Kilrathi Saga?

Eddie2u said:

Do you have a link to that site with the list for DVDKS.
July 1st 1999
Are you interested in the possibility of either a commercially available WC4/WCP or a Kilrathi Saga DVD? If so, e-mail me here. I should re-iterate that this is for research purposes and that no such product is in currently available... but if you want to see either of these things, write and let me know! It's VERY important!
July 28 1999
How The War Goes
I've had a lot of mail wondering about the status of my quest for Kilrathi Saga, Wing Commander IV & Prophecy DVDs. I'm happy to say that I've received about three hundred mails on the subject, all of which wildly support the idea! I've passed this information on, and only time will tell the end results...
"Only time will tell the end results..."

About a year later: Not a chance in hell.

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
I had a little trouble tracking down a copy of KS but managed to find a copy for a reasonable price. With what I make a year I could spend $200 on it, if that was the only price I could find it for. There are a lot of folks out there who played WC1 when they were in High school or college (like me) and are now out of school and making more than enough money to spend $200 bucks for a game they recall fondly. I think whoever mentioned comic books earlier was right. The games are valuable because they are rare. I wish EA would take a page from DC comics which has been known to reprint some of their older rare comics (the first appearance of Batman, etc.) in a trade paperback. But DC figures they have a market for it, and I'm guessing EA doesn't feel that way.
a) KS was already re-printed
b) There's *not* that big a market for the original games.
c) Including the original releases all of the main series games have been released at least 3 times (four if you include the Premiere Edition of WC3). Finding one version isn't that hard.
d) Unlike comics games have to be supported. There's no one around to do that for KS anymore.


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
You are in no way entitled to any WC games, if you don't have them its your own damn fault.