A-17 Broadsword

Okay - I made some adjustments to the WW2 paint scheme. I had forgotten the nose art, and the kill markings. This particular Broadsword has downed numerous enemy fighters, two Fralthis, a Ralatha, and a Fraltha. It's also expended several dozen torpedoes.


The nose art is great; thank you very much for it--I'll use it as my logo from here on out.

Can you do a version of the World War II Broadsword where the United States roundel has the Confed star in it?
I also took another shot at the naked polished aluminum version - I had my falloffs reversed on the last one, and there was no sky to reflect. Both those issues are now fixed, and I think it looks pretty sweet.

Any thoughts?


I take back everything I said about frailty. Your painted versions are awesome, but this is just raw, formidable, everlasting power.
Bar-None: Thanks, I'll look into getting that into the model as soon as possible.
Vinman: Sure! I'll get something along those lines quick.
PopsiclePete: Thanks!
ELTEE: I'm glad someone noticed that. :D
Dundradal,powell99: Thanks.
Bandit LOAF: Glad you like! As a favor, I put this:
together - I better shows off the mascot than the simply scaled-down version. :D
And yes, a Confed star version would be very simple to put together. I'll do it tonight.
Dyret: She's a meaty one, for sure.

Okay, with the exception of the pilot and a couple additional color schemes, this one's done. I'm moving onto the Scimitar. I'll start a thread over there soon.
These are awesome. If you want to do another WW2 scheme, I suggest something based on Bill Dunham's late-war planes from from the 348th FG (V AF), which would let you do one based on the aluminum finish with some splashes of color.

For example, his last P-47: http://www.ipmsstockholm.org/magazine/2007/08/images/dunham_william_p47d23late.jpg

Schemes from the P-51s of the 359th FG (VIII AF) and various late-war naval aircraft painted dark blue with carrier markings would probably also look neat.
Oh my god. I can't believe I hadn't thought of this before.

Neutrality colors!


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Okay, guys. Here's the last one for now - I might come back and do more, but I need to move on to the Scimitar for now.
Loaf, here's your update:

And some 'Swords flying off the TCS Kyoto:

Enjoy, and feel free to keep adding color ideas - if I see one I really like I might be tempted to come back and bring it to "life".
How about a throwback custom paint scheme for the Victory or the Tarawa, even the Ark Royal? Like before the Victory took on Longbows.
The Broadsword is only on Big Carriers like Confederation, Jutland, Lexington and Bengal Class because of the Size. Those Ships has Big Hangar Bays

The Wake Class (Tarawa) carries special Sabres for that little Launch Deck.

Not really a place for Broadies ^^

I dont know that Broadswords are on Yorktown and Concordia Class been. From the Lenght is the Longbow nearly the same(Broad 36, Longbow 38) . But from the Widte is a Broadsword much Bigger (Broad W: 32m, Longbow 14m)

@Howard: The Paints are looking nice. I looking forward for the Scimitar :) That old Lady needs a Refit ^^
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I wasn't suggesting them because it was logical, I understand the Broadsword is a behemoth in it's own right. I was merely suggesting them because they would be pretty cool to see what sort of paint scheme he would be able to come up with seeing as though you don't really have any referance points for any of the ships I mentioned.

@Howard: I've been a fan of your work since a buddy of mine showed me your Bengal. All of them so far have made me realize how damned big these fighters and ships are. Keep up the amazin' work mano.
I was looking at some sources:

the Wake and the Yorktown(Ranger) Class never carriert Broadies but the Concordia Class have a Wing of 12 :)
the Wake and the Yorktown(Ranger) Class never carriert Broadies but the Concordia Class have a Wing of 12

I don't think carrier air wings' complements are necessarily set in stone -- a particular carrier might have a Broadsword squadron at one point in its history and then switch to Crossbows or Banshees later.

For example -- End Run does make a point about Broadswords beign too large for the Tarawa... but then we see at least one flying off the TCS Normandy in Fleet Action (and End Run itself says the landing craft they take on in addition to the fighter complement are the size of Broadswords... so it's probably not a physical space limitation).

Concordia-class is likely confusing since there are two ships with this name (and a third named Concordia). We see Broadswords flown off the Concordia supercruiser in the Wing Commander movie (by Chris Roberts himself, no less!)... but I can't think of any specific time they're seen on Concordia-class carriers (that's ships like the Lexington and Princeton from Wing Commander IV). The Concordia dreadnaught in Wing Commander II, obviously, also has Broadswords.

As for the Yorktown -- we don't know for certain, but it certainly feels like the TCS Liberty from the Wing Commander IV novelization was of that class (a 'forty series CV' scrapped after the war)... and it carried Broadswords. Just because there weren't any on the Victory doesn't mean her sisterships didn't operate them (or maybe even Victory herself had Broadswords at various points in her long service).

I wasn't suggesting them because it was logical, I understand the Broadsword is a behemoth in it's own right.

Especially the 'Broadsword Behemoth' variant from Wing Commander Arena. :)

Oh my god. I can't believe I hadn't thought of this before.

Neutrality colors!

Great idea -- but there aren't any pre-war Broadswords... lets see a movie Rapier or the Scimitar in that scheme!
Well isn't the longbow a pretty large (at least tall and long) bomber craft and they don't have any trouble flying off the Yorktown's (at least not recent ones...eg built 2630s and later)
My understanding is that it's not that the Broadsword is too large to take off and land on a Wake class carrier, but rather that they're too big for such a small carrier to carry a useful number of them--you could cram twice as many Longbows, Sabres, or Crossbows into the available space as you could for Broadswords, and having 12-18 of the smaller bombers is more worthwhile than having 6-8 Broadswords in terms of firepower and group survivability.
In light of the front page post on the CIC, I thought I'd share a little more behind-the scenes info on the process.
In the original run-up, I gave a description of a 2nd layer multiplicative texture map that covers the whole ship, and lets us do an AO bake and squadron markings. Well, here's three examples of what that looks like.
Looks confusing as all out, I know, but the important areas are the upper right, with the two big end-of-the-wing-panels, and the center left, with the area around the cockpit.

In light of the front page post on the CIC, I thought I'd share a little more behind-the scenes info on the process.
In the original run-up, I gave a description of a 2nd layer multiplicative texture map that covers the whole ship, and lets us do an AO bake and squadron markings. Well, here's three examples of what that looks like.
Looks confusing as all out, I know, but the important areas are the upper right, with the two big end-of-the-wing-panels, and the center left, with the area around the cockpit.


Did you scale them down for that post or is this the actual size you used on the mesh?