Are we a dying breed?

That happened to me once or twice... And few times he smashed into my ship while trying to find me when I was cloaked...

One of the easiest ways to get him is to use the Fission guns. Although it can be hard for some people to aim with them, they can rip a Dragon to shreads quite quickly.

Another missile free way is to simply gun him down with your standard weaps (Tachyons and Plasma). When he's coming straight at you and fires a missile, just drop few decoys and get straight on his tail. Even if he cloaks you'll be able to see him (as long as you stay close enough), and discharge your armament into his rear pipe.

You can also kill him using your decoys. Some people have discovered that if you release them at a right time, Seether will fly straight into them and die right there.

Also, you don't have to waste more than one/two missiles on him if you decide to use them. Take some FF missiles, and as soon as he turns after his initial attack, and presents his butt just before he cloaks, fire off two FF's. Usually one will be enough if he's straight in front of you, but you can fire two just to be sure.

[Edited by Earthworm on 01-03-2001 at 19:37]
Earthworm: True you may be flying the same ship, but the Hellcat is inferior to the Dragon. Therefore if the AI is as bad as you're fond of saying then you should be able to trash Seether in a Dragon faster than trashing Maniac in a Hellcat.

Ronin Fox: Yes Robert Rusler was in B5. At that point I was only just starting to pay serious attention to the show. I didn't catch the whole season but I saw at least the last 6 and he hardly appeared at all. The only scene that comes readily to mind is the scene where he runs into the Shadow ship, drops a distress beacon buoy and gets killed. I believe the last episode of the season.

"I don't know if this was just a glitch in the game or something like that... but once, while I was lying in wait for Seether to uncloak (I was keeping perfectly still, mind you), he uncloaked RIGHT IN FRONT of me and SMASHED into my fighter. Gaaaaack! How dumb is that?!? Or maybe it was an accident? Well, if so... So much for genetic perfection! Wah hah hah hah haaaaah!"
Maybe the fact that he spends most of his time flying superfighters against civilian transports and bases has taken off his edge.

Another missile free way is to simply gun him down with your standard weaps (Tachyons and Plasma). When he's coming straight at you and fires a missile, just drop few decoys and get straight on his tail. Even if he cloaks you'll be able to see him (as long as you stay close enough), and discharge your armament into his rear pipe.

The second-to-the-last time I fought him, I filled his rear pipe with a Tachyon barrage at the very beginning of the fight. It killed him INSTANTLY. I thought it was just a glitch, but now I know it's a tried-and-true method. Thanks!

(By the way... since I once thought that it was a glitch, the next time I fought him, I took him out the "hard" way. Sheesh!!!)
Hellcats present no problem destroying. Doing it with Maniac on guns only in 20 seconds would be doable for anyone if he weren't such a burn-out.:)

It's nice to see someone else appreciate the Fission, so many people complain about not having ITTS.
Heh heh!

With the fill-Seether's-rear-pipe-with-tachyon-beams trick, he's much easier to take out than the fast-flyin' Maniac. THANK YOU, Earthworm!
personally I don't see the concern with missile conservation. In a dragon you really don't need them much. I just liked my way of killing Seether because it was fast, hilariously fast actually and there's no real need for the missiles later in that mission.
why would people complain about fission guns not having ITTS? None of the secondary weapons had ITTS. Some people just can't figure out how to lead a target I guess.
Poeple are lazy. They want everything haanded to them. They don't want to lead a target. It's too much work for them. They just want to shoot at a redish diamond, and see pretty explosions.
with maniac you can always "cheat" a little...stop ur ship, rotate around and look at his ugly butt, start firing and then accept the should get about 50 points for it
Saturnyne: For WC3 fly the Thud. Beginning of each mission load up full guns. Whenever the cats gun for you squeeze off a few rounds into their noses - waxes anything smaller than a Vaktoth. Also good against capships :)
For WC4 I have 1 word - Missiles ;)

You're up point - givem Hell!!!
I can usually handle Maniac OK, but for some reason last time I played, he just got me soooo frustrated (I can't stand him humiliating me) that I just did that stand-still-and-fire-up-the-tail trick.

After Seether murders Paulsen, I love it how he cackles out, then tells the pilot to carry on like he's a little child, as if nothing big happened.

Hmmm, could Tolwyn-Seether be seen the same way as Emperor-Thrak? Seeing as you insist Tolwyn was the ultimate enemy in WC4. Actually, I think the worst baddie was Vincent "Lemonlips" Garr :) Man, that guy was a pain! Even made Naismith look like a nice guy!
Actually, I think the worst baddie was Vincent "Lemonlips" Garr :) Man, that guy was a pain! Even made Naismith look like a nice guy! [/B]

Oh, yes indeed. Which is why I got an extra amount of satisfaction from blowing up the Lexington! MWA HA HA HA HAAAAA!
Originally posted by Wedge009
After Seether murders Paulsen, I love it how he cackles out, then tells the pilot to carry on like he's a little child, as if nothing big happened.

Yeah, I hear you Wedge.

Hmmm, could Tolwyn-Seether be seen the same way as Emperor-Thrak?

My thoughts exactly. Only thing in it is the difference in character development. Tolwyn had a not-insignificant role in WC2, 3 and 4, and hence there was a much deeper exploration of his character than Seether, who was just there for us to kill, plain and simple.

The development with the Emperor and Thrakath was completely reversed. But even from the Emperor's very few scenes, it seemed pretty clear who was in charge. Thrak was always trying to save face, he always seemed afraid of his grandfather.

And for the record (Earthworm) I'm not saying Seether and Thrakath were exactly the same - obviously there was a whole lot more to Thrakath - after all, he practically ran the entire war effort. But he certainly wasn't the top cat.

Even made Naismith look like a nice guy!

I don't remember Naismith being too bad. All I do remember is him standing round the briefing room looking at stuff. I'd never even have noticed he existed if not for that line where Eisen asks him where Blair is. Did he turn out a bit of a jerk in the non-defecting path? Been a while since I went that way so maybe I've forgotten.

Anyway, cheers
Griffin: Naismith is the comms officer on the Lexington. Basically he's quite cold towards you whenever you ask for landing clearance. If you fail a mission he's even worse.

Ronin Fox: The problem with blowing the Lexington is that you're also killing all those newbies who looked up to you when you first arrived on the Lexington - afterall Catscratch wasn't the only one.

Wedge009: What do you think of the fate of Vincent "Lemonlips/Vinnie" Garr as described in WC4.123106?
Ugh... the thought of Naismith makes me want to puke... thinks he's so much better than the people who keep him alive! Excuse me one sec while I go and kill someone... (sounds of a shotgun cocking)

The problem with blowing the Lexington is that you're also killing all those newbies who looked up to you when you first arrived on the Lexington - afterall Catscratch wasn't the only one.

Heh..... never actually bothered me. And this time around, I'll be blowing up Catscratch as well (didn't give him the morale-raising response the first time he came aboard). I do admit, there's a fair bit of Seether in me.

What do you think of the fate of Vincent "Lemonlips/Vinnie" Garr as described in WC4.123106?

Gee, I haven't re-read that part yet... better get to it! It's been a while since I first read that story and I've forgotten some bits. (I have, however, re-read the part where Blair busts his eardrums...... GO, BLAIR! WAHAHAAAAAAAAH!!!)
The Seether character

When I played WCIV: The Price of Freedom, I was disappointed in the acting and script of Seether when I had compared it to the novel Forstchen wrote. In the game, I considered Seether to be nothing more than a nuisance thug. I remember in the bar after he pushes his way through the crowd when he trots off away from Blair how I thought it would've been cool if the whole crowd had lynched Seether.

Yep, I had similar thoughts during that bar scene. Even after playing through the game for the second, third and who-knows-how-many times, my first thought while viewing the scene would always be "Gee, I wish I had a lightsaber!"

Does anybody know where a Sydney resident like me can get the WC4 novel, by the way? (Sydney, in the Land Down Under) I really, REEEEAAAAALLY want one.
That bar has probably seen so many fights that when Seether pulled the knife its like no big deal. Anyways what's the point of Seether getting lynched at this point? Then there wouldn't be any evil enemy to distract attention away from Tolwyn. Besides eliminating Seether in a fair 1 on 1 fight is the best way to disprove the genetically perfect theory.