Wing Commander CIC


  On This Day

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds

  Kilrathi Empire
  Border Worlds


Union of Border Worlds# 1480 

Name Union of Border Worlds
About The Union of Border Worlds is a collection of a number of systems along the Confederation frontier that, while accepting Confederation rule during the Kilrathi war, never signed the Articles of Confederation. Once the war was complete, these worlds asserted their independence from the Terran Confederation and established the Union as a sovereign nation.

The opponents of the Union argued that, despite never signing the Articles of Confederation, the Union members were de facto Confederation members for various reasons. The Border Worlds had all, at one point been colonized by Confederation citizens from Confederation planets, and hence should be Confederation territory. Also, many of their people accepted regular commissions in the Confederation Fleet during the war and the Border Worlds systems were tied into the Confederation’s supply network. Though independent, some argued that they acted as Confederation members when it suited them.

Those who supported the position of the Union argued that the Articles of Confederation were more than a mere technicality and that, without signing them, a planet was not a Confederation member.

These issues became important during the Black Lance incident in 2673, when rouge Confederation forces posing as Union of Border World craft began harassing outlying Confederation territories. Some argued that the Border Worlds were renegade Confederation citizens and, as such, should be treated as pirates and renegades, while others argued that they were hostile external forces, and should be treated as terrorists or soldiers.

This issue became somewhat moot with the discovery that Admiral Tolwyn and the Black Lance were responsible for these attacks as well as attacks on Union of Border Worlds territories. After these incidents, the Union of Border Worlds became generally recognized by all as a nation independent of the Terran Confederation

Related records: Black Lance, F-44 Rapier II class Medium Attack Fighter, F-44 Rapier II class Medium Attack Fighter, F-44 Rapier II class Medium Attack Fighter, F-44 Rapier II class Medium Attack Fighter, Geoffrey Tolwyn, Raul Dominguez
Record edited by TC
Last modified Aug 7 2004


Deep Space Sur  
Double-Digit D  
Macmillan Harc  
Tax Form AC-28  
TB-81S Black S  
TCS Tsiolkovsk  
Terrence O'Hea  

Christopher Bl  
Terran Confede  
Bengal Strike   
Concordia Flee  
TCS Tiger's Cl  
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