
Doesn't the Star Trek Encyclopedia open with a letter noting that anything created to fill the blanks in the book isn't canon?
I haven't kept up with the Enterprise series but I believe they have already broker one aspect of the Startrek series, there was an episode (second season I think) where they encountered Romulans but in TOS it's pretty clear that Kirk and Spock are the first Star fleet officers to encounter Romulans...seems like they wouldn't have been surprised if Enterprise had met them first...just a thought.
The TOS episode you're thinking of is 'Balance of Terror', in which the original Enterprise finds out what Romulans look like for the first time (that is to say, finds out that they look the same as Vulcans).

The same episode talks about a 'Romulan War' fought between Earth and the Romulans around the time of Enterprise... the war was fought without either side ever having seen eachother, which Enterprise followed properly in their Romulan episode. (I think a large portion of the fandom hopes that the actual Romulan war will be shown... maybe next year!)
TheRedDuke said:
She bore the resemblence of a dominatrix. I'd be curious to see T'Pol in the Entrerprise blues if I didn't feel like her joining Starfleet would take away from the mythos.
Then again, I always did like a woman in uniform...

I couldn’t help but find major Kira incredibly sexy in the Star Fleet uniform she wore in the last few episodes of DS9.

It does really bother me that those responsible Enterprise (and Voyager) seem to think that putting a woman in a skimpy outfit makes up for lack lustre storytelling.

There has only been one episode of Enterprise that I have really genuinely enjoyed on the same level as I enjoyed DS9 and TNG, and that was the one in which T'Pol tells Archer and Tucker about the Vulcan ship that crashed on Earth in the 1950's. That one was great, why cant there be more like that?

"Regeneration" was quite good, as it set up a crazy paradox thing that meant had the Borg succeeded in assimilating Earth in "Best of Both Worlds" then their initial invasion would never have actually taken place and everything would have 'undone' itself. But the presentation and direction of the episode on the whole was still pretty poor.

Bandit LOAF said:
The same episode talks about a 'Romulan War' fought between Earth and the Romulans around the time of Enterprise... the war was fought without either side ever having seen eachother, which Enterprise followed properly in their Romulan episode. (I think a large portion of the fandom hopes that the actual Romulan war will be shown... maybe next year!)

That would certainly make Enterprise a much more interesting show. Its likely that if it survived long enough and went on to get a movie then that would deal with the birth of the Federation, which (according to the Star trek Chronology) happened in 2161, just after the Romulan Wars ended, and 10 years after the NX-01 was launched.
Your right about that! According to my sources the war starts in the Charon system (It think that is the name). With only subspace radio to communicate between them. The final battle was in the Charon system as well.

It would be cool to see a war, but I would be upset to have them shown.
Maybe we'll see Reman shock troopers in action instead of Romulans as was described as having happened during the Dominion War. That way there could still be ground battles without humans coming into contact with Romulans
Bandit LOAF said:
Doesn't the Star Trek Encyclopedia open with a letter noting that anything created to fill the blanks in the book isn't canon?

Well, yes and no. My edition states that the authors stuck as strictly as possible to the episodes and movies, while disreagrding other publications for consistency reasons. In Spock's entry, the authors specifically mention speculation on the date he entered Starfleet, so I guess it's just one of those things that is accepted and has never been proven. It's the truth until some episode writer says otherwise :)

Now as far as I know, there is no episode that states specifically what year the Romulans and Earth forces were engaged in war, although the ST Chronology puts the start date at 2156, and the end date at 2160. I suppose if Enterprise's producers want to speed things along, they could move up that date which is not carved in stone, or perhaps speed the passage of time in the show (as opposed to the one production year, one calendar year scheme the modern shows have followed). Like T'Pol being commissioned in Starfleet, there is room here to take a few liberties. In any case, I feel like that conflict with the Romulans would add a much needed dynamic to the show, and could only make it better (if done right, of course). The Remans would be an awesome idea, I didn't even think of that. Maybe something good will come out of Star Trek: Nemesis yet. :D
TheRedDuke said:
I'd be curious to see T'Pol in the Entrerprise blues if I didn't feel like her joining Starfleet would take away from the mythos.

We already saw her in a Starfleet uniform. In the episode that Archer gets dementia and lives everyday anew. T'Pol did a flashback to the mission and she was wearing a Stafleet uniform.

There have been several inconsistences since the start of the show. Using phasers while the pilot for TOS had laser guns, and the many first contacts such as the romulans, borg, and ferengi. The fact that the timeline has been polluted by both the Borg and that future race provides a good argument for some of the changes and not others. I think that the producers are just trying to relate Enterprise to more recent ST shows than TOS.

I think that most of the shows have been handled well, my only concern is what will happen once the conflict with the xindi is resolved? I have always noticed that without a war, star trek doesn't do to well.

Erkle said:
I have always noticed that without a war, star trek doesn't do to well.

Nonsense. There was never really a large-scale war during the TNG series, excluding the abbreviated conflicts like the Borg invasion and the Klingon Civil War. Even then, they didn't drive the plot show after show. Granted, I loved DS9, and IMO the Dominion conflict made the show great, but there were lots of good episodes that had nothing to do with the Dominion. Good writing and good acting - that's what made Next Gen so great, and to my knowledge, there has not been a more successful Star Trek series since.
I liked the Dominion war. Seeing te Romulans, Klingons, various lesser species, AND starfleet all gathered around DS9 for a first line defense (in the Alpha, at least) was quite nifty.
The six-episode "miniseries" to start off season 6 was amazing (7 if you count the season 5 finale). I was glued to the TV every Saturday night during that stretch.
The Final Epsiode

The final episode was a bust for me. Things were fine till Archer was lost and the ship appears to be back in time. Sigh, I am so tired of time travel in Star Trek as a plot device. IMHO, it is a cop out.

It would have been better if the ship would have been able revert back to its original exploration mission or maybe go in for some much needed repairs.

What I did like was seeing the Andorians again.

Matt Nelson

Black Lance Headquarters
I'd stopped watching Enterprise after the first few episodes of the series failed to hook me. However, with the recent news about its possible cancellation, I've seen a lot of comments about how much the show has improved over the years. That's why I decided to give the season finale a chance. Most of the episode wasn't bad, considering that I was oblivious to most of the plot threads. It was obvious that they'd been through a lot to get to that point. The ending, unfortunately, evaporated any faith I'd acquired. I don't know many people who watch the show, but those I talked to didn't seem incredibly pleased with the cliffhanger. The possibility that the show could've ended on that note seemed rather humorous to me, though.
I think the show would have ended on T'Pol telling Porthos that everything would be allright... which really would have been quite fantastic.

Nazi Remans had better be a lot less stupid than it seems next season.
I enjoyed.. or at least, didn't hate the episode.. up until the horrid, horrid ending..

Enough with the freaking time travel crap already..

