saved game now :P

Yeah that's the message you get when error reporting isn't turned on. I don't know the exact method to turn it on (so that the window will actually provide useful info on what happened) but it's in the control panel...somewhere...

Opening bad save games will cause the game to crash. Although, how do you have a bad saved game? We made checked to make sure old saves would work with the new versions.
I never said bloom wasn't working for me :)
Oh, good then... maybe I misunderstood that post ;) :
Thanks for continued work for ati users.
Ditto for me with the lack of bloom on 1.29 and later.
The hdr option works as opposed to the screen being mostly black.
Its just that the glowy effect does not appear.
For example during explosions, engine glows, and briefing wireframes, etc.
hey pete, i guess you meant me.

the log file repeats this first part nine times:

Creating FBO
warning: Failed: Enum Error: 0

then has this once:

Create Floating Point FBO
warning: Failed

still want me to send?

maybe someone can tell me if this is just the way its supposed to look =P

Hey, I'm one of those unfortunate people with an intel graphics card and a laptop. I'm glad you guys went all out on the graphics though, since that's true to the Wing Commander traditon of pushing the limits of technology. I previously posted about the game freezing after exiting and having to do a forced quit. This didn't happen this time, so apparently that's fixed!

Unfortunately when I tried the simulator (haven't tried a mission yet), at first my joystick's pitch and yaw weren't working and only the rudder function and buttons were. After awhile there was no interaction from my joystick from any buttons. I haven't had a chance to troubleshoot by trying Prophecy or Secret Ops and seeing if the joystick works on those. My joystick has previously worked on Standoff/Prophecy/Secret Ops, with the exception of having to pause the game, unplug and replug to center it. It's been a long time though, so maybe keeping it in storage has caused these errors.

At this point I'm not entirely sure if the game is causing my joystick to not work or if it's the joystick's fault. I thought I'd post this in case someone already knows the cause of this. I've tried the settings with joystick checked and with flightstick pro checked and again unchecked. I'm not sure if lowering the settings and graphics may help the problem. I hope to have time to investigate this a few days from now, but thought I'd post in case someone already knows the answer. I have a Saitek joystick that comes with the joystick and throttle combination (don't recall the exact model name).
We didn't change anything related to the joystick, so if your joystick doesn't work well with Standoff it's probably because it doesn't work well with Secret Ops either - did you compare ?

In the in-game options menu, I guess you should have all the joystick checkboxes enabled except "reverse rudder". Also worth mentioning, even if you may already be aware of that, there is a bug present in the original Secret Ops where the rudder often end up reversed.

hey pete, i guess you meant me.
Yeah, silly me :p Thanks for the log, it may help Alex a bit.

Also if you're looking for HDR, look if the afterburners or suns bleed a bit over your cockpit struts.
We didn't change anything related to the joystick, so if your joystick doesn't work well with Standoff it's probably because it doesn't work well with Secret Ops either - did you compare ?

In the in-game options menu, I guess you should have all the jorstick checkboes enabled except "reverse rudder". Also worth mentioning, even if you may already be aware of that, there is a bug present in the original Secret Ops where the rudder often end up reversed.

I didn't notice if I had "reverse rudder" checked or not. When I get time, I plan to try it with Secret Ops and see if the problem is that the joystick is no longer working.
that screenshot of the krant with its burners lit wasnt that clear
so i took another and put it next to a screencap from tretboot's youtube vid
(which is on the left)
Right, no bloom on the right pic. We'll have Alex check if your log lines are usefull to him, nut in the end you may not be able to display bloom at all. You are running Catalyst 9.8, right ?
yup, newest drivers. same results on catalyst 9.8 and 9.9
maybe just doesnt work with a radeon 4670
thanks for the prompt feedback. =D
Hmmm. The new updates somehow broke my game and caused me to experience the "can't see any ships" problem.

The game worked fine before, 1.26ish, and nothing else has been changed. Of course, shutting down Enh. Lighting works, but that's a bit disappointing...

Edit: For some reason Extension Limit was turned back on by itself. Well, switching it off again did the trick.
Opening bad save games will cause the game to crash. Although, how do you have a bad saved game? We made checked to make sure old saves would work with the new versions.

Saving after I finish the last mission results in a bad save. The error message I get from that is "FATAL CMcp: StartMissionFromSavegame-badsavegame."

The error I get is "File write operation failed. You are probably out of disk space. Please free up some disk space and retry the operation or quit." And the time that it happened I accidentally hit quit. And the game didn't crash. This error is highly unreproducible. It has only occurred 1 out of the 12+ times that I have tried to recreate it.

I'll poke around event viewer in control panel and see if I can find that first error message.
I also got the "File write operation failed" error message, but it was only once and it was after a crash-to-desktop immediately after finishing Big Damn Ending. I had a few crashes after landing at the end of both Big Damn Ending and Armageddon, but the cause seems to be rather intermittent, which will make it hard to diagnose and correct, I suspect.

I'm not sure if this error has been reported already: during Flight of the Arrow and the previous mission, Grand Entrance, I noticed a Confed death video playing instead of a Kilrathi video when Kilrathi ships are shot down. See the attached image for an example.

Finally, quite a few spelling and grammatical errors in the text, especially in early episodes. Just informing, not complaining. Overall, I'm very happy with the whole experience. I really do imagine this is what WC1/2 would have felt like if it was a current generation game. The extra ship numbers afforded by the Vision engine truly made it an intense and enjoyable game-play experience.


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Finally, quite a few spelling and grammatical errors in the text, especially in early episodes. Just informing, not complaining.

You mind pointing them out? We always try to look for them, but after staring at the text time and time again you tend to read something different than what is written. :p

And glad you liked it.

As for the wrong video playing, I think that is something that only happens in rare situations (I know I've never seen it during testing) but perhaps Quarto or Pete can explain the other stuff better. Actually I know they can :p
Well, I've probably forgotten most of them now after preferring to just enjoy the game rather than hunt for errors. (: But the main one that bothered me was the repeated use of "compliment" instead of "complement" when referring to fighters on a capital ship. It's a common mistake, but I find it a little bothersome all the same.

As for the wrong video being "rare", it happened on numerous occasions in those missions I mentioned. Perhaps I will get the same error if I was to try those missions again, perhaps not. Again, not complaining, just informing, for future fixes/development.
Don't worry Wedge we know you aren't complaining :p If anyone is bothered it's us for missing them for so's like when I found an spelling error in Ep1...that had been there for years.

And yeah those are the types of errors that sort of slip your mind when looking for errors...your eye sees one thing and your mind another.

As for the wrong vids...I'll grab my testing machine later this week and play around with those missions and see if I can get it to happen. I just know that during testing I never saw it (or I was just so dazed that I never noticed it :p )
Also Wedge, I'd appreciate if you could re-download the ep5 setup and reinstall it; I think you may be missing some altered files from the lastest patches and I'd really appreciate if you could confirm if your problems are still there after the install.
Hmm. I had downloaded the (huge) Episode 5 pack which you said was v1.31... but I was still using v1.29 auto-patched to v1.31 instead of a clean install. I'll have a check later when I have time.
Grand Entrance still has the incorrect-death-video issue with the full Episode 5 v1.31 install, as seen with the attached image.

It's not a big deal since I imagine most people are too busy concentrating on the next target to watch the videos.


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